On July 15th, the @ZapposLabs team hosted a Teal Happy Hour at our office in San Francisco. We talked a bit about our journey to Self Organization and becoming a Teal organization (http://www.zapposinsights.com/blog/item/a-memo-from-tony-hsieh).
The context is missing from the slides but we have a recorded video of the session we hope to get up soon.
4. Zappos IP, Inc. | @ZapposLabs
Exploring the future of Zappos through non-traditional retail experiments
beyond the online shopping experience
5. Zappos IP, Inc. | @ZapposLabs
Maybe corporate structure is
what makes innovation so hard?
8. Zappos IP, Inc. | @ZapposLabs
Some Self Organization History
? 1999 C Zappos founded! (not by Tony)
? 2006 C Core values defined - #2: Embrace and Drive Change
? 2012 C Oct C I get my first email from Tony with the word
Holacracy in it
? 2013 C Jan C 2 day Holacracy taster day
? 2013 C July C Meet with Medium team about their roll out
? 2013 C Q4 C Pilot with HR
? 2014 C Q3 All Hands C If its not in Glassfrog its not valid
? 2015 C May C Pulling the band aid off
16. Zappos IP, Inc. | @ZapposLabs
Holacracy =
All your self organization answers?
Holacracy =
17. Zappos IP, Inc. | @ZapposLabs
Holacracy is not about the people. This is one of the aspects of the
practice that people have the hardest time swallowing, but its
fundamental. Holacracy doesn't try to improve people, or make them
more compassionate, or more conscious. And it doesn't ask them to
create any specific culture or relate to each other in any particular way.
Yet precisely by not trying to change people or culture, it provides the
conditions for personal and cultural development to arise more naturally
- or not, when it's not meant to be.
C Brian Robertson
21. Zappos IP, Inc. | @ZapposLabs
Its not the
fastest or the
strongest that
survive. Its the
ones most
adaptive to
22. Zappos IP, Inc. | @ZapposLabs
Great leaders of innovation see their role
not as take-charge direction setters but as
creators of a context in which others make
innovation happen.
HBR: Collective Genius
No longer casting themselves as solo visionaries, smart leaders are rewriting the rules of innovation. by Linda A. Hill, Greg Brandeau, Emily Truelove, and Kent Lineba
23. Zappos IP, Inc. | @ZapposLabs
Thanks for visiting and listening!
Editor's Notes
#4: To live and deliver Wow - Sharing smiles through unique experiences of dairy goodness.
#8: Use tonys take aways
- 15% increase in productivity/innovation per resident every time
the size of a city doubles, but companies get less
productive/innovative per employee as they get bigger
- therefore, structure zappos more like a city (which self-organizes) and
less like a bureaucratic organization
Use park analogy
#9: First email from Tony WY has on Hola is 10/31/2012: if you're able to clear your schedule for this meeting that would be great - i saw him present at a conference i attended and think that his concept around organizational structure is really, really interesting. if you have something that can't be moved then don't worry about it, but the more people we have on the cc list that can attend this one the more useful and interesting the meeting will be for all of us.
#21: Create context
Work on the business not in the business
Tie it back to silver bullet myth
Weve learned its not just one thing, its suppport in all phases, not being afraid to try new methods, kill them,
#22: http://www.aei.org/publication/fortune-500-firms-in-1955-vs-2014-89-are-gone-and-were-all-better-off-because-of-that-dynamic-creative-destruction/
A study from the John M. Olin School of Business at Washington University estimates that 40 percent of today's F500 companies on the S&P 500 will no longer exist in 10 years.