The document discusses insulation monitoring on cranes. It describes insulated earth (IT) power distribution systems and explains that they have an insulated neutral point. It recommends using surge protective devices (SPDs) and insulation monitoring devices (IMDs) to monitor the insulation level and protect the system. The appendix provides additional details on IMD menu structures, recommended settings for cranes, references, and contact information.
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1. AP05: Insulation monitoring on
Insulation monitoring on cranes
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Description 1
Appendix A
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3. AP05: Insulation monitoring on cranes
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4. Foreword
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5. AP05: Insulation monitoring on cranes
Product Information, 06/2010 5
Table of contents
Foreword ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Description................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Power supply systems ...................................................................................................................7
1.2 Insulated earth (IT) power distribution for cranes ..........................................................................8
1.3 Surge Protective Devices (SPDs)..................................................................................................9
1.4 Insulation Monitoring Devices (IMDs) ..........................................................................................10
A Appendix.................................................................................................................................................. 13
A.1 General menu structure of Bender IRDH275(B)..........................................................................13
A.2 Recommended settings for Bender IRDH275(B) in crane applications with IT supply ...............14
A.3 Literature and references.............................................................................................................15
A.4 Contact.........................................................................................................................................15
7. AP05: Insulation monitoring on cranes
Product Information, 06/2010 7
Description 1
1.1 Power supply systems
The various types of distribution systems are described in IEC 60364-3. The various types
result from the different treatment of the neutral point of the system (earthed or insulated) in
conjunction with the possibilities of earthing exposed conductive parts [1].
Protection of people and animals against hazardous body currents is basically regulated in
IEC 60364-4-41. These standards define the measures for protection against direct contact,
as well as in case of indirect contact.
The special requirements for insulation monitoring devices are stipulated in IEC 61557-8,
EN 61557-8. This document describes devices which are used in pure AC systems, as well
as devices which are used in AC, DC and mixed AC/DC systems. IEC 61557-8 (EN 61557-
8) is very precise with respect to the special requirements for devices, type of construction,
measuring technology, documentation and tests /inspections.
IEC 61557-9, EN 61557-9 regulates the requirements for insulation fault location systems [2,
3, 4, 5].
The safety degree is influenced by many factors that can be categorized essentially into the
following three hazard groups [3]:
hazards through faulty devices
hazards through faulty application
hazards through procedural causes
The measures to protect against life hazards have top priority when installing power supply
systems. All other protective measures such as lightning, surge protection and insulation
monitoring (IMD) of electrical systems and installations are secondary to the protective
measures taken against indirect contact.
In IT systems all active parts either are insulated from earth or one point is connected to
earth through a sufficiently high impedance; see the following figure.
8. Description
1.2 Insulated earth (IT) power distribution for cranes
AP05: Insulation monitoring on cranes
8 Product Information, 06/2010
1.2 Insulated earth (IT) power distribution for cranes
Crane drive systems with insulated earth (IT supply) provide the crane end-user with a
higher availability as compared to drive systems with the neutral earthed (TN supply).
Whereas a ground fault in a TN system immediately leads to a large short circuit current and
thus tripping of protective devices (circuit breaker) and thus system shutdown, an IT system
can continue to operate for a number of hours before a second fault occurs. Only a second
ground fault would lead to a large short circuit current and thus to a system tripping.
Basic configuration IT distribution Basic configuration TN distribution
Based on this consideration, it is feasible that a crane on which a ground fault has occurred
continues to work a vessel for a certain period of time, either till the vessel is cleared or till
another crane is available to take over.
9. Description
1.3 Surge Protective Devices (SPDs)
AP05: Insulation monitoring on cranes
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1.3 Surge Protective Devices (SPDs)
The main function of a protective device (type 3) in IT systems is to protect the equipment
against surges arising between L and N in the electrical system Maximum continuous
voltage Uc. The Uc voltage (equal to: rated voltage) is the root mean square (rms) value of
the maximum voltage which may be applied to the correspondingly marked terminals of the
surge protective device during operation. It is the maximum voltage on the arrester in the
defined non-conductive state which ensures that this state is regained after it has responded
and discharged, see detailed information on internet site (
The value of Uc shall be selected in accordance with the nominal voltage of the system to be
protected and the requirements of the installation provisions (IEC 60364-5-53/A2
IEC 64/1168/CDV: 2001).
For IT supplied systems we recommend surge arrestors with a maximum continuous voltage
Uc of 600 V for 500 V infeed and Uc of 1000 V for 500 V infeed.
Incorrectly selected surge arrestors will influence the operation of the insulation monitoring
Figure 1-1 IT system with Surge Protective Devices (SPDs)
10. Description
1.4 Insulation Monitoring Devices (IMDs)
AP05: Insulation monitoring on cranes
10 Product Information, 06/2010
1.4 Insulation Monitoring Devices (IMDs)
When operating an IT system, it has to be considered that first fault changes an initially
unearthed system (IT system) into an earthed system (TN or TT system) and that a further
fault may lead to the tripping of circuit breakers and hence lead to disconnection.
Experience has shown that the single fault (first fault) is the most likely type of fault to occur
( 90 %) and the risk of hazards due to a second fault are regarded to be very unlikely. This
fact is taken into account in the standard IEC 60364-41 where it is recommended that a first
insulation fault should be eliminated with the shortest possible practical delay and therefore
an IT system must always be equipped with an insulation monitoring device for warning and
controlled switching off of the equipment.
A detailed description of the requirements for an insulation monitoring device is given in
IEC 62557-8: 1998-05.
The latest international standard IEC 61557-8:2007-12 specifies the requirements for
insulation monitoring devices which are used in systems up to AC 1000 V and DC 1500 V,
independent of the measuring principle [3].
Improved availability of supply a substantial aspect is guaranteed with the IT system.
When operating an IT system at single fault condition, attention has to be given to the fact
that the originally ungrounded (IT) system has turned into a grounded system (TN, TT); see
next figure. An additional fault could then lead to triggering the short-circuit protection
thereby switching off the system. To prevent this occurrence, the insulation resistance is
permanently monitored through an IMD.
As an IMD we recommend Bender Insulation Monitoring Device type IRDH 275(B); see
chapters General menu structure of Bender IRDH275(B) (Page 13) and Recommended
settings for Bender IRDH275(B) in crane applications with IT supply (Page 14); see also
Figure 1-2 IT with IMD monitoring
The essential advantage of an IT system is already evident in the event of a single fault
condition. Only a small current IF flows, the value of which is determined through the system
leakage capacitance CE. This does not trigger a fuse, the supply voltage is maintained and
the operation of the installation preserved.
The advantage of the IT system is the following: since the supply is fully floating from earth,
a fault to earth on one of the two lines will normally only produce a very small fault current
which is too low to fuse the supply. The magnitude of the fault current is primarily limited by
the system leakage capacitance. Hence the supply remains secure and repairs can be
effected to remove the fault at a time suitable to the maintenance engineers or maintenance
11. Description
1.4 Insulation Monitoring Devices (IMDs)
AP05: Insulation monitoring on cranes
Product Information, 06/2010 11
Should a fault to earth on the second of the two lines occur before the first fault has been
cleared, a high fault current will flow and fuse the supply protection, resulting in interruption
of the signalling supply. This means that it is extremely important that an alarm indication of
the first fault is reported to engineers so that they can locate the fault before the supply trips.
It is to be considered by the end-user that in the IT system while operating with an earth fault
in one of the phase conductors on either the drive input or output, the other two phases will
be subjected to approx. 1.73 times increased voltage stress. This elevated voltage stress is
particularly critical for the insulation system of motors.
In general operating of any LV-motor under such conditions will lead to significantly reduced
winding life span. It is therefore necessary to limit the exposure of the system to a higher
voltage stress to only a few hours.
In compliance with IEC 60204-32, clause 8.2.1 all drive systems engineered by Siemens
(MASTERDRIVES and SINAMICS) are equipped with an insulation monitoring device type
Bender IRDH275(B). Chapter General menu structure of Bender IRDH275(B) (Page 13)
shows all relevant settings for the IMD type IRDH275(B). Save monitoring is only secured
when the basic configuration complies with the Siemens basic crane configurations [7].
Figure 1-3 Bender insulation device IRDH275(B) and coupling unit AGH150
This Insulation Monitoring Device with its Adaptive pulse Measurement System (AMP) is
particularly suitable to measure the insulation resistance on drive system with PWM
modulated IGBT converters and provides on its display an insulation resistance reading in
kOhm. Basic operating principles and details about the IMDs are given in different
publications from Bender,
12. Description
1.4 Insulation Monitoring Devices (IMDs)
AP05: Insulation monitoring on cranes
12 Product Information, 06/2010
The IRDH275(B) allows programming of two insulation resistance alarm thresholds:
Threshold 1 should be set sufficiently below the normal insulation resistance value and
cause the crane monitoring system to issue to maintenance staff the instruction to check
the system components for a gradual deterioration of the insulation resistance. This
check should comprise:
Insulation resistance measurement of all main drive system motors
Visual inspection of all drive system cables for mechanical damage
Visual inspection of all cable termination points for ground faults and water ingress
Threshold 2 which is to be set below threshold 1 should start a timer which forces the
crane to shut down after a set time has elapsed.
The recommended values for thresholds 1 and 2 are given in chapter General menu
structure of Bender IRDH275(B) (Page 13)
Example of earth fault in junction box containing
multiple motor feeder cables
Estimating Electric Motor Life Using
Motor Circuit Analysis
It is decisive to have early information about a possible fault in the insulation resistance. With
an insulation monitoring device, e. g. Bender IRDH275(B) which has an analog output, you
have the required information as early as possible. This functionality can be integrated in the
SIMOCRANE Crane Management System and the insulation degradation can be monitored
and corrective measures can be taken.
13. AP05: Insulation monitoring on cranes
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Appendix A
A.1 General menu structure of Bender IRDH275(B)
14. Appendix
A.2 Recommended settings for Bender IRDH275(B) in crane applications with IT supply
AP05: Insulation monitoring on cranes
14 Product Information, 06/2010
A.2 Recommended settings for Bender IRDH275(B) in crane
applications with IT supply
Parameter Value for MASTERDRIVES 1) Value for SINAMICS 2)
ISO Setup
1. Exit
2. Alarm 1 30 k立 30 k立
3. Alarm 2 10 k立 10 k立
4. K1 N.C. Test N.C. Test
5. K2 N.C. Test N.C. Test
6. SETUP2 Off Off
7. M+ / M- 0-20 mA 0-20 mA
ISO Advanced
1. Exit
2. AGH 150 AK 160 NO
3. Ce max 500 亮F 500 亮F
4. Measure AMP AMP
5. Autotest 24h 24h
6. Clock
7. Date
8. Test 12:00 12:00
Password 842 842
2. Messp. AMP AMP
3. Ce max 500 亮F 500 亮F
4. F max 10 Hz 10 Hz
5. F min 0,1 Hz 0,1 Hz
6. #Pulse 3 3
7. Range 4 4
8. Standby Off Off
9. F1 F2 Reset Reset
10. GL Fakt 00 00
1) Value for MASTERDRIVES with IMD connected to DC bus via coupling device AGH
2) Value for SINAMICS with IMD connected to input infeed (AC side)
15. Appendix
A.3 Literature and references
AP05: Insulation monitoring on cranes
Product Information, 06/2010 15
A.3 Literature and references
[1] FAQ about Drives Technology - Power supply systems, see
[2] More information about use of the Bender insulation monitoring devices, see Bender
[3] Wolfgang Hofheinz, Protective measures with insulation monitoring, 2nd edition 2000,
VDE Verlag Berlin/Offenbach, ISBN 3-8007-2516-9
[4] Information about power supply systems and surge arresters, see internet site
[5] FAQ ID:10035164, Operation with unearthed supplies
[6] FAQ ID:23119516: How to remove Y capacitors
[7] Siemens Cranes, AP11: Sizing and Configuring SINAMICS Active Line Module, see
A.4 Contact
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