PT. Prudential Life Assurance
Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Jakarta, Indonesia, DKI Jakarta Indonesia
"Beauty is something that comes from within, not what it seems on the surface" (Kecantikan adalah sesuatu yang datang dari dalam, bukan apa yang tampak di permukaan)
"Success belongs to those who have dreams, and have the courage to try to make it come true"(Sukses adalah Milik mereka Yang mempunyai Impian, Dan Punya keberanian untuk berusaha mewujudkannya jadi kenyataan)
"Life is not just about has it all, but also about appreciating what you have. The beautiful is only temporary, the perfect is not always happy"
(Hidup bukan hanya ttng memiliki segalanya, tp jg ttng menghargai apa yg kamu punya. Yg indah hanya sementara, yg sempurna tak selalu bahagia)
"Never be afraid to try. Sa
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