Personal Information
I can be extremes....unpredictable....sensitive to people's needs....many times I can read through you....I care about people and I care about the world I live in....I do not agree to putting labels or name tags on people....let's get out of the box. We are all equal in the eyes of God, our differences would only lie on what our hearts contain and through the colors of our soul....
I live each day of my life working to be a better person,Insha' be a good Muslim, Insha'Allah.... I may fail and fall hard many times, but I will continue to stand up again and again until I reach my goals, my destiny....INSHA'ALLAH.
My dream: Someday build my home in Indonesia (or in a Muslim-dominat
Users following Yusuf Kruz
Mohamed Baiod
Ù…Øاضر مساعد at المعهد العالي للمهن الشاملة غريان