The document discusses a dissertation that uses interpretative phenomenological analysis to understand the reading experience of university students using scholarly texts on tablets. The dissertation aims to understand the sensorimotor perceptions of reading digitally and the implications for immersion, flow, and engagement. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted after students read an article on vaccination on a tablet to understand their experiences. The dissertation will code and analyze the interview data to describe the phenomenon of digital reading in detail.
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Discovering reading experience using Interpretative phenomenological analysis
4. Research question
How do university students, who read
scholarly texts on tablet, perceive its
sensorimotor experience and what
implications and consequences does it
5. Research paradigm
Positivist approach
Quantitative measurement
EEG, fMRI, Eye Tracking
Interpretative approach
Deep understanding of phenomenon
6. Theoretical perspective
Husserl rigorous descriptive approach
Heidegger hermeneutics and interpretative
Merleau-Ponty people perceive their
environment using their body
7. Interpretative phenomenological
analysis (IPA)
Goal: describe phenomenon in details
Methods: semi.-structured interview, focus
Sample: deliberately selected participants
Data analysis: reflection, coding, relationships,
Smith, Flowers a Larkin (2009), Koutn叩
Kost鱈nkov叩 a erm叩k (2013)
8. Research situation
Reading an article about vaccination in the
Czech Republic (PDF) (15 min.)
PRYMULA, R.; BENCKO, V. Okov叩n鱈 a jeho role v prevenci
infekn鱈ch nemoc鱈 Odm鱈t叩n鱈 okov叩n鱈-v叩転n箪 probl辿m
veejn辿ho zdravotnictv鱈. General Practitioner/Prakticky
Lekar, 2014, 94.6.
Interview (45 min.)
9. Examples of questions
Would you give me an example?
Can you elaborate on that idea?
Would you explain that further?
Im not sure I understand what youre saying.
Is there anything else?
10. My progress
2 interview
Coding using QDA Miner 4 Lite
The depth of interview
Gender issue
Quality of record
Only tablets, not e-readers
14. Thanks for your attention
Informan鱈 interakce 2015
15. Resources
HAYLER, Matt. 2015. Challenging the phenomena of technology: embodiment,
expertise, and evolved knowledge. Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan, pages
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GREEN, Melanie C, Jeffrey J STRANGE a Timothy C BROCK. c2002. Narrative
impact: social and cognitive foundations. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates,
xv, 373 p. ISBN 080583124x.
NELL, Victor. 1988. Lost in a book: the psychology of reading for pleasure.
Pbk.ed. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 03-000-4115-2.
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self-report scale to measure story world absorption. Scientific Study of
Literature [online]. 4(1): 89-122 [cit. 2015-08-29]. DOI: 10.1075/ssol.4.1.05kui.
ISSN 2210-4372. Dostupn辿 z: http://www.jbe-
16. Resources
BUSSELLE, Rick a Helena BILANDZIC. 2009. Measuring Narrative
Engagement. Media Psychology [online]. 12(4): 321-347 [cit. 2015-08-29].
DOI: 10.1080/15213260903287259. ISSN 1521-3269. Dostupn辿 z:
KLIMMT, Christoph a Peter VORDERER. 2003. Media Psychology is not
yet there: Introducing Theories on Media Entertainment to the Presence
Debate. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments [online]. 12(4):
346-359 [cit. 2015-08-29]. DOI: 10.1162/105474603322391596. ISSN
1054-7460. Dostupn辿 z:
DESMET, P. M. A., R. PORCELIJN a M. B. DIJK. Emotional Design;
Application of a Research-Based Design Approach. Knowledge, Technology
[online]. 2007-10-18, vol. 20, issue 3, s. 141-155 [cit. 2013-12-03]. DOI:
10.1007/s12130-007-9018-4. Dostupn辿 z:
#6: Positivistick辿 paradigma nelze aplikovat ten鱈 je informan neuzaven箪 syst辿m, mnoho promnn箪ch
Kritika EEG, fMRI (Elektromagnbetick叩 aktivita mozku, funkn鱈 magnetick叩 rezonance) Eye Tracking
Kvantitativn鱈 men鱈 obrazovka vs. pap鱈r
Subjektivn鱈 aspekty vn鱈m叩n鱈, pro転itek.
#7: Fenomenologie:
Zkoum叩 zku邸enost jako takovou
Fenom辿n cokoli, co se nkomu jev鱈 a prezentuje
Subjektivn鱈 zku邸enost
Pobyt (Dasein)
Rigor坦zn鱈 - striktn鱈
#8: Odhaluje participant哲v pro転itek, vnitn鱈 subjektivn鱈 svt.
Tento svt je nahl鱈転en oima v箪zkumn鱈ka, kter箪 m叩 s dan箪m fenom辿nem vlastn鱈 zku邸enosti.
V箪zkumn鱈kovy prekoncepty o fenom辿nu jsou podm鱈nkou pro pochopen鱈 v箪znamu fenom辿nu pro participanta v箪zkumu.
Vzorek: od哲vodnn箪 a peliv situovan箪 vzorek.
Anal箪za dat:
reflexe v箪zkumn鱈kovy zku邸enosti
ten鱈 a k坦dov叩n鱈 z叩znamu
hled叩n鱈 souvislost鱈 nap鱈 t辿maty
Volba nov辿ho respondenta
hled叩n鱈 souvislost鱈 nap鱈 p鱈pady
Provazba na teorii
Homogenn鱈 stejn箪, jednotn箪
#10: Rozeh鱈vac鱈 ot叩zky
Vn鱈m叩n鱈 a gesta
D哲sledky (klady a z叩pory)
Dejte mi p鱈klad
Ch叩pu to dobe, 転e
Mohl byste odpov rozv辿st
Mohl byste popsat va邸e emoce za pomoci tabulky
K emu byste pirovnal vztah (kamar叩dsk箪, rodiovsk箪, nad鱈zen箪, pod鱈zen箪, pomocn鱈k).
#11: Hloubka
Genderov叩 rovnov叩ha
Kvalita z叩znamu
Pouze tablety, nikoli e-teky