The document summarizes a study comparing the social status of emigrant and non-emigrant families in a village in Pakistan. It found that emigrant families had higher rates of home ownership, savings, and possession of appliances like TVs, dryers, ACs, and vehicles. Non-emigrant families had lower rates of these indicators of social status. The study used surveys of 175 households to examine differences in the social status between families with and without emigrant members.
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1. Social Status of emigrant and non-emigrant families: Comparative study of village
Chak Kamala, Gujrat, Pakistan
High growth rate less opportunities
US$ 7.3 billion remittances received by Pakistan (Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2010).
1. To see the social status of non-emigrants and emigrants families.
2. To compare the social status of both families (emigrants and non-emigrants).
Researchers use primary data.
Universe Chak Kamala Have emigrant or have not
Sampling Unit Head of Household
Sampling Frame Constructed by researcher
Proportionate stratified sampling 90 non-emigrant and 85 emigrant HH
Data collection tool Questionnaire
Major Findings:
Katcha house 5% emigrants families and 23% non-emigrants families
Save Money 82% emigrants families and 43% non-emigrants families
T.V 97% emigrants families and 77% non-emigrants families
Cloth Dryer 67% emigrants families and 21% non-emigrants families
Micro Oven 65% emigrants families and 20% non-emigrants families.
Air Conditioner 57% emigrants families and 7% non-emigrants families
Hearer 69% emigrants families and 14% non emigrants families.
Computer 53% emigrants families and 21% non-emigrants families.
Tele-phone Line 94% emigrant families and 26% non-emigrants families
Vehicle 91% emigrants families and 42% non-emigrants families.
Higher social status among emigrants families