This document discusses distracted driving and provides facts about the dangers of texting while driving. It notes that the average distraction time for sending a text is 4.6 seconds and that teens who have been in a car with a driver texting reported feeling endangered. The risk of a crash is 23 times greater when texting while driving. The document also lists several phone apps that can help reduce distractions, such as automatically blocking phone use when driving or auto-replying to texts. It suggests ways for companies to increase awareness, such as employee pledges and newsletters.
3. 4.6 seconds
Average distraction time for
sending/receiving a text message. (VTTI)
Teens who have been in a car while driver
was on cell phone and put people in
danger (Pew)
4. 0.08%
Cell phone distraction effects driver as if
he/she had legal limit of .08%. (University of
23 times
Crash risk is 23X greater if texting while
More Facts
5. 5
Sprint Drive First - Sprint users can automatically block any cell phone
use kicking in at 10 mph. ($2/phone/month)
Safely Go - Your 1-Click ticket to distraction free driving with auto-text reply,
screens your calls and puts non-driving apps on hold.
One Protect - Phone locks up once car hits certain speed and prohibits
driver from using the phone while the car is in motion.
Safe Driver Text Response - When you receive a text the app will check
your speed using your GPS. If you are above the driving speed that you set,
it will automatically respond with your custom reply.
Safe Text Sender - Automatically alert all callers and texters that you are
driving so you can safely respond upon reaching your destination. (Android
only, $.99/month)
6. Employee Events
Lunch and Learns
Email Blasts
Employee Newsletter
Intranet Messaging
Distracted Driving Pledge Drive and Raffle
End Distracted Driving!
Next Steps for Increasing