Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Amman, Jordan
Computer and Network Engineer.
Master Accredited Systems Engineer.
Senior support engineer/ Projects manager.
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain,
Users being followed by Abdullah Shboull

Houseoftalesandmusic Rabeea Alnasser
Founder, Director at بيت الØكايات والموسيقى Hou...