This document proposes a marketing campaign to raise awareness about climate change and reduce consumption in Bucharest, Romania. The campaign would use fear of a communist dictatorship returning to motivate reduced water, energy, gas and fuel use. It would begin with spreading rumors that former dictator Ceausescu is planning a comeback. Then on a launch date, the campaign would impose communist-era restrictions to simulate his return, like limiting TV and heated water. It aims to lower consumption 15% by tapping into Romanians' negative memories of communism and fears of losing new freedoms. The campaign would use various marketing tactics across the city and measure its impact.
Nuclear power is not as clean and green as people claim. The devastating costs are felt by the people and the places where the uranium on which nuclear power remains dependent is mined.
AmyCrum_201551996_Sustainability Position PaperAmy Crum
1. The document discusses developing rural communities in developing countries as potential examples of sustainable green living. It explores three key issues for achieving sustainability: population control, renewable energy generation, and community funding.
2. Population control is important for sustainability, as developing countries often have high birth rates. Contraception would need to be imported and women educated on family planning options.
3. Renewable energy like solar and wind could meet communities' energy needs if properly integrated and maintained by educating communities. Eco-tourism is proposed as a way to fund clean energy and community imports.
The document summarizes findings from a survey of over 2,300 Londoners about the rising cost of living and impact of high energy bills. Key findings include:
- 85% of respondents said rising energy bills were their top concern
- 68% have cut back on heating, 42% on lighting, and 41% on electrical equipment use due to high bills
- Elders (95% of those 65+), disabled (91%), and BAME (75%) respondents reported being most concerned and most likely to cut back on heating
- Excess winter deaths in London increased by 9% last winter, linked to effects of cold homes
- The Mayor's energy efficiency programs are failing to fully insulate homes or
The document summarizes findings from a survey of over 2,300 Londoners about the rising cost of living and impact of high energy bills. Key findings include:
- 85% of respondents said rising energy bills were their top concern
- 68% have cut back on heating, 42% on lighting, and 41% on electrical equipment use due to high bills
- Elders (95% of those 65+), disabled (91%), and BAME (75%) respondents reported being most worried about rising bills and more likely to cut back on heating
- Excess winter deaths in London increased by 9% last winter, linked to effects of cold homes on health
- The report calls on the Mayor to do more to
This document discusses six key trends in Western Europe: 1) Continuing optimism despite economic crises, with companies focusing on culture and communities. 2) Growing austerity and frugality as lavish consumption declines. 3) Embracing imperfection over perfection. 4) Increasing urbanization as cities offer opportunities. 5) Addressing climate change through weather prediction and dealing with effects. 6) Sustained luxury market through technology and temporary pop-up stores.
The document presents three scenarios for the future of poverty in 2039: continued growth, collapse, and transformation. It analyzes how six drivers - education, government, security, social identity, global economy, and technology - could impact poverty under each scenario. In the continued growth scenario, mass urbanization benefits the environment and humanity while climate initiatives succeed. In the collapse scenario, effects of climate change are accepted and the focus is maintaining existing infrastructure. In the transformation scenario, gene therapy extends lifespans greatly but access is unequal, creating divisions between augmented rich and dependent poor populations.
This document summarizes an interview with a student who took an online course on climate change hosted by the World Bank. The student works for an NGO in Bolivia advising on renewable energy. Some key points:
- The student said the course was extremely informative and helped understand climate impacts and solutions. It covered topics like impacts of a 4属C warmer world and ways to reduce emissions.
- Bolivia is already experiencing more extreme flooding due to earlier rains from climate change. Transitioning to renewable energy is important to address this issue.
- More policy support is needed for renewable energy in Bolivia, including incentives for individual solar power generation and changing the energy matrix away from fossil fuels.
This document is a research report by Fakrul Ahmad Azmey titled "How Will Sustainable Design Affect the Consumerist Society?". The report discusses consumerism and trends of overconsumption that are damaging the environment. It explores how sustainable design and eco-efficient products can help address these issues and benefit both the environment and the economy. The report utilizes a variety of sources in its research, including web-based findings, published readings, and other sources like documentaries. It analyzes topics like consumer trends, economic growth, the impacts of consumption, and approaches to design for sustainability.
Using Microfinance to Ensure Food Security, While Mitigating Global WarmingZ3P
The document discusses three interrelated crises facing the world's poor: 1) energy poverty which limits economic opportunities and health, 2) climate change which disproportionately impacts the poor, and 3) limitations of current microfinance approaches. It proposes addressing these issues by having microfinance institutions and energy companies work together using solutions that have succeeded in diverse countries. These include providing affordable, clean energy and helping clients prepare for climate change impacts. The document analyzes each crisis in more detail and their interactions, arguing for an integrated approach to make meaningful progress on all three issues.
This document discusses hope and inspiration for moving forward on climate change issues through community connections. It outlines concerns about climate change and encourages considering small actions individuals can take that fit their skills and interests, working with others, and finding joy in sustainable living. Potential actions are suggested for homes, transportation, food, population issues and more. Education is emphasized as key to addressing these challenges over the long term.
The document discusses globalization, film, and television in the digital age. It covers topics such as the current technological revolution driven by innovations in information and telecommunications; the current era of globalization and increasing integration of economies and cultures; the rise of a global middle class and the development of a global consumer culture; the growth of brand empires in the film and television industries; and the disruption of traditional media landscapes by new technologies, competitors, and ways of financing productions. It examines issues like the homogenization of culture through globalization and the role of global corporations, as well as debates around these topics.
Within its developments first stages no worldwide issue, thats a problem that splashes might anybody in just about any part of Our Planet could be generated by several humanity. Consequently of the negotiation of property and just about all humanity formerly hidden the atmosphere and also level financial improvement started initially to seem progressively amplified issues that were worldwide. Each them and especially all together to trigger all existence on our planets damage.
Presently, the extensive, i.e. worldwide issues of humanity contain:
the demographic issue brought on by quick population development within the weakest countries;
ecological issue related to extreme ecological destruction, producing the earth uninhabitable;
the issue of individual improvement of types of assets, including meals;
geopolitical issues that supply rise to issues and jeopardize mankind suicidal World War;
problem of deepening inequality and unequal improvement of various places, countries, areas, etc., continuously making local and worldwide concerns.
This is actually the improvement of world, and also the most significant complicated individual issues in the world continuously produce fresh and new. Hence, humanity started initially to jeopardize horrible illness. These utilize medication habit, terrorism, offense, dying conventional religious ideals. This really is possibly grounded reasons for problems that are worldwide.
This document presents a concept paper for a task force on sustainable lifestyles. It discusses how current consumption patterns are often unsustainable and put pressure on the environment. Lifestyles comprise behaviors, social practices, and infrastructure that support consumption. Effectively addressing consumption requires interventions at multiple levels of culture, society, environment, and economics. Promoting sustainable lifestyles requires empowering people with awareness and knowledge to demand more sustainable options and participate in initiatives. Education plays an important role in facilitating changes in attitudes and behaviors toward sustainability. The concept paper aims to support discussion on sustainable lifestyles and education for sustainable consumption.
Presentation of Dr. Helen Mendoza, Philippine Network for Climaet Change, on "Advocacy" during the UP Manila Conference on Global Climate Change, October 22-23, 2009, Pearl Garden Hotel, Manila.
What would we do in a world without energy? Of course this is a rhetorical question, but its one thats been with human beings forever. Every great step forward in the world has been propelled by energy. Almost a million years ago Man harnessed fire and realized that this magic gave him the independence to prosper. Energy is just that: progress, evolution.
This document outlines 5 steps for getting writing help from
1. Create an account with a password and email.
2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline.
3. Writers will bid on the request and the client can choose a writer based on qualifications.
4. The client will receive the paper and can request revisions if needed.
5. guarantees original, high-quality content and refunds are offered for plagiarized work.
Global communications like television and the internet have increased exposure to global brands and media, but have not caused universal homogenization of consumer culture. While certain consumption patterns and symbols have spread widely, cultural identities and preferences still diverge in important ways between regions and countries. For example, young people's leisure activities vary significantly between places like Portugal, Germany, and Sweden. Global companies have also found they must localize their products, marketing, and operations to each unique culture in order to succeed. Overall, national wealth alone cannot explain differences in consumption - culture remains a highly important variable that shapes consumer behavior in meaningful ways.
Water pollution is a global problem that affects millions of people worldwide daily through waterborne diseases. An estimated 700 million Indians lack access to proper sanitation and over 1,000 Indian children die from diarrhea daily. Adopting more sustainable practices, such as using renewable energy sources like LED lighting, can help reduce our environmental footprint. LEDs use 75% less energy than traditional lighting and are equivalent to removing 400 cars from the road annually in terms of carbon reduction. Individual actions like reducing food waste, using public transportation, and conserving resources can also help address issues like water shortage, climate change, and growing food demand caused by population increase to ensure future sustainability.
Module 2 Critical Thinking Assignment
Understanding Financial Statements and Cash Flow
Problem 2-1: Preparing Financial Statements
Information below is for Buraydah Manufacturing, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 20x1 except where beginning of year numbers indicated. All amounts in SAR unless otherwise stated.
Accumulated depreciation
Accounts receivable
Interest expense
Cost of goods sold
Short term notes payable
Income taxes
Common stock
Dividends paid
Marketing, general and administrative expenses
Long term debt
Fixed assets (property & equipment)
Accounts payable
Other assets
Depreciation expense
Retained earnings at beginning of year
Number of shares of common stock
Using the information above:
1. Prepare an income statement in good form
2. Prepare end of year balance sheet in good form
3. Calculate net working capital
4. Calculate the debt ratio
Using an additional column for each financial statement:
5. Prepare a common sized income statement
6. Prepare a common sized balance sheet
Problem 2-2 Preparing Statement of Cash Flows
Given the following information, prepare a statement of cash flows.
Increase in common stock
Decrease in accounts receivable
Increase in inventories
Operating income
Increase in accounts payable
Interest expense
Depreciation expense
Increase in long term debt
Increase in fixed assets
Income taxes
Beginning cash balance
Assume all amounts are in 000's SAR.
Transforming Cultures
2 0 1 0
From Consumerism to Sustainability
W. W. N O R T O N
Advance Praise for State of the World 2010:
If we continue to think of ourselves mostly as
consumers, its going to be very hard to bring our
environmental troubles under control. But its also
going to be very hard to live the rounded and joyful
lives that could be ours. This is a subversive volume
in all the best ways!
Bill McKibben, author of Deep Economy and
The End of Nature
Worldwatch has taken on an ambitious agenda in
this volume. No generation in history has achieved a
cultural transformation as sweeping as the one called
for hereit is hard not to be impressed with the
books boldness.
Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank
This years State of the World report is a cultural
mindbomb exploding with devastating force. I hope
it wakes a few people up.
Kalle Lasn, Editor of Adbusters magazine
Like a tsunami, consumerism has engulfed human
cultures and Earths ecosystems. Left unaddressed, we
risk global disaster. But if we channel this wave, intention-
ally transforming our cultures to center on ...
The document discusses 10 top consumer trends for 2010. It finds that consumers are focusing more on health, wellness, and caring for the environment and community. They are also socializing and entertaining themselves more at home using new technologies. Some are re-evaluating consumption and defining their identity through what they know and can do rather than what they buy. Meanwhile, emerging middle classes in places like China and India are driving new demand for luxury goods.
The document discusses social innovation through four main dimensions:
1) The social economy and relationships between different sectors like the public, private, and household.
2) Catalysts and drivers of social innovation like innovators, collaboratives, and intermediaries.
3) The process of social innovation including design, development, scaling, and diffusion.
4) Transformative social innovations like social movements around health, education, and the environment.
This document provides a summary of a global survey on home cleaning and laundry habits and trends. Some key findings include:
1) Women still do the majority of housework globally, but men are increasingly sharing cleaning responsibilities. Cleaning product purchases also still skew more toward women.
2) Large retail chains are the most popular place to shop for cleaning products worldwide, while e-commerce shows promise especially in Asia.
3) Popular cleaning tools vary by region, with mops and brooms preferred in Asia, paper towels in North America, scrubbing brushes in Latin America, and sponges and cloth towels elsewhere.
4) Consumers prioritize product efficacy but also want natural, eco
Water pollution is a global problem that affects millions of people worldwide daily through waterborne diseases. An estimated 700 million Indians lack access to proper sanitation and over 1,000 Indian children die from diarrhea daily. Around 90% of Chinese cities suffer some degree of water pollution and nearly 500 million people in China lack access to safe drinking water. According to the FAO, agricultural production will need to double by 2050 to meet rising global food demand driven by population growth, urbanization, and increasing incomes in developing countries. Climate change, land degradation, and population growth pose serious threats to achieving this increased production. Switching to LED lighting can reduce energy consumption by 75% and is equivalent to removing 400 cars from the roads in terms of
The document discusses several local initiatives around the world aimed at addressing global warming and promoting more environmentally friendly practices. It describes initiatives in cities like Hangzhou to use water transportation, initiatives in India to promote reforestation through seed ball distribution, and initiatives in Karnataka, India to promote more sustainable practices among traditional artisans. It also discusses the European Eco-label program and its success in promoting greener products and services.
Doconomy created the Do App and Do Black credit card to address climate change by limiting individual carbon emissions. The Do App tracks the carbon footprint of purchases, while the Do Black credit card denies transactions once a user reaches their annual carbon limit based on UN targets. However, the product may only appeal to niche markets, as forcing reductions could be unrealistic in many cultures where consumerism and individual needs dominate over environmental concerns. While the campaign brings awareness, human nature may prevent meaningful change without systemic solutions.
The World Energy Trilemma Index 2020 ranks countries on their ability to provide energy security, energy equity, and environmental sustainability. The top performing countries tend to be European OECD nations that have long implemented active energy policies. Switzerland, Sweden, and Denmark ranked as the top three. The Index also highlights countries that have most improved their energy systems since 2000, such as Cambodia, Myanmar, and Kenya by increasing access and diversifying their energy mixes. While COVID-19 impacted 2020, the Index reflects historical energy policy performance. The pandemic increased focus on digitalization and depressed demand in the short term, but long term implications remain unclear. The report provides insights on country rankings and policies across each dimension to help countries determine areas for energy policy
1. Twenergy is an online community created by Endesa that provides information and advice about energy efficiency, sustainable development, and responsible energy consumption.
2. The site offers sections on energy saving, sustainable development, environmental news, different energy sources, and a community section with tools like a CO2 footprint calculator.
3. Water is an essential resource for Spain but availability varies greatly due to climate differences. While Spain has historically experienced drought cycles, climate change is expected to reduce water availability over the next 50 years.
This document is a research report by Fakrul Ahmad Azmey titled "How Will Sustainable Design Affect the Consumerist Society?". The report discusses consumerism and trends of overconsumption that are damaging the environment. It explores how sustainable design and eco-efficient products can help address these issues and benefit both the environment and the economy. The report utilizes a variety of sources in its research, including web-based findings, published readings, and other sources like documentaries. It analyzes topics like consumer trends, economic growth, the impacts of consumption, and approaches to design for sustainability.
Using Microfinance to Ensure Food Security, While Mitigating Global WarmingZ3P
The document discusses three interrelated crises facing the world's poor: 1) energy poverty which limits economic opportunities and health, 2) climate change which disproportionately impacts the poor, and 3) limitations of current microfinance approaches. It proposes addressing these issues by having microfinance institutions and energy companies work together using solutions that have succeeded in diverse countries. These include providing affordable, clean energy and helping clients prepare for climate change impacts. The document analyzes each crisis in more detail and their interactions, arguing for an integrated approach to make meaningful progress on all three issues.
This document discusses hope and inspiration for moving forward on climate change issues through community connections. It outlines concerns about climate change and encourages considering small actions individuals can take that fit their skills and interests, working with others, and finding joy in sustainable living. Potential actions are suggested for homes, transportation, food, population issues and more. Education is emphasized as key to addressing these challenges over the long term.
The document discusses globalization, film, and television in the digital age. It covers topics such as the current technological revolution driven by innovations in information and telecommunications; the current era of globalization and increasing integration of economies and cultures; the rise of a global middle class and the development of a global consumer culture; the growth of brand empires in the film and television industries; and the disruption of traditional media landscapes by new technologies, competitors, and ways of financing productions. It examines issues like the homogenization of culture through globalization and the role of global corporations, as well as debates around these topics.
Within its developments first stages no worldwide issue, thats a problem that splashes might anybody in just about any part of Our Planet could be generated by several humanity. Consequently of the negotiation of property and just about all humanity formerly hidden the atmosphere and also level financial improvement started initially to seem progressively amplified issues that were worldwide. Each them and especially all together to trigger all existence on our planets damage.
Presently, the extensive, i.e. worldwide issues of humanity contain:
the demographic issue brought on by quick population development within the weakest countries;
ecological issue related to extreme ecological destruction, producing the earth uninhabitable;
the issue of individual improvement of types of assets, including meals;
geopolitical issues that supply rise to issues and jeopardize mankind suicidal World War;
problem of deepening inequality and unequal improvement of various places, countries, areas, etc., continuously making local and worldwide concerns.
This is actually the improvement of world, and also the most significant complicated individual issues in the world continuously produce fresh and new. Hence, humanity started initially to jeopardize horrible illness. These utilize medication habit, terrorism, offense, dying conventional religious ideals. This really is possibly grounded reasons for problems that are worldwide.
This document presents a concept paper for a task force on sustainable lifestyles. It discusses how current consumption patterns are often unsustainable and put pressure on the environment. Lifestyles comprise behaviors, social practices, and infrastructure that support consumption. Effectively addressing consumption requires interventions at multiple levels of culture, society, environment, and economics. Promoting sustainable lifestyles requires empowering people with awareness and knowledge to demand more sustainable options and participate in initiatives. Education plays an important role in facilitating changes in attitudes and behaviors toward sustainability. The concept paper aims to support discussion on sustainable lifestyles and education for sustainable consumption.
Presentation of Dr. Helen Mendoza, Philippine Network for Climaet Change, on "Advocacy" during the UP Manila Conference on Global Climate Change, October 22-23, 2009, Pearl Garden Hotel, Manila.
What would we do in a world without energy? Of course this is a rhetorical question, but its one thats been with human beings forever. Every great step forward in the world has been propelled by energy. Almost a million years ago Man harnessed fire and realized that this magic gave him the independence to prosper. Energy is just that: progress, evolution.
This document outlines 5 steps for getting writing help from
1. Create an account with a password and email.
2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline.
3. Writers will bid on the request and the client can choose a writer based on qualifications.
4. The client will receive the paper and can request revisions if needed.
5. guarantees original, high-quality content and refunds are offered for plagiarized work.
Global communications like television and the internet have increased exposure to global brands and media, but have not caused universal homogenization of consumer culture. While certain consumption patterns and symbols have spread widely, cultural identities and preferences still diverge in important ways between regions and countries. For example, young people's leisure activities vary significantly between places like Portugal, Germany, and Sweden. Global companies have also found they must localize their products, marketing, and operations to each unique culture in order to succeed. Overall, national wealth alone cannot explain differences in consumption - culture remains a highly important variable that shapes consumer behavior in meaningful ways.
Water pollution is a global problem that affects millions of people worldwide daily through waterborne diseases. An estimated 700 million Indians lack access to proper sanitation and over 1,000 Indian children die from diarrhea daily. Adopting more sustainable practices, such as using renewable energy sources like LED lighting, can help reduce our environmental footprint. LEDs use 75% less energy than traditional lighting and are equivalent to removing 400 cars from the road annually in terms of carbon reduction. Individual actions like reducing food waste, using public transportation, and conserving resources can also help address issues like water shortage, climate change, and growing food demand caused by population increase to ensure future sustainability.
Module 2 Critical Thinking Assignment
Understanding Financial Statements and Cash Flow
Problem 2-1: Preparing Financial Statements
Information below is for Buraydah Manufacturing, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 20x1 except where beginning of year numbers indicated. All amounts in SAR unless otherwise stated.
Accumulated depreciation
Accounts receivable
Interest expense
Cost of goods sold
Short term notes payable
Income taxes
Common stock
Dividends paid
Marketing, general and administrative expenses
Long term debt
Fixed assets (property & equipment)
Accounts payable
Other assets
Depreciation expense
Retained earnings at beginning of year
Number of shares of common stock
Using the information above:
1. Prepare an income statement in good form
2. Prepare end of year balance sheet in good form
3. Calculate net working capital
4. Calculate the debt ratio
Using an additional column for each financial statement:
5. Prepare a common sized income statement
6. Prepare a common sized balance sheet
Problem 2-2 Preparing Statement of Cash Flows
Given the following information, prepare a statement of cash flows.
Increase in common stock
Decrease in accounts receivable
Increase in inventories
Operating income
Increase in accounts payable
Interest expense
Depreciation expense
Increase in long term debt
Increase in fixed assets
Income taxes
Beginning cash balance
Assume all amounts are in 000's SAR.
Transforming Cultures
2 0 1 0
From Consumerism to Sustainability
W. W. N O R T O N
Advance Praise for State of the World 2010:
If we continue to think of ourselves mostly as
consumers, its going to be very hard to bring our
environmental troubles under control. But its also
going to be very hard to live the rounded and joyful
lives that could be ours. This is a subversive volume
in all the best ways!
Bill McKibben, author of Deep Economy and
The End of Nature
Worldwatch has taken on an ambitious agenda in
this volume. No generation in history has achieved a
cultural transformation as sweeping as the one called
for hereit is hard not to be impressed with the
books boldness.
Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank
This years State of the World report is a cultural
mindbomb exploding with devastating force. I hope
it wakes a few people up.
Kalle Lasn, Editor of Adbusters magazine
Like a tsunami, consumerism has engulfed human
cultures and Earths ecosystems. Left unaddressed, we
risk global disaster. But if we channel this wave, intention-
ally transforming our cultures to center on ...
The document discusses 10 top consumer trends for 2010. It finds that consumers are focusing more on health, wellness, and caring for the environment and community. They are also socializing and entertaining themselves more at home using new technologies. Some are re-evaluating consumption and defining their identity through what they know and can do rather than what they buy. Meanwhile, emerging middle classes in places like China and India are driving new demand for luxury goods.
The document discusses social innovation through four main dimensions:
1) The social economy and relationships between different sectors like the public, private, and household.
2) Catalysts and drivers of social innovation like innovators, collaboratives, and intermediaries.
3) The process of social innovation including design, development, scaling, and diffusion.
4) Transformative social innovations like social movements around health, education, and the environment.
This document provides a summary of a global survey on home cleaning and laundry habits and trends. Some key findings include:
1) Women still do the majority of housework globally, but men are increasingly sharing cleaning responsibilities. Cleaning product purchases also still skew more toward women.
2) Large retail chains are the most popular place to shop for cleaning products worldwide, while e-commerce shows promise especially in Asia.
3) Popular cleaning tools vary by region, with mops and brooms preferred in Asia, paper towels in North America, scrubbing brushes in Latin America, and sponges and cloth towels elsewhere.
4) Consumers prioritize product efficacy but also want natural, eco
Water pollution is a global problem that affects millions of people worldwide daily through waterborne diseases. An estimated 700 million Indians lack access to proper sanitation and over 1,000 Indian children die from diarrhea daily. Around 90% of Chinese cities suffer some degree of water pollution and nearly 500 million people in China lack access to safe drinking water. According to the FAO, agricultural production will need to double by 2050 to meet rising global food demand driven by population growth, urbanization, and increasing incomes in developing countries. Climate change, land degradation, and population growth pose serious threats to achieving this increased production. Switching to LED lighting can reduce energy consumption by 75% and is equivalent to removing 400 cars from the roads in terms of
The document discusses several local initiatives around the world aimed at addressing global warming and promoting more environmentally friendly practices. It describes initiatives in cities like Hangzhou to use water transportation, initiatives in India to promote reforestation through seed ball distribution, and initiatives in Karnataka, India to promote more sustainable practices among traditional artisans. It also discusses the European Eco-label program and its success in promoting greener products and services.
Doconomy created the Do App and Do Black credit card to address climate change by limiting individual carbon emissions. The Do App tracks the carbon footprint of purchases, while the Do Black credit card denies transactions once a user reaches their annual carbon limit based on UN targets. However, the product may only appeal to niche markets, as forcing reductions could be unrealistic in many cultures where consumerism and individual needs dominate over environmental concerns. While the campaign brings awareness, human nature may prevent meaningful change without systemic solutions.
The World Energy Trilemma Index 2020 ranks countries on their ability to provide energy security, energy equity, and environmental sustainability. The top performing countries tend to be European OECD nations that have long implemented active energy policies. Switzerland, Sweden, and Denmark ranked as the top three. The Index also highlights countries that have most improved their energy systems since 2000, such as Cambodia, Myanmar, and Kenya by increasing access and diversifying their energy mixes. While COVID-19 impacted 2020, the Index reflects historical energy policy performance. The pandemic increased focus on digitalization and depressed demand in the short term, but long term implications remain unclear. The report provides insights on country rankings and policies across each dimension to help countries determine areas for energy policy
1. Twenergy is an online community created by Endesa that provides information and advice about energy efficiency, sustainable development, and responsible energy consumption.
2. The site offers sections on energy saving, sustainable development, environmental news, different energy sources, and a community section with tools like a CO2 footprint calculator.
3. Water is an essential resource for Spain but availability varies greatly due to climate differences. While Spain has historically experienced drought cycles, climate change is expected to reduce water availability over the next 50 years.
Change climate change
2. Chapter I
The challenge
A major problem that threatens humanity as fiercely as wars and terrorist attacks is Global Warming. Our
worst enemy is coal-fired electricity, the major contributor to carbon emissions into the atmosphere, which,
ultimately, leads to Global Warming and Climate Change. The bright side is that, unlike terrorism, we do
know our enemy, its attacking strategy, its weapons and what were standing against of. The dark side is that,
even though our enemy is at the gates, nobody fights against it.
Therefore, there is an urgent need to rend people conscious of the real dimensions of the danger that threatens
them through a 360属 campaign to shake them and turn their world upside down, thus changing their
impassibility mentalities into pro-active perspectives over climate change.
Studies have shown that the household sector is the most prone to decrease CO2 emissions on the short run, as
20% of the energy used in households is wasted by leaving lights on, taking long showers, using appliances
which are not energy efficient and leaving their gadgets on standby.
Chapter II
In Romania, people are even less aware then in most countries, as they imagine Global Warming is none of
their concern, its just something that might happen after a couple of hundreds of years when there will be
nothing left of them or their offspring. Most of the Romanian say to their selves Why should I care? Until
things stop working up there, my children and I will be looking at the sky six feet under.
The largest city in Romania, where things actually happen and our events can have a strong impact on a large
mass of people is Bucharest, the countrys capital city, with more than 2 millions inhabitants, which makes
Bucharest the 6th largest capital in the UE.
In Romania, in 2008 we have had a reported 28304.7 millions of KWh of electric energy resources, with a
growth of 2494.6 millions of KWh (+9.7%) comparing to the same period in 2007. The increase in electric
energy resources is due to the growth of the production, with 2652.2 millions of kWh (+10.5%).
The final consumption of electric energy in this period was 22424.8 millions of KWh, and it has increased
with 5.4 % compared to the same period of last year; the public lightning also got higher with 8.3% and the
public consumption increased with 9.7%. These are some alarming figures.
3. The drinking water quantity distributed to Romanian consumers decreased last year with 4.6 millions of cubic
meters (0.4%) compared to 2007 and it reached 1 billion cubic meters, according to the National Institute of
Statistics. The consumption of drinking water for household use represents 2/3 of the total amount of drinking water
distributed last year. Unlike the national average amount of drinking water for household use in cities increased
with 2.4 % last year, up to 123.8 liters/inhabitant.
According to the National Institute of Statistics, the drinking water waste was really high, reaching a reported 41%
of the national consumption. In cities, the waste reached an astonishing 44%.
The Romanians reportedly consumed in September 2007 944 cubic meters of natural gas, 94 millions more than in
August of the same year, according to the National Authority of Regulation of Energy. 85% of the natural gas
provided to consumers in September was national production, while 25% were imported.
Romania is one of the countries with the highest level of fuel in Central and Eastern Europe, together with
Poland and Hungary,, according to Energy Business Review quoting a Data monitor study. As they say, the average
consumption increased with 3.4 % in the last for years, unlike the other countries around that reported a 2.8%
Chapter III
Are the Romanians aware?
Over the last few years, there were a few attempts to bring the concept of eco-friendly to the inhabitants of
Bucharest and to make them environmentally conscious. Most of them got unnoticed among the consumers as
they kept lacking interest in the environmental issues.
One of the most successful campaigns was The Paper Tree Campaign, a truly innovative project that aimed a
better environmental attitude by decreasing the average quantity of paper thrown away to garbage and increasing
the quantity of recycled paper. Sort was also a highly successful campaign aiming to sort the rubbish in the
Universitary Dorms under the headline changing Climate is down to you. More Green is a Eco association that
has many high profile people in Bucharest as members and founders. Last year, they led together with Ursus, the
local beer manufacturer, two campaigns, thus trying two clean up the Danube Delta. and they also launched the
project called The garden on the block of flats that was meant to raise the number of green terraces in Bucharest.
The National Agency for Environmental initiated the Shut down! Turn off! Recycle1 campaign for creating
awareness, educating and stimulating the employees of the environmental agencies in Romania to decrease their
water and energy consumption.
4. Chapter IV
Through a totally integrated 360 campaign, we are trying to reach the consumers in Bucharest with a consistent
and compelling message whether they taking a walk, watching TV, paying their bills or surfing the net.
Marketing objectives:
To generate significant awareness of the real dimensions of the threat
To provide valid reasons for consumers to decrease their consumption
To secure decreasing with minimum 15% the level of consumption of water, gas, fuel and electric
energy in households.
Chapter V
An insight over the consumers
According to a lifestyle research that included both a qualitative and quantities stage using the Q methodology,
one of the most appropriate methods of lifestyle investigation. The study was developed on a representative
sample for the consumers in Romania and draws a portrait of all generations and their consumption habits, New
dimensions were also investigated, such as the lacks in their past that generate a certain level of consumption in
present time. Our research pointed out 6 different profiles of consumers, each of them individualized by a
different lifestyle, but what brought our attention was that their consuming habits are strongly influenced by
their attitude towards communism, as many of them had to strongly refrain before the Revolution in 1989 and
now they are somehow trying to make up for the lacks in their youth.
1. Old people that were relieved when the revolution happened, as they were strongly affected during
communism, as everything had been taken from them: their land, their possessions and they could not pursue
their intellectual ambitions. They tend to consume a lot in order to make up for their times of restraints.
2. Middle-aged people that are nostalgic after those times because they were granted a job, an income and an
apartment. This is why they tend to consume less and to be very economical
3. The entrepreneurs, also middle-aged, for whom the revolution brought a kind of freedom they didnt hope for
and opportunities. They hated all the restraints: the national television channel only broadcasted for two hours a
day, they had running heated water in the morning and in the evening, they had to get up at 3 am and stay in line
for milk and
5. bread. This is why they tend to have a high level of consumption, as they are somehow trying to make up for all
the things they were denied.
4. The youngsters that loathe those years as they were completely denied their freedom. Some of them were
desperately trying to get out of the country before the Revolution, some had friends that were shot during the
revolution and some of them were actually revolutionaries. They are also strong consumers, and they feel they
take their revenge by purchasing everything they couldnt afford or find before the revolution
5. Teenagers that were very young when the revolution happened and they dont remember much from those
days; they simply cant imagine life otherwise then free and with lots of choices. They demand a lot from their
parents and they are terrified at the idea of life under communism, without play station all day long and Internet
access no matter where or when.
First and foremost we must rend the inhabitants of Bucharest aware of the global warming threat, because they
are as interested in the environment right now as they are in the diseases of the children in Andalusia. That is not
interested at all.
Yet, why do the Romanians think and act like that? We are part of the UE, but still we think and act wrong.
Why is that?
Well, the answer is very simple. They have a mentality that was not eco educated, a mentality that
still doesnt recover from the trauma of communism.
Chapter VI
The strategy
But all this lack of education and knowledge has it roots in the fact that Romania is a developing country, that has
had various problems and global warming is the smallest of them.
According to our research they still bear in mind the times before the revolution, the times when everything was
portioned, starting with the TV to running water, everything was given in a certain quantity and to a certain period
of time.
And all these restraints have ultimately led to an excessive consumption when the Romanians
were set free.
That is understandable, because if you want something badly enough for several years, when you finally have
access to it you get to consume it excessively.
6. Those years full of restraints and banning are in fact Romanians worst memories. Those are years that
nobody wants back.
However, all the inhabitants of Bucharest forget a crucial thing that might bring those years back
If you, my friend from Bucharest, keep wasting water, energy, gas and fuel, what do you think is going to
happen when we will run out if resources?
Chapter VII
To all the inhabitants of Bucharest
We will tell a story without happy ending. A story in which the villain will be a dictator who has all the rights
to make the rules, and you my dear will have to accept that without protests. That story will be named THE
COMUNISM RELOADED (our concept)..
Twenty years ago you decided to set yourself free from the communist dictatorship because you were treated
like a puppet and your strings were pulled by the rulers. You started a revolution because of the shortcomings
and restraints that were enforced to you: two hours of television a day, heated water only in the morning and
in the evening, endless lines at 5 am for a bottle of milk, a single radio station, ratios of meat and bread,
censorship over everything that was cultural or religious.
But it seems that over the last 20 years youve been trying to lose everything you gained after the
communisms fall and youve been trying to bring those years back.
Has it ever crossed your mind that the dictator you thought dead is right now on a yacht having a Martini and
planning his flashing comeback?
Stage 1. Teasing
We will have strategic partners with:
Bucharest City Hall
Nova Water
Distri Gas
The National Television
Different Brands
Hypermarkets like: Carrefour, Billa, Kaufland
7. We start the campaign with a one month teasing, spreading the news that Ceausescu, the dictator weve all
thought dead, is coming back.
We raise the interest among the inhabitants of Bucharest.
How do we do that?
We start by spreading leaflets at the subway stations, bus stations, public squares, pieces of information that will
spread the rumour that Ceausescu is planning his comeback.
All the leaflets will differ from one week to another and will gather information about where Ceausescu is at the
moment, about where he was last seen, about a leek of information in his antourage. Furthermore, for the teasing
to sound authentical, all the information will be spread as to appear as secret information.
We will generate articles in the press announcing a so-called comeback of Ceausescu.
We will broadcast on the news programs testimonies of whitnesses claiming to have seen Ceausescu.
We will also create a blog for people to write about where they have last seen Ceausescu, about their memories
from the time he ruled them and about who they think is guilty of setting up his death and helping him seize
power again.
Just a few days before ending our teasing period we will make an announcement on the press, TV, leaflets and on
the blog that Ceausescu will most certainly be back in Bucharest on the exact date we will launch our campaign
and that he lives on a certain steet in Bucharest.
8. Stage 2. Campaign
On the day of the so-called comeback of Ceausescu in the city, the inhabitants of Bucharest will have a shock:
When they turn on their TV in the morning on TVR (the national television) they will hear the national
anthem, they will only see on their screen the Romanian flag all day long, and they will only have two
hours of broadcasting in the evening.
When they listen to the radio, they will hear the national anthem every half hour and Long live
They will only have heated water during the morning and the evening
When they enter a hypermarket, they will only find the basic products, such as milk, bread, meat, water
and soap.
When they are walking down the street, they will see that Dambovita, the river that crosses Bucharest, our
artificial Seine, has run out of water.
When they are walking in public squares, they will see that all the fountains have stopped working
When trying to get a cab, they will see that a new taxi company has been founded, that instead of cars uses
horse-drawn carriages.
9. In the evening we will anounce on the news, on the Internet and on our blog that we have launched the
campaign to decrease the level of consumptionfor water, energy, gas and fuel.
Furthermore, in order to gain awareness in the first evening:
All the important buiduings that are symbols of communism, such as the Parliament Palace,
Ceausescus Palace, The National Museum of Art, Casa Scanteia, Cotroceni Palace will be lighted
only with candles and torches.
In all the clubs, the music and light will be suddenly turned off for a couple of minutes, and on the
background everybody will be able to hear the following message: This is a censorhip moment
against the high level of consumption of energy, gas, fuel and water
On the same day we will launch on our blog an experiment, We will set a number of people in a house
somewhere in Bucharest that will live exactly the way they used to ;
ive in communism; in order to gain more hours of running water, gas, internet or light they will have to
overcome some daily tasks. Everything will be broadcasted on the Internet, live, 24/7, on our blog, during our
entire campaign. Each and everyone in the house will have their own blog in order to communicate with the
world outside the house.
After the launching day, we will attack Bucharest by direct marketing:
All the electricty, water, gas bills will have the censorhip stamp on them
10. On all electrical equipment in companies, such as Xerox machines or printers, in shops, such as freezers,
in beauty salonsor in dry cleaners we will mark the censorhip tamp
On all the blocks of flats with high level of consumption we will mark the censorship stamp
We will launch a play station game and online games in which the player can be the actual dictator
and play with the lives of other.
Chapter VIII
The campaign will be highly succesful and meet its objectives, as it will reach the whole Bucharest.
Daily thousands of people pass through all the points where we develop our campaign.
As the traffic statistics provided by the National Institute of Statistics show, the activities at the
subway station will reach 25% of the population of Bucharest (500 000 people).
On the main public squares there is a daily traffic of 10 000 people and the public buildings are daily
11. We will also measure the impact of our campaign on blogs, by counting the views and setting a site traffic.
Each and every person that uses energy or water or gas receives bills, and evry single one of them will be
reached by the personalised bills with the censorship stamps on them.
After 6 months the inhabitants of Bucharest will have lowered their level of consumption by more than 15 %,
as our campaign will reach their innermost fears and each and every time they turn their water or leave their TV
on they will insantly think about how their lives would be if they could only watch TV two hours a day or have
running water only in the morning, like they used to to have before the revolution.
You can find more information on our blog,, or