I aM nOt coOL nor HanDsoMe, iNtElEctuAL , ExTrAvaGaNt , DiSgUsTiNg,IDioTiC ,eXtRaOrDinaRy,TrUtHFul,aDapTAbLe,LOvaBle,aDViCeR,sInGer,dAnCer,PoEt,rACer oR EveN kIllEr.thEN wHo tHE HelL aM I?4 tAT scrOll dOwN....
I HaTe FiLmS wHicH EnDs In A sAd nOtE.i Am nOt oVer sMart bUt smE oF U stIlL fiNDs Sme SmArTnEsS In Me.i WoNt Go BeHind lUcks..norMaLly THey Usd 2 fOllow Me.
i AlwAyS puT AlArmS To WakE uP eArly iN moRning.bUt mY cErebrUm doESnT eVen RecOgniZe iT.
i Am FrIgHtEnd oNlY 2 1 thInG iN tHis GaLaxY..WhIcH Is SpiDer.iTs dAngErouS boDy lAngUaGe LowErs mY boDy tEmPeRaTurE tO tHe pEak oF mOunT EvEreSt.In MY pt oF ViEw thErE r EsSeNtiAlLy 2 tHIngS rULes THis woRld..oNe is mOneY A
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