Anophthalmia is a rare condition where one or both eyes are either absent or not properly developed. It can occur alone or as part of genetic syndromes caused by mutations or chromosomal abnormalities. Environmental factors like drugs, radiation, and toxins during pregnancy are also linked to anophthalmia.
2. Anophthalmia
• Anophthalmia is the absence of one or both
• Anophthalmia can occur in a isolation with no
associated malformation.
• Anopthalmai can occur in 1 in 100,000 bithes
• Secandary anophthalmia is when the eye stars
to develop and stops leaving the infant with
residuel eyes or tiny eyes
3. Causes of Anophthalmia
• Two thirds of Anophthalmia are genetic and
the remaining causes are envirmentaly
factoes like drugs, radiations and toxins.
• Another cause is genetic mutations and
abnormal chromasomes.