The four main areas of emphasis when on-boarding (or in-boarding) an inside sales team: Expectations, Sales process, Messaging, Practice.
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1. Successful On-Boarding (or, In-Boarding) for Inside Sales TeamsAA-ISP, Atlanta ChapterSeptember 15, 2011 Adam J. ShapiroSalesReformSchoolAdam@salesreformschool.comwww.salesreformschool.com404-798-8397
7. To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life, and this is a softness that ends in bitterness.- Flannery O¨Connor2011 Confidential and Proprietary?
11. Why Process?If you can¨t describe what you are doing as a process,you don¨t know what you are doing.- W. Edwards DemingConfidential and Proprietary
13. The Ingredients:A documented set of repeatable sales activitiesThe Know-How:Consistent positioning of offeringsThe Taste Test:Objective assessment of progressLike a great recipe, your sales process should provide´´resulting in a sustainable competitive advantage.Confidential and Proprietary
15. If You are Going to Wing-it, Do It Right!This phrase dates from the late 19th century and the verb 'to wing' was defined in an 1885 edition of Stage magazine:"'To wing'... indicates the capacity to play a role without knowing the text, and the word itself came into use from the fact that the artiste frequently received the assistance of a special prompter, who... stood... a piece of the scenery or a wing. ̄The phrase 'winging it' is used in print explicitly in 1933, although it must have been well-established before then, in a book that could hardly be better equipped to explain the meaning, Philip Godfrey's Back-stage: a survey of the contemporary English theatre from behind the scenes:"He must give a performance by 'winging it' - that is, by refreshing his memory for each scene in the wings before he goes on to play it." Copyright ? Gary Martin, 1996 C 2011 and Proprietary