1.Involved in Camel(10),GSM(10) and GPRS launch and common test for GSM and CAMEL .
2.Actively participated in Sigtran migration of the TDM roaming links
towards Sigtran
2.Roaming related troubleshooting using Tektronix.
3.Signalling plan execution related to Different integration projects.
4.Involed in the incorporation of new MSS while executing sigtran links with all the other NEs from MSS,HLR and Hu STP.
5.Involved in TDM roaming link migration.
6.Working experience with OCIX and Tektronix
7.Dial plan execution in the core network domain and corresponding troubleshooting.
8.Actively participated on behalf of core network in the incorporation of Tektronix(Geo probe,IMA and IVA).