The document provides guidelines for selecting, caring for, training, and showing a calf at a calf club competition. It discusses selecting a calf with the right temperament and health, grazing and feeding requirements which include twice daily milk feeds, introducing calf meal at 2 weeks, weaning at 2-3 weeks, and fitting and training the calf with a halter to lead. It also describes the three competition classes - leading, child effort, and type - and provides details about performing each class.
This document discusses three common calf diseases in Jamaica: calf scours, calf pneumonia, and tick fever. Calf scours is diarrhea with many potential causes including bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. Affected calves show dehydration, fever, and bloody diarrhea. Treatment involves fluid therapy and antibiotics. Calf pneumonia is a respiratory disease caused by bacteria and viruses. Calves display nasal discharge, cough, and reduced appetite. Preventive measures include vaccination and improving ventilation. Tick fever causes fever and weakness transmitted by tick bites. Affected cattle are treated and vaccination helps prevent the disease.
This document summarizes newborn calf management from before birth through weaning. It discusses providing proper nutrition to dams during pregnancy, assisting with calving, disinfecting and tagging calves after birth, ensuring calves receive colostrum within 1/2 hour, and providing vaccinations and antibiotics. It also discusses housing calves individually for the first week, dehorning at 5 days, moving calves to group housing at 2 weeks, and weaning after 4 months. The most common health issues of omphalitis (navel ill), enteritis (diarrhea), and pneumonia are described along with their treatments. Special emphasis is placed on colostrum management and gradual weaning once calves can consistently consume 1kg
This document provides information about horse terminology, colors, markings, breeds, gaits, health, and care. It defines terms like colt, filly, mare and explains how to identify horses. Color terms like bay, chestnut and grey are defined. Common horse breeds such as Quarter Horse, Arabian and Thoroughbred are listed. Gaits including walk, trot, canter and pace are described. Basic horse health, lameness, and treatment concepts are covered at a high level.
Este documento resume los procedimientos y requisitos de la liquidaci¨®n amigable en Venezuela de acuerdo con el C¨®digo de Comercio. La liquidaci¨®n amigable es un sistema regulado que permite a un comerciante deudor cumplir con sus deudas siempre que la crisis sea imprevista. El documento explica los requisitos de forma y fondo, el proceso de solicitud, reuni¨®n con acreedores, fallo de admisi¨®n y las medidas durante la liquidaci¨®n amigable.
The document provides guidelines for selecting, caring for, training, and showing a calf at a calf club competition. It discusses selecting a calf with the right temperament and health, grazing and feeding requirements which include twice daily milk feeds, introducing calf meal at 2 weeks, weaning at 2-3 weeks, and fitting and training the calf with a halter to lead. It also describes the three competition classes - leading, child effort, and type - and provides details about performing each class.
This document discusses three common calf diseases in Jamaica: calf scours, calf pneumonia, and tick fever. Calf scours is diarrhea with many potential causes including bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. Affected calves show dehydration, fever, and bloody diarrhea. Treatment involves fluid therapy and antibiotics. Calf pneumonia is a respiratory disease caused by bacteria and viruses. Calves display nasal discharge, cough, and reduced appetite. Preventive measures include vaccination and improving ventilation. Tick fever causes fever and weakness transmitted by tick bites. Affected cattle are treated and vaccination helps prevent the disease.
This document summarizes newborn calf management from before birth through weaning. It discusses providing proper nutrition to dams during pregnancy, assisting with calving, disinfecting and tagging calves after birth, ensuring calves receive colostrum within 1/2 hour, and providing vaccinations and antibiotics. It also discusses housing calves individually for the first week, dehorning at 5 days, moving calves to group housing at 2 weeks, and weaning after 4 months. The most common health issues of omphalitis (navel ill), enteritis (diarrhea), and pneumonia are described along with their treatments. Special emphasis is placed on colostrum management and gradual weaning once calves can consistently consume 1kg
This document provides information about horse terminology, colors, markings, breeds, gaits, health, and care. It defines terms like colt, filly, mare and explains how to identify horses. Color terms like bay, chestnut and grey are defined. Common horse breeds such as Quarter Horse, Arabian and Thoroughbred are listed. Gaits including walk, trot, canter and pace are described. Basic horse health, lameness, and treatment concepts are covered at a high level.
Este documento resume los procedimientos y requisitos de la liquidaci¨®n amigable en Venezuela de acuerdo con el C¨®digo de Comercio. La liquidaci¨®n amigable es un sistema regulado que permite a un comerciante deudor cumplir con sus deudas siempre que la crisis sea imprevista. El documento explica los requisitos de forma y fondo, el proceso de solicitud, reuni¨®n con acreedores, fallo de admisi¨®n y las medidas durante la liquidaci¨®n amigable.
This document outlines the phases of a community visioning and planning process: discussion, deciding, planning, doing, and evaluation. The discussion phase involves conducting visioning efforts like surveys and meetings to build collaboration. The planning phase connects goals to implementation through strategic and comprehensive planning. The deciding phase ranks issues and selects strategies. The doing phase implements the strategic plan through designated leaders. The evaluation phase measures success and improves strategies. The overall process creates a strategic plan to guide a community from its current state to its desired vision.
El documento presenta el proyecto de vida de Marla Isabel Martinez Gamboa. Su proyecto incluye terminar su carrera de nutrici¨®n para ayudar a personas, especializarse en la alimentaci¨®n de ni?os, desarrollarse bien en su carrera, ayudar a su familia y amigos, casarse y tener una familia. Ella se siente apoyada por su familia y amigos, y planea terminar su carrera y cumplir sus metas a trav¨¦s de su esfuerzo y responsabilidad.
Chief Wiggum is investigating an incident where Bart Simpson was run over by Montgomery Burns. Wiggum interviews both Bart and Burns to get their testimonies on what happened. However, their stories conflict, so Wiggum has the student analyze biases in the sources and similarities between the testimonies to determine what really occurred. The student then writes their own report of the events and rates the accuracy of their account.
The document provides rules for forming plurals in English. It discusses adding 's', 'es', or changing the ending depending on if the word ends in a consonant, vowel, 'f', 'y' etc. It also lists some irregular plural forms and exceptions like 'caf¨¦' and 'roof'. Examples are given to demonstrate applying the rules to change singular nouns to their plural forms.
Application of antibodies in purificationANKUR SHARMA
Immunoaffinity chromatography uses the specific binding between antigens and antibodies to purify proteins. Monoclonal antibodies are commonly used as they are highly specific and customizable. The antibodies are immobilized onto a matrix to purify target proteins from mixtures by retaining antigen-antibody complexes on the column while other molecules pass through. Various techniques are used to elute and collect the purified protein. Flow cytometry also utilizes fluorescent antibody binding to identify and separate cells based on surface markers allowing purification of cell populations.
This document lists body parts of different animals including elephants, lions, tigers, eagles, goldfish, and sharks. For each animal, it highlights key body parts such as an elephant's trunk, tail, and tusks or a lion's mane, tail, and claws. The purpose is to learn the important physical features of various common animals.
The document provides instruction on using the present simple tense in English. It gives examples of affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentence structures using common verbs like "swim", "run", and "play the piano". Guidelines are provided on spelling rules, pronunciation of the -s ending, and contexts where the present simple is used, such as habitual or repeated actions.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in human science including nutrition, vital functions, and the digestive system. It discusses that humans need substances like water, food and oxygen to live, and systems to process these and eliminate waste. It describes three vital functions as nutrition, reproduction, and interaction. Nutrition involves the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and excretory systems. Reproduction means having babies from the mother's womb. Interaction is when the senses receive information and the body reacts. It then focuses on the digestive system, describing the organs and their functions in breaking down food.
This document provides examples of comparatives and superlatives in English, showing how adjectives and adverbs are made comparative by adding -er and superlative by adding -est. It lists common comparative and superlative forms such as hotter/hottest, fatter/fattest, and better/best. It also includes an example sentence using the superlative form "happiest".
This document discusses the classification of plants. It describes how plants are classified based on their stems, leaves, and uses. Plants can be classified as trees, bushes, or grasses according to their stems. Trees have woody stems and branches that grow from their trunks. Bushes have branches that grow from the ground and are smaller than trees. Grasses have soft, flexible stems. Plants are also classified as deciduous or evergreen based on their leaves. Deciduous plants lose their leaves in autumn while evergreen plants change their leaves gradually. Finally, plants can be classified as ornamental, nutritious, aromatic or other based on their uses.
This document provides an overview of the animal kingdom, including how animals are classified and their key characteristics. It discusses the five kingdoms used to classify living things and focuses on the animal kingdom. Within the animal kingdom, it explores the differences between vertebrate and invertebrate animals. For vertebrates, it examines the characteristics of five groups - fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals - and describes some examples within each group.
This document provides a review of English grammar concepts including the use of "there is/there are", articles "a" and "an", modal verbs "can/can't", the verb "to be", asking questions, vocabulary like months/seasons/days of the week, and describing people. It includes examples of each concept and questions to practice identifying correct usage. The review covers foundational grammar points to help students improve their English skills.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in human science including nutrition, vital functions, and the digestive system. It discusses that humans need substances like water, food and oxygen to live, and systems to process these and eliminate waste. It describes three vital functions as nutrition, reproduction, and interaction. Nutrition involves the digestive, respiratory, circulatory and excretory systems. Reproduction means having babies from the mother's womb. Interaction is when the senses receive information and the body reacts. It then focuses on the digestive system, describing the organs and their functions in breaking down food.
This document provides a review of English grammar concepts including the use of "there is/there are", articles "a" and "an", modal verbs "can/can't", the verb "to be", asking questions, vocabulary like months/seasons/days of the week, and describing people. It includes examples of how to use these grammar points correctly in sentences and questions with answers. Key topics covered are identifying singular and plural subjects, using articles correctly, expressing ability and identity, and describing physical attributes.