Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Rajkot, Gujarat
Specialist IT Officer
tHiS iS a ReAl ToUgH tHiNgY!!..WeLL,sInCe i gOt nO oThEr cHoIcE,aM gOnA tRy tHiS oNcE...
i lIv,eAt,dRiNk & sLeEp GoSsIps... My CeLlPhoNe iS mY lIfE...!!!
im oUtSpOkEn & bLuNt,sO xPeCt mE 2 sAy tHe tRuTh oN uR fAcE....
Simple yet Complicated
Dominating yet Acquiescing
Emotional yet Strong
Casual but in a Royal way...
Enigmatic, Baffling n Incomprehensible at times...very few people can understand the real me...n sumtimes even i cant..
Head over heels in love with my family n friends...jus cant do widout them...
Anyone trying to boss around with me, definitely gets to see the rebel in me...
No attitude problems with this ArIeS, but do have a tremendous amount of self-respect..
Users being followed by Aakash Agarwal