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What¡¯s new in Perl?

       L¨¦on Brocard

London.pm Technical Meeting
     BBC, March

 L¨¦on Brocard
 French, live in London
 Like food
 Like the colour orange
 Founded Amsterdam.pm, Bath.pm, Croydon.pm
 Now leader of London.pm
 Started YAPC::Europe
 Perl hacker
Major releases

     -   -   Perl
     -   -   Perl   .   .
     -   -   Perl   .   .
     -   -   Perl   .       .
     -   -   Perl   .       .
Development releases
     -   -   Perl   .   .   ¨C Jesse Vincent
     -   -   Perl   .   .   ¨C Jesse Vincent
     -   -   Perl   .   .   ¨C L¨¦on Brocard
     -   -   Perl   .   .   ¨C Jesse Vincent
     -   -   Perl   .   .   ¨C Ricardo Signes
     -   -   Perl   .   .   ¨C Steve Hay
     -   -   Perl   .   .   ¨C Ask Bj?rn Hansen
     -   -   Perl   .   .   ¨C L¨¦on Brocard
     -   -   Perl   .   .   ¨C Ricardo Signes
     -   -   Perl   .   .   ¨C Philippe Bruhat
     -   -   Perl   .   .    ¨C Matt Trout
     -   -   Perl   .   .    ¨C David Golden
     -   -   Perl   .   .    ¨C Steve Hay
Fixing Perl Core Bugs

  Grant to David Mitchell from the Perl Foundation
     ,     from booking.com
  ¡° ere are currently approximately       open and
       new bug reports in the perl bug queue . . . Note
  that unlike many large open source projects, perl has
  no paid developers devoted to bug xing¡±
TPF bug-grant report

  I haven¡¯t done much in the way of actual xing this
  week, but I have gone through the      or so
  new/open RT tickets that have (severity >= medium),
  and marked each one up with one or more of the new
  ¡®type¡¯ custom eld values I recently asked to be added
  to RT, e.g. ¡®Unicode¡¯ or ¡®debugger¡¯
  ¡ª David Mitchell
Perl . .

  Perl . . represents approximately two years of
  development since Perl . . and contains over
     ,     lines of changes across over ,     les from
  over      authors and committers
  No RC blockers le & Perl . . RC ¡°coming
  soonish¡± from Jesse Vincent
  ?ber code freeze under e ect, if you have any change
  that touches code talk to Jesse before commiting to
Perl . . features

  package Foo::Bar . ;
  Yada Yada operator: sub unimplemented { ... }
  Implicit strictures: use . . ;
  Unicode .
  Y       compliance
  @INC order change
  qr// overloading
  Pluggable keywords
    -bit limit on substr arguments removed
  suidperl is no longer part of Perl
  Plack, PSGI, Corona, App::cpanminus,
  CGI::Compile, Starman, Catalyst::View::JSON,
  AnyEvent::Redis, CGI::Emulate::PSGI, Tatsumaki,
  AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream, Perlbal::Plugin::PSGI,
  Plack::Middleware::Session, HTML::Selector::XPath,
  Plack::Handler::SCGI, App::CPAN::Fresh, Twiggy,
  Plack::Handler::AnyEvent::ReverseHTTP, CGI::PSGI,
  Hash::MultiValue, Plack::Middleware::Auth::Digest,
  Plack::Middleware::File::Sass, Log::Dispatch::Con g,
  Web::Scraper, Plack::Middleware::Debug,
  Plack::Server::ReverseHTTP. . .

  Get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
  cpanm Module
  cpanm MIYAGAWA/Plack-1.0000.tar.gz
  cpanm ~/mydists/MyCompany-Framework-1.0.tar.gz
  cpanm http://example.com/MyModule-0.1.tar.gz
  cpanm http://github.com/miyagawa/Tatsumaki/
  cpanm --interactive Task::Kensho

  Fast, low-memory, quiet
CPAN Testers .

  Consistent grading logic across all tools
  Reports sent via HTTP instead of email
  Reports stored in a central database instead of NNTP
  Author noti cation via a centralized service instead
  of by each individual tester
  Reports with structured data instead of plain text
  (e.g. prereqs found)
  Status: closed beta is live at  reports/min
Next social meeting

  London.pm April social meeting
    ursday th April
    e Bridge House,    Tower Bridge Road, SE   UP
Next technical meeting

  London.pm technical meeting
  Monday th April
  Damian Conway
  Sponsored by NET-A-PORTER
Next major conference

  ¡° e renaissance of Perl¡±
  Pisa, Italy
   th- th August

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What's new In Perl?

  • 1. What¡¯s new in Perl? L¨¦on Brocard London.pm Technical Meeting BBC, March
  • 2. Me L¨¦on Brocard French, live in London Like food Like the colour orange Founded Amsterdam.pm, Bath.pm, Croydon.pm Now leader of London.pm Started YAPC::Europe Perl hacker
  • 3. Major releases - - Perl - - Perl . . - - Perl . . - - Perl . . - - Perl . .
  • 4. Development releases - - Perl . . ¨C Jesse Vincent - - Perl . . ¨C Jesse Vincent - - Perl . . ¨C L¨¦on Brocard - - Perl . . ¨C Jesse Vincent - - Perl . . ¨C Ricardo Signes - - Perl . . ¨C Steve Hay - - Perl . . ¨C Ask Bj?rn Hansen - - Perl . . ¨C L¨¦on Brocard - - Perl . . ¨C Ricardo Signes - - Perl . . ¨C Philippe Bruhat - - Perl . . ¨C Matt Trout - - Perl . . ¨C David Golden - - Perl . . ¨C Steve Hay
  • 5. Fixing Perl Core Bugs Grant to David Mitchell from the Perl Foundation , from booking.com ¡° ere are currently approximately open and new bug reports in the perl bug queue . . . Note that unlike many large open source projects, perl has no paid developers devoted to bug xing¡±
  • 6. TPF bug-grant report I haven¡¯t done much in the way of actual xing this week, but I have gone through the or so new/open RT tickets that have (severity >= medium), and marked each one up with one or more of the new ¡®type¡¯ custom eld values I recently asked to be added to RT, e.g. ¡®Unicode¡¯ or ¡®debugger¡¯ ¡ª David Mitchell
  • 7. Perl . . Perl . . represents approximately two years of development since Perl . . and contains over , lines of changes across over , les from over authors and committers No RC blockers le & Perl . . RC ¡°coming soonish¡± from Jesse Vincent ?ber code freeze under e ect, if you have any change that touches code talk to Jesse before commiting to blead
  • 8. Perl . . features package Foo::Bar . ; Yada Yada operator: sub unimplemented { ... } Implicit strictures: use . . ; Unicode . Y compliance @INC order change qr// overloading Pluggable keywords -bit limit on substr arguments removed autodie suidperl is no longer part of Perl
  • 9. miyagawa-watch Plack, PSGI, Corona, App::cpanminus, CGI::Compile, Starman, Catalyst::View::JSON, AnyEvent::Redis, CGI::Emulate::PSGI, Tatsumaki, AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream, Perlbal::Plugin::PSGI, Plack::Middleware::Session, HTML::Selector::XPath, Plack::Handler::AnyEvent::HTTPD, Plack::Handler::SCGI, App::CPAN::Fresh, Twiggy, HTTP::Server::Simple::PSGI, Plack::Handler::AnyEvent::ReverseHTTP, CGI::PSGI, Hash::MultiValue, Plack::Middleware::Auth::Digest, Plack::Middleware::File::Sass, Log::Dispatch::Con g, Web::Scraper, Plack::Middleware::Debug, Plack::Server::ReverseHTTP. . .
  • 10. App::cpanminus Get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN cpanm Module cpanm MIYAGAWA/Plack-1.0000.tar.gz cpanm ~/mydists/MyCompany-Framework-1.0.tar.gz cpanm http://example.com/MyModule-0.1.tar.gz cpanm http://github.com/miyagawa/Tatsumaki/ tarball/master cpanm --interactive Task::Kensho Fast, low-memory, quiet
  • 11. CPAN Testers . Consistent grading logic across all tools Reports sent via HTTP instead of email Reports stored in a central database instead of NNTP Author noti cation via a centralized service instead of by each individual tester Reports with structured data instead of plain text (e.g. prereqs found) Status: closed beta is live at reports/min
  • 12. Next social meeting London.pm April social meeting ursday th April e Bridge House, Tower Bridge Road, SE UP
  • 13. Next technical meeting London.pm technical meeting Monday th April Damian Conway Sponsored by NET-A-PORTER
  • 14. Next major conference YAPC::Europe ¡° e renaissance of Perl¡± Pisa, Italy th- th August