Mail Solutions, Inc. provides a variety of mail services including mail automation, presorting, and flat rate mailing. They offer competitive pricing and discounts on postage. Their services include printing, folding, inserting, labeling, and delivery of mail pieces to bulk mail centers. Mail Solutions aims to be a full-service mailing provider and can handle tasks from start to finish such as printing, addressing, inserting, sorting, and delivery of mailings.
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1. Mail Solutions, Inc.
By: Adam Bilbrey O(816)842-8000
Area Sales Executive C(785)317-5201
Mail Solutions, Inc.
2. Mail Solutions, Inc.
Dear Prospective Client,
Mail Solutions, Inc. is 'dedicated' to providing a quality service
portfolio resulting in a relationship of mutual benefit with our clients It is the desire of
Mail Solutions, Inc. that the services we provide
exhibit a unique method of presenting all resources of mail services enabling
our customers to choose those services which best serve their needs. As a
result, Mail Solutions, Inc. can operate at maximum efficiency with a reduced
cost of mail center operation.
We believe Mail Solutions, Inc. is the premier mail service company
in the area offering the only 'complete' full service mail program portfolio with
special 'customized' programs that independently or together provide a special
service opportunity for our clients.
'Our Commitment' is to serve our clients and our
Corporate Community in an "ethical, professional, responsible manner while
honoring all company policies, good business practices and all regulations of
the United States Postal Service." We will be a valuable member of our
Community supporting various civic organizations with projects that benefit our
community and most importantly our youth citizens.
The entire Mail Solutions, Inc. family looks forward to a mutually
beneficial relationship for many years to come. We are confident that once you
have reviewed this presentation you will find Mail Solutions, Inc. the ideal
partner for our clients.
Adam Bilbrey
Area Sales Executive
Mail Solutions, Inc
3. Mail Solutions, Inc
A Unique Service Provider
Mail Solutions, Inc. provides a variety of service programs. Please
review the service portfolio we offer our prospects and clients;
Automation Service customized to meet the needs of our
client. With our ultra modern Olympus II automation machine we CASS/MASS certify
your mail, apply barcode and USPS coding, then presort by destination zip code
with special preparation for USPS delivery. We further prepare the mail by placing it
in sleeved trays, with banding when required. Each tray (or tub) is identified by a
specialized barcode as required by USPS.
First Class Flat Service provides the opportunity to reduce
the cost of flats that are less than 3/4" thick and from 1-13 ounces in weight. MSI
will process these flats and provide a discount in postage cost to our Customer. A
hidden benefit of this service is the elimination of metering expense because MSI
will permit each flat in accordance with instructions from USPS.
EconoFlat provides an alternative to First Class Flat service by
providing an enhanced Standard rate flat program with expedited delivery. Due to
the fact we CASS/MASS certify the address on each flat, barcode and presort each
flat then send our EconoFlats in Priority mail bags, arrival at the destination USPS
station is quick and efficient. The savings utilizing this program is 15-40% .
A summary of the unique service portfolio available from MSI.
1) Automation/presort discount service
2) Optional outsource of the outgoing side of the mail center.
3) Specialized Flat Mail Service
4) Emergency Metering Service when needed
5) Flat Service Program; First Class and Econoflat
6) Courier Service and Customized Delivery
7) Confirmation & Signature Delivery Service
8) Customized Mail Service designed for the special needs
of our clients to include but not limited to; letter shop,
fulfillment and special processing of mail.
Mail Solutions, Inc features the finest in mail center equipment with our
exclusive use of PTI automation/presort equipment. Mail Solutions insists on
quality service at a fair price, while assisting our clients in a confidential, reliable
manner. If you have a special need, don't hesitate to contact us!
4. References
Mail Solutions, Inc. believes our CUSTOMERS tell the best story
about our service. Please feel free to contact any or all of these
Mike Stephens @ 816-395-2930
Kansas City, Missouri School
Lisa Machico @ 816-418-7227
Bernise Garnett @ 913-362-3900 x 1360
Boyd Total Delivery Systems, Inc.
Randy Misejka @ 913-677-6700
5. Mail Solutions, Inc
Quotation For:
First Class Letter Mail
Automation Program = .40 1oz mail
Postage Rates .57 2oz mail
.74 3oz mail
Automation Presort Fee = No Charge
Metering Services= No Charge
First Class Flat & Parcels Mail
Program Guidelines = MSI will provide a 15 cent per flat
reduction in USPS cost for all automation qualified pieces.
Metering Services= No Charge
Program designed to provide our client a reduced cost of postage
through automation of mail. A prepaid postage account is required.
Not all mail is readable and may result in rejects,
which must be up-charged to full rate, according to USPS requirements.
A report detailing all mail activity is provided weekly, with daily detail.
Mail Solutions, Inc. will complete all USPS forms required.
6. Mail Solutions, Inc.
First Class Flat Pricing
1 OZ. $ .88 $ .73
2 OZ. $ 1.05 $ .90
3 OZ. $ 1.22 $ 1.07
4 OZ. $ 1.39 $ 1.24
5 OZ. $ 1.56 $ 1.41
6 OZ. $ 1.73 $ 1.58
7 OZ. $ 1.90 $ 1.75
8 OZ. $ 2.07 $ 1.92
9 OZ. $ 2.24 $ 2.09
10 OZ. $ 2.41 $ 2.26
11 OZ. $ 2.58 $ 2.43
12 OZ. $ 2.75 $ 2.60
13 OZ. $ 2.92 $ 2.77
7. Mail Solutions, Inc
Quotation For:
Priority Mail Packages
Program Guidelines = MSI will provide USPS Priority Mail
service to our clients. MSI can provide delivery
confirmation for .25 cents. USPS retail rates apply to
priority mail. Using MSI for your priority mail will save
your organization time and money in labor and
transportation costs. If you compare Priority Mail
package pricing to UPS Ground there are some
significant savings to be realized. Your package mail
can be included in your MSI daily mail pickup to give
you the ultimate in ease and simplicity for your mail
.MSI will provide our clients with daily mail pickup at your local operations if
we are awarded your business. Complete mail preparation training will
be provided for your locations at no charge. We look forward to
earning your business.
8. Mail Solutions, Inc.
Fee Schedule
Reject Fee = .02 each
Pick up Fee = $10.00* (daily mail)
Folding = .01 (up to 3 sheets)
Folding = .03 (up to 6 sheets)
Tabbing = .02 per tab
Inserting = .01 per sheet
Hand Labeling = .05 each
Inkjet Labeling = .03 each
#9 Non Window = .02 each
#9 Window = .03 each
#10 Non Window = .02
#10 Window = .03
Customer supplied = .00
B&W = .02 (including paper 20lb bond)
Color = .29 (including paper 20lb bond)
(Pricing is based on 8.5 X 11 printing. Postcards divide price by 4)
* $10 rebate for every $200 in monthly postage use including postage.
9. Mail Solutions, Inc.
1120 Ellerbrook Rd.
North Kansas City, MO 64116
Mail Solutions can offer you and
your organization many other
As a combined mailer MSI can
provide you virtually all of the
services you would expect from
the USPS.
Mail Solutions offers a complete
letter shop with B&W and color
printing capabilities.
10. Mail Solutions, Inc.
Statement fulfillment
Don't waste money on bill and
statement delivery Sealing
Get more value from your print,
postal and electronic ZIP code sorting
communications by using your
statements and bills to build trust, First Class mail
increase revenue, reduce
customer service costs, and Presort mailing discounts
improve postal efficiencies.
Delivery to post office
Database management
11. Folding
Mail Solutions, Inc. Collating
Let us print your next project
ZIP code sorting
First Class mail
Standard/bulk mail
When your printed project is Delivery to post office
finished, we can also manage your
mailing services to save you time Database
and energy. We offer a full- management
service, turn-key mailing solution.
Here is a list of some of the Free pick up
mailing services we can provide:
Free Delivery
12. Mail Solutions, Inc.
Offers complete newsletter fulfillment
Color or black & white
ZIP code sorting
Newsletters have become a very
popular way for successful Standard/bulk mail
businesses to tell their stories.
Delivery to post office
You can provide us camera-ready
artwork, digital files, or pre- Database management
printed shells from your home
office that need to be Free pick up
personalized. We provide many
production options for newsletters Free delivery
and can offer a solution for every
budget and deadline requirement.
13. Mail Solutions, Inc.
Color or black & white
ZIP code sorting
Postcards are one of advertising's
best-kept secrets. Often Standard/bulk mail
overlooked, postcards are in fact a
powerful and inexpensive way to Delivery to post office
reach your audience. Postcards
are easy and so cost effective. We Database management
print all types of postcards in
several different sizes and Free pick up
Free delivery
14. Mail Solutions, Inc.
1120 Ellerbrook Rd.
North Kansas City, MO 64116
District Sales Manager
Mike Deterding
Office (816) 842-8000 Cell (816) 517-3069
Director of Sales & Marketing
Ron Cline
Office (816) 842-8000
Operations Manager
Jim Johnson
Office (816) 842-8000
Administration Support
Donnie Kaeding
Office (816) 842-8000
John S. Holton,
As a life long resident of Kansas City, John has spent his professional career
in corporate America. Starting nearly 30 years ago in the full service Truck
leasing industry, he was recognized as one of the most successful of the
industry leaders. At the age of 27 he was promoted to Vice President and
went on to serve as Executive Vice President and COO. John served in the
United States Navy during Vietnam entrusted with a Top Secret Crypto
security clearance, while spending 24 months in country duty. Today, John
serves as Chairman and CEO of Mail Solutions, Inc. He is an Eagle Scout,
Sachem of Mic-O-Say, Master Mason, 32 degree Scottish Rite, Noble of the
Shrine, member of the Northland Chamber of Commerce, Greater Kansas City
Chamber of Commerce, Better Business Bureau, North Kansas City Business
Council, a Governor of the 102 year old American Royal and Life Member of;
Navy League, American Legion, Vietnam Veterans of America and Veterans of
Foreign Wars where he serves as Post Commander. Recently, John joined the
invitation only Business Executives for National Security. His wife of 35 years
is the former Betty Johnson of West Point, Iowa. They are parents of daughter
Brandy Honn and son Kevin, Grandchildren Hannah Marier and Brendon Michael Honn.