I aM tHe OnE wHo iS WAlkiNg ALL alOnEeeee On ThE crAzY pAtHs Of tHiS mIseRabLe LiFE, fiNdiNG soMEonE wHo CaN hOld mY haNd aNd MaKe My LifE aMazInG......AnD lOvELY tO liVe It tO ThE fuLLeSt....
I'm Allured by happiness,
A lover and friend,
Unaware of my the secrets life.......,
Loves to chat,
Loves those who loves me,
Inner and physical beauty,
Does not lie or pretend,
Treats friends importantly,
Always making friends,
Easily hurt but recovers easily,
Does not care of what others think,
Emotional FooooL,
Loves to travel,
Soft-spoken, loving and caring,
Highly Romantic,
Touchy and easily jealous,
Loves outdoors,
Just and f