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M useum  O f  M odern  A rt MOMA (212) 708-9400  11 West 53 Street New York, NY 10019-5497 Pinturas y esculturas
Paul Cézanne.  The Bather .  c. 1885
Georges-Pierre Seurat.  Evening, Honfleur . 1886.
Vincent van Gogh.  The Starry Night . 1889.
Paul Gauguin.  The Seed of the Areoi (Te aa no areois) . 1892.
Auguste Rodin.  Monument to Balzac . 1898.
Pablo Picasso.  Les Demoiselles d'Avignon . 1907.
Gustav Klimt.  Hope, II . 1907–08.
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner.  Street, Dresden . 1908
Henri Matisse.  Dance (first version) . 1909.
Henri Rousseau.  The Dream . 1910.
Robert Delaunay.  Simultaneous Contrasts:  Sun and Moon . 1913
Umberto Boccioni.  Unique Forms of Continuity in Space . 1913.
Gustav Klucis.  Maquette for Radio-Announcer . 1922.
Joan Miró.  The Birth of the World . 1925.
Constantin Brancusi.  Fish . 1930.
Salvador Dalí.  The Persistence of Memory . 1931.
Frida Kahlo.  Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair . 1940.
Piet Mondrian.  Broadway Boogie Woogie . 1942–43.
Jackson Pollock.  One (Number 31, 1950) . 1950.
Marcel Duchamp.  Bicycle Wheel . 1951
Robert Rauschenberg.  Bed . 1955.
Andy Warhol.  Gold Marilyn Monroe . 1962.
Louise Bourgeois.  Articulated Lair . 1986.
Rachel Whiteread.  Untitled (Paperbacks) . 1997.
Richard Serra.  Torqued Ellipse IV . 1998.

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