Yolanda Sweet has over 16 years of experience in supply and logistics management, including roles supporting military and private sector operations. She has a proven track record of reducing costs and streamlining operations through efficient planning and process improvements. Her experience includes managing multi-million dollar budgets and large teams while ensuring accountability for billions of dollars in equipment and inventory.
Chandresh Giriraj is a data management professional with over 12 years of experience in data analysis, governance, warehousing, quality assurance, and reporting. He has extensive experience implementing frameworks around capital data quality assurance and data stewardship. His most recent roles involve managing financial reconciliation projects and ensuring data quality and compliance standards.
Este documento describe los elementos básicos de OpenOffice Writer y cómo realizar tareas comunes como crear y formatear documentos, trabajar con tablas, e insertar elementos como encabezados y pies de página. Explica cómo guardar, imprimir y cerrar documentos, asà como cómo buscar y reemplazar texto y revisar la ortografÃa.
OpenOffice.org Writer es un programa de procesamiento de textos gratuito y de código abierto similar a Microsoft Word. Forma parte de la suite ofimática de OpenOffice.org, cuya versión más reciente es Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1. OpenOffice.org y sus derivados se han convertido en una alternativa gratuita y libre popular a la suite ofimática propietaria de Microsoft debido a su versatilidad y compatibilidad.
Este documento proporciona una introducción al programa Writer de OpenOffice, incluyendo sus funciones principales como la creación y edición de documentos, la inserción de tablas, imágenes y ecuaciones, y el formato de texto. Explica las ventajas de Writer para uso personal, educativo y empresarial, y cómo ofrece herramientas para contar palabras y corregir idiomas.
Las diapositivas originales son de Ana Saiz GarcÃa realizadas en su presentación I Jornadas de Diseño Gráfico y Software Libre, Facultad de Informática de A Coruña, Octubre 2004.
Han sido modificadas por JoRCA para adpatarlas a las versiones 2.2 y posteriores.
OpenOffice es una suite ofimática libre y gratuita que incluye herramientas como procesador de textos, hoja de cálculo, presentaciones, herramientas para el dibujo vectorial y base de datos. Está disponible para varias plataformas como Windows, Linux, BSD, Solaris y Mac OS X. Soporta más de 110 idiomas y varios formatos de archivo.
Jclic es una herramienta educativa que permite crear y desarrollar actividades didácticas de forma interactiva. Sus objetivos son lograr un mayor uso de Jclic en trabajos escolares y adaptarse a nuevas herramientas para el desarrollo del conocimiento de los estudiantes. Jclic incluye aplicaciones, un reproductor y un editor para crear y publicar actividades de manera sencilla en diversos sistemas operativos.
JClic es una aplicación de software libre basada en estándares abiertos que permite la creación, realización y evaluación de actividades educativas multimedia. Se puede usar en diversos sistemas operativos y ofrece caracterÃsticas como gráficos y sonidos personalizables, compatibilidad con formatos multimedia, y herramientas para diseñar y administrar actividades de aprendizaje. JClic consta de cuatro componentes principales: un applet para incrustar actividades en páginas web, un reproductor para visualizar y ejecutar actividades
OpenOffice Calc es una hoja de cálculo de código abierto compatible con Microsoft Excel. Forma parte de la suite ofimática OpenOffice y es multiplataforma. Proporciona muchas caracterÃsticas como escribir hojas de cálculo como archivos PDF. Calc puede abrir y guardar archivos de Excel.
2 modulo 2 (procesador de texto writer)Ysmael Febres
Este documento presenta el Módulo II del Plan Nacional de Alfabetización Tecnológica de Venezuela. El módulo enseña sobre el uso del procesador de texto Writer de OpenOffice para elaborar documentos. Explica cómo acceder a Writer, interactuar con su interfaz gráfica, escribir textos, aplicar formatos, crear y guardar documentos. Además, guÃa al usuario en la elaboración de un documento de proyecto utilizando las funcionalidades de Writer.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para crear actividades educativas usando el software gratuito Jclic. Explica que Jclic es una plataforma basada en Java que permite diseñar actividades como presentaciones y sopas de letras en 11 pasos fáciles, como instalar el programa, crear un nuevo proyecto, seleccionar la pestaña de actividades, y agregar palabras para que los estudiantes encuentren.
OpenOffice Impress es un programa de presentaciones similar a PowerPoint. Forma parte de la suite de oficina libre OpenOffice y permite crear presentaciones con diseños, animaciones, sonido e hiperenlaces entre diapositivas. El documento proporciona instrucciones detalladas sobre cómo utilizar las diferentes funciones y herramientas de Impress.
Gimp es un programa gratuito para editar imágenes que permite retocar fotos y quitar fondos. El tutorial explica cómo quitar el fondo de una imagen en Gimp: seleccionar la herramienta de tijeras, trazar el contorno de la imagen, invertir la selección y borrar el fondo exterior e interior.
Este documento proporciona información básica sobre formatos de imágenes, tamaños, calidad y colores. Explica cómo abrir y crear imágenes en GIMP, asà como guardar e importar imágenes de otras fuentes como escáneres, pantallazos o descargas. Incluye ejercicios prácticos para crear una imagen en blanco y descargar e importar una imagen animada.
Jacqueline McCoo has over 20 years of experience in logistics and administrative operations, including supply chain management, inventory control, and personnel training. She currently works as a mortgage processor at USAA, where her responsibilities include verifying loan applications, communicating with credit bureaus, and submitting approved loans. Previously, she spent over 10 years providing logistics support to US military operations in Iraq, managing shipping and receiving, tracking cargo, and ensuring the accurate documentation of transportation processes. She also has experience in retail banking, mortgage assistance, and administrative roles in the US Army and National Guard.
Sajith K. P is seeking career opportunities in export and import operations to utilize over 7 years of experience in sea freight operations, customer service, documentation, and logistics. He has a science degree and is currently an Operations Executive at Airlink Logistics Center in Dubai, where he manages import and export sea freight shipments as well as other logistics functions. Prior to this role, he worked as an Operations Executive at Bhatia International, where he was responsible for import/export activities, documentation, and inventory management. Sajith aims to add value to his employer and advance his career.
Rene Todd is a customer focused logistics and materials management professional with over 20 years of experience in transportation finance, global logistics, production planning, and project management. Currently the Manager of Global Transportation Finance at Crate and Barrel, Rene has a track record of designing and implementing process improvements that optimize operations and realize significant cost savings.
The document is a resume for Larisa Strijicova, who is a CPA candidate with over 20 years of experience in accounting, auditing, taxation, and financial services. She has held roles as a Tax Accountant, Auditor, and General Manager. She is currently pursuing her Master of Science in Accounting and Financial Management from the University of Maryland University College with anticipated graduation in 2017.
Travis L. Clements has over 15 years of experience in business management, project management, logistics, and operations management. He has held roles such as General Manager, Account/Project Manager, Operations Coordinator, and Deputy Export Manager. Clements has expertise in areas such as strategic planning, process improvement, personnel management, and financial and budget oversight. He also has extensive experience managing projects and operations in international environments and war zones.
Lagale Brown has over 15 years of experience in acquisition, logistics, and project management. She most recently worked as an Acquisition Specialist for the Defense Logistics Agency, where she evaluated vendor performance, re-energized small business programs, and eliminated over 300 diminishing prime vendor buys. Brown has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and a Master's in Business Administration, and is a member of the Project Management Institute and Delta Mu Delta honor society.
Brenda Clegg has over 15 years of experience in procurement and supply chain roles. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Business and Retail Management and certifications in Six Sigma Yellow Belt and SOX. Her experience includes roles at Parker Hannifin, Boeing, Nokia Siemens Networks, Insight, Motorola, Siemens, and McKesson in areas such as purchasing, logistics coordination, and expediting. She has a proven track record of effective communication, negotiation, and problem solving to deliver results for customers.
The candidate has over 10 years of experience in logistics, transportation, and supply chain management. As the current Transportation and Logistics Coordinator for American Eagle Outfitters, she has implemented several initiatives that have resulted in over $100,000 in annual savings. Prior to this role, she worked as a Vendor Manager for Equifax Mortgage Solutions and a Teller Supervisor for PNC Bank.
Las diapositivas originales son de Ana Saiz GarcÃa realizadas en su presentación I Jornadas de Diseño Gráfico y Software Libre, Facultad de Informática de A Coruña, Octubre 2004.
Han sido modificadas por JoRCA para adpatarlas a las versiones 2.2 y posteriores.
OpenOffice es una suite ofimática libre y gratuita que incluye herramientas como procesador de textos, hoja de cálculo, presentaciones, herramientas para el dibujo vectorial y base de datos. Está disponible para varias plataformas como Windows, Linux, BSD, Solaris y Mac OS X. Soporta más de 110 idiomas y varios formatos de archivo.
Jclic es una herramienta educativa que permite crear y desarrollar actividades didácticas de forma interactiva. Sus objetivos son lograr un mayor uso de Jclic en trabajos escolares y adaptarse a nuevas herramientas para el desarrollo del conocimiento de los estudiantes. Jclic incluye aplicaciones, un reproductor y un editor para crear y publicar actividades de manera sencilla en diversos sistemas operativos.
JClic es una aplicación de software libre basada en estándares abiertos que permite la creación, realización y evaluación de actividades educativas multimedia. Se puede usar en diversos sistemas operativos y ofrece caracterÃsticas como gráficos y sonidos personalizables, compatibilidad con formatos multimedia, y herramientas para diseñar y administrar actividades de aprendizaje. JClic consta de cuatro componentes principales: un applet para incrustar actividades en páginas web, un reproductor para visualizar y ejecutar actividades
OpenOffice Calc es una hoja de cálculo de código abierto compatible con Microsoft Excel. Forma parte de la suite ofimática OpenOffice y es multiplataforma. Proporciona muchas caracterÃsticas como escribir hojas de cálculo como archivos PDF. Calc puede abrir y guardar archivos de Excel.
2 modulo 2 (procesador de texto writer)Ysmael Febres
Este documento presenta el Módulo II del Plan Nacional de Alfabetización Tecnológica de Venezuela. El módulo enseña sobre el uso del procesador de texto Writer de OpenOffice para elaborar documentos. Explica cómo acceder a Writer, interactuar con su interfaz gráfica, escribir textos, aplicar formatos, crear y guardar documentos. Además, guÃa al usuario en la elaboración de un documento de proyecto utilizando las funcionalidades de Writer.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para crear actividades educativas usando el software gratuito Jclic. Explica que Jclic es una plataforma basada en Java que permite diseñar actividades como presentaciones y sopas de letras en 11 pasos fáciles, como instalar el programa, crear un nuevo proyecto, seleccionar la pestaña de actividades, y agregar palabras para que los estudiantes encuentren.
OpenOffice Impress es un programa de presentaciones similar a PowerPoint. Forma parte de la suite de oficina libre OpenOffice y permite crear presentaciones con diseños, animaciones, sonido e hiperenlaces entre diapositivas. El documento proporciona instrucciones detalladas sobre cómo utilizar las diferentes funciones y herramientas de Impress.
Gimp es un programa gratuito para editar imágenes que permite retocar fotos y quitar fondos. El tutorial explica cómo quitar el fondo de una imagen en Gimp: seleccionar la herramienta de tijeras, trazar el contorno de la imagen, invertir la selección y borrar el fondo exterior e interior.
Este documento proporciona información básica sobre formatos de imágenes, tamaños, calidad y colores. Explica cómo abrir y crear imágenes en GIMP, asà como guardar e importar imágenes de otras fuentes como escáneres, pantallazos o descargas. Incluye ejercicios prácticos para crear una imagen en blanco y descargar e importar una imagen animada.
Jacqueline McCoo has over 20 years of experience in logistics and administrative operations, including supply chain management, inventory control, and personnel training. She currently works as a mortgage processor at USAA, where her responsibilities include verifying loan applications, communicating with credit bureaus, and submitting approved loans. Previously, she spent over 10 years providing logistics support to US military operations in Iraq, managing shipping and receiving, tracking cargo, and ensuring the accurate documentation of transportation processes. She also has experience in retail banking, mortgage assistance, and administrative roles in the US Army and National Guard.
Sajith K. P is seeking career opportunities in export and import operations to utilize over 7 years of experience in sea freight operations, customer service, documentation, and logistics. He has a science degree and is currently an Operations Executive at Airlink Logistics Center in Dubai, where he manages import and export sea freight shipments as well as other logistics functions. Prior to this role, he worked as an Operations Executive at Bhatia International, where he was responsible for import/export activities, documentation, and inventory management. Sajith aims to add value to his employer and advance his career.
Rene Todd is a customer focused logistics and materials management professional with over 20 years of experience in transportation finance, global logistics, production planning, and project management. Currently the Manager of Global Transportation Finance at Crate and Barrel, Rene has a track record of designing and implementing process improvements that optimize operations and realize significant cost savings.
The document is a resume for Larisa Strijicova, who is a CPA candidate with over 20 years of experience in accounting, auditing, taxation, and financial services. She has held roles as a Tax Accountant, Auditor, and General Manager. She is currently pursuing her Master of Science in Accounting and Financial Management from the University of Maryland University College with anticipated graduation in 2017.
Travis L. Clements has over 15 years of experience in business management, project management, logistics, and operations management. He has held roles such as General Manager, Account/Project Manager, Operations Coordinator, and Deputy Export Manager. Clements has expertise in areas such as strategic planning, process improvement, personnel management, and financial and budget oversight. He also has extensive experience managing projects and operations in international environments and war zones.
Lagale Brown has over 15 years of experience in acquisition, logistics, and project management. She most recently worked as an Acquisition Specialist for the Defense Logistics Agency, where she evaluated vendor performance, re-energized small business programs, and eliminated over 300 diminishing prime vendor buys. Brown has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and a Master's in Business Administration, and is a member of the Project Management Institute and Delta Mu Delta honor society.
Brenda Clegg has over 15 years of experience in procurement and supply chain roles. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Business and Retail Management and certifications in Six Sigma Yellow Belt and SOX. Her experience includes roles at Parker Hannifin, Boeing, Nokia Siemens Networks, Insight, Motorola, Siemens, and McKesson in areas such as purchasing, logistics coordination, and expediting. She has a proven track record of effective communication, negotiation, and problem solving to deliver results for customers.
The candidate has over 10 years of experience in logistics, transportation, and supply chain management. As the current Transportation and Logistics Coordinator for American Eagle Outfitters, she has implemented several initiatives that have resulted in over $100,000 in annual savings. Prior to this role, she worked as a Vendor Manager for Equifax Mortgage Solutions and a Teller Supervisor for PNC Bank.
Phillip White has over 20 years of experience in supply chain operations and leadership roles, most recently as Director of Fulfillment Operations. He has a proven track record of generating sales growth, continuous process improvement, and ensuring excellent customer service. His skills include strategic relationship building, eCommerce operations, and multi-tasking.
Marshal R. Oller is seeking a new position with over 20 years of experience in supply chain management, logistics, and project management. He has held several director level positions overseeing multi-million dollar budgets and teams of over 100 people. Currently, he is pursuing an MBA from Willamette University with a focus on leadership, supply chain management, and operations. Throughout his career, Oller has implemented process improvements, cost savings initiatives, and strategic plans that increased efficiencies and reduced costs by millions of dollars. He has extensive technical skills including being a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Project Management Professional, and holds masters degrees in Logistics/Transportation and an MBA.
Accredited Logistics Manager.PREVIEW.pdfGAFM ACADEMY
The Accredited Logistics Manager ™ (ALM) is a world-class credential issued by The American Academy of Project Management ®. Earning this designation demonstrates that you have skills and experience in logistics management that includes supervising the movement, distribution, and storage of supplies and materials in the warehouse, identifying the optimum shipping routes, analyzing budgets, assessing the risks, and processing shipments. Stand out from the crowd with the Accredited Logistics Manager certification and get noticed by top recruiters.
Gladys Diana is a dynamic account specialist with over 15 years of experience in sales, operations, and client management. She has a track record of developing strategies to support growth and strengthen relationships with stakeholders. Her core competencies include sales, client services, administration, accounts receivable, team leadership, and being bilingual in Spanish. Throughout her career, she has received awards for her work supporting customers and improving processes. She is proficient in Microsoft Office, ERP systems like Oracle and SAP, and has experience working in multi-disciplinary teams.
Jack Barnard is an administrative and customer service professional from Little Rock, Arkansas seeking new opportunities. He has over six years of experience in logistics management, executive support, statistics, and route supervision. His strengths include customer relations, project management, quality assurance, and time management. He holds a B.S. in Management and an MBA in Sports Management.
Kassondra Garcia has over 10 years of experience in inventory control, logistics, and accounting. She holds an Associate's degree from Lonestar College and has received several military honors. Her experience includes inventory control roles at Flowserve Corporation and Supply Shortages Activity Warehouses, where she maintained accountability of over $500k in equipment and $26 million in inventory. She has skills in QuickBooks, Oracle, Microsoft Office, and inventory management software.
Mr. McKenly has been a member of the United States Air Force. As a Financial Manager, his duties included monitoring, and compliance with Non-Appropriated funds accounting according to congressional guidelines. He also maintained military members traveling to new duty stations and various other assignments through the military travel system called M.O.R.S. He was honorably discharged from the Air Force in 2001. Since then, he has worked for a number of different companies in a wide variety of industries. Some of his accomplishments include: managing the processing of $4M Commercial Travel Disbursements monthly for 15 Air Force bases and 12 Air National Guard Units and performing credit analysis on small to mid-cap companies to determine the creditworthiness.
Graduated with an MBA in Project Management on December 12, 2015.
Certified Associated Project Manager on December 23, 2015
This document provides a summary of Rinas Saleem's professional experience and qualifications. It outlines her 4+ years of experience in banking, finance, KYC analysis, and compliance management. Her skills include KYC analysis, compliance, data management, and financial planning. She has worked for Mashreq Bank, NBAD, and WAFRA Investment conducting KYC reviews and ensuring compliance.
The document is a resume for Zachary S. Matheson. It summarizes his professional experience including roles in logistics, safety management, and customer service for the United States Navy, shipping companies, and other organizations. His experience includes overseeing large scale operations, training personnel, implementing safety and security protocols, and managing customer relationships. His objective is seeking a position offering stability, challenge, and opportunity for advancement.
Patrick C. Comia has over 15 years of experience in customer service, data management, and administrative roles in various industries including banking, healthcare, and federal government. He has a background in human resources, supply chain operations, and accounting. Comia also has strong computer skills and experience with various databases and software programs.
Shanon E Vaughn has over 15 years of experience in production control, logistics, and inventory management. She currently works as a Production Control Specialist/Logistics at Oshkosh Defense/STS, where her responsibilities include forecasting sales goals, tracking part availability, and ensuring deadlines are met. Previously, she was an Inventory Control Specialist/Logistics at Americold Logistics, where she managed inventory, conducted audits, and ensured on-time deliveries. She has advanced knowledge in Lean principles and process improvement.
1. Rickie L. Taylor has over 22 years of experience in logistics and supply chain management, including senior logistics roles in the Army.
2. He has a proven track record of managing multi-million dollar budgets and inventory, developing standard operating procedures, and training staff.
3. Taylor's background includes international experience, contracting expertise, and earning excellent ratings during evaluations.
1. Page 1 of 2
1620 Paseo Arruza | Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 | Cell: 202-805-3529 | yolandasweet@me.com
ï€ Top Secret Clearance
ï€ Program Management
ï€ Contract Management
ï€ Property Accountability
ï€ Training Development
ï€ Budget Administration
 Proven Supply and Logistics Specialist with 16 years’ experience supporting
military and private-sector operations, solving problems and overcoming obstacles
ï‚¡ Skilled Efficiency Expert, analyzingoperations to implement improvements in
efficiency and cost-effectiveness, reducing costs and making critical decisions in
time-critical, high-stress environments
ï‚¡ Demonstrated capacity to plan, support, and oversee large-scale operations,
coordinating logistics and operations among numerous U.S. and foreign agencies
ï‚¡ Trusted Property Manager, with accountability for $22.8B in equipment
LOGISTICS MANAGER 04/2015 to Present
Vectrus, Doha, Qatar
Lead, supervise, and train 153-person team of logistics and supply specialists in executing variety of logistical
support functions via Supply Support Activity, Self Service Supply Center, Central Issuing Facilities, Installation
Property Book, Retail Fuel, Bulk Fuel, Hazardous Materials, Central Receiving and Shipping Point, Medical
Logistics and other areas to ensure effective operation of U.S. Army programs and projects.
 Devise, allocate, and manage annual operating budget worth hundreds of thousands of dollars
 Develop, set, and enforce comprehensive Quality Assurance program for logistics and supply
 Direct Human Resources functions, such as recruitment, performance reporting, time off and pay
ïƒ Employed robust logistics knowledge to draft and implement 16 local regulations to streamline logistics
ïƒ Conducted full Property Management System Analysis, ensuring 100% compliance with governing directives
ïƒ Identified the need for, planned, and executed vast changes to Government Furnished Property Section, thereby
significantly streamlining customer service and improving overall efficiency
LOGISTICS COORDINATOR 06/2014 to 04/2015
Matrix Chemical, LLC, Plano, TX
Provided complex logistics support to 50+ customers, coordinating more than $500K in rail and barge transportation
monthly. Created Purchase Orders (POs) to buy bulk chemical products from multiple vendors and Bills of Lading
for freight shipments. Provided price quotes to customers. Maintained inventory using Microsoft (MS) Excel
spreadsheets, and entered sales orders, POs, warehouse releases, and customer pickup information in QuickBooks.
Provided excellent customer support for company with more than $200M in inventory and $150Min annual profits.
 Planned shipments to customers using transportation management software
 Built relationships with transportation vendors to ensure a high level of service for customers
 Communicated promptly and professionally with internal and external customers to solve problems
 Analyzed supply chain data, distribution networks, production, warehouse capacity, and financial models
 Monitored, evaluated, and addressed third-party warehouse performance
 Contributed to auditing of freight resources and research of overages, shortages, and damages
ïƒ Built customer files to support the ordering process and price quotes
SUPPLY & LOGISTICS MANAGER 03/2010 to 08/2013
Honeywell Technology Solutions, Bagram, Afghanistan
Directed supply and logistics support for various locations in Afghanistan, including food, fuel, repair parts, and
construction materials. Ensured work was accomplished in a timely, cost-effective manner, coordinating activities
with multiple organizations and promoting continual improvements. Effectively managed resources and processed
orders through the warehouse, monitoring supply levels and maintaining stock control to ensure availability.
Prepared periodic hand receipts, cyclic inventories, Government Purchase Card program records, sensitive items
inventories, and daily reports.
2. Page 2 of 2
1620 Paseo Arruza | Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 | Cell: 202-805-3529 | yolandasweet@me.com
 Maintained accountability records using U.S. Army automated systems, conducted physical inventories and
reconciled discrepancies
 Accountable for more than $600Min Army Pre-Positioned Stocks (APS-5) and retrograde operations
ïƒ Tracked $22.8B in government-owned property with 65K line items
ïƒ Reduced Financial Liability by 78% within eight months, from $498,874,588 to $154,994,062
ïƒ Reduced stock primary hand receipt Financial Liability from $154,358,261 to $79,311,264.76 in seven months
ïƒ Tracked vehicles throughout Afghanistan using transportation control documents
ITT Systems Division, Doha, Qatar
 Supervised 15 foreign national employees assigned to 3 different business elements throughout the contract
 Supervised consolidated property accounting activities and management for $13M in property
 Oversaw and supervised the installation property book section; ensured the associated files were maintained
 Reviewed all site equipment requests for compliance with regulations and contract property control
 Maintained accountability for 131-vehicle lease through Gulf Supplies and Commercial Services
OPERATIONS MANAGER 11/2005 to 05/2009
Ferguson Waterworks, Georgetown, TX
 Acted as primary Purchasing Point of Contact, identifying and resolving potential product shortages
 Prioritized and integrated corporate programs and initiatives into branch operations
 Assisted in developing and tracking operational metrics and marketing strategies
 Maintained facility security and Occupational Safety and Health Administration compliance
 Reviewed all site equipment requests for compliance with regulations and contract property control
 Assisted the development and tracking of operational metrics and marketing strategies
 Developed and maintained relationships with key vendors and customers
 Acted as primary Purchasing Point of Contact with Purchasing Agent and Shared Purchasing Centers
 Analyzed contractual data to provide accurate pricing, inventory, and delivery information to customers
United States Army, Fort Lewis, WA
 Managed and reviewed Property Books valued at more than $25M
 Mentored personnel and inspected completed work for accuracy and compliance with established procedures
 Managed inventory, credit card purchases, and the distribution of supplies
 Maintained automated supply system for accounting of organizational and installation supplies and equipment
Bachelor’s Degree in Legal Studies (Minor: Criminal Justice)
Associate’s Degree in Social Science
Advanced Leadership Training; Project Management Professional Training; Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training;
International Traffic in Arms Regulations Qualified; Computer Users Security; Hazmat Qualified; Logistics
Management; Supply Management; Government Purchase Card; Property Book Management & Accountability,
Army Commendation Medal (2); Army Achievement Medal (2); National Defense Service Medal; Iraqi Campaign
Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Outlook; Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced (PBUSE)
SSN-LIN Automated Management and Integrating System (SLAMIS); Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA) Logistics
Information Warehouse (LIW); Army War Reserve Deployment System (AWRDS); Global Property Control System
(GPCS), GCSS-Army Certified in Property Management, Material Management, and Maintenance Management.