To upload a Blogger template:
1. Extract the XML template file from the downloaded zip file.
2. Log into your Blogger dashboard, go to Design and Edit HTML.
3. Back up your current template by downloading and saving the full template file.
WordPress: a stepping stone to Web Developmentremixwolf
This document discusses using XAMPP, an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl, to set up a WordPress blog. It provides instructions on downloading and installing XAMPP, setting up the wp-config.php file, and completing the WordPress installation process. It also mentions some popular frameworks, programming languages, and tools used for web development.
The document provides instructions for generating automated tweets to promote affiliate products. It instructs the user to 1) join Rapbank as an affiliate without cost, 2) choose a WordPress product to promote and get an affiliate link, 3) shorten the affiliate link using Bitly, 4) replace placeholders in sample tweets with the shortened link, and 5) start tweeting and earning through automated promotion of affiliate products.
This document provides instructions for designing a website locally using MAMP or WAMP on a Mac or Windows system respectively. It describes downloading and installing the local development environment, creating a WordPress database and files, and editing the site using Dreamweaver live view and editing features to preview changes without being online. Specific instructions are given for installing themes, modifying CSS styles and HTML, and navigating the related PHP files to customize parts of the site like the footer.
Part 5 of Advanced SEO tips for Exponent CMSChris Everett
This document discusses how to integrate Google Analytics tracking into an Exponent CMS website to measure and analyze SEO and PPC campaign performance. It is a multi-step process that involves setting up a Google Analytics account, copying the tracking code snippet, and pasting it into the theme and subtheme files of the Exponent CMS website. Once integrated, Google Analytics will gather detailed web traffic statistics that are essential for optimizing an SEO campaign.
The document provides an overview of the content management system Joomla! and how to use it. It discusses what Joomla is, how to install it, add content through categorizing and formatting articles, and customize the site through extensions and templates. Key aspects covered include the content workflow, popular extensions, template design, and tips for a smooth migration to Joomla.
This document provides information about setting up and configuring a Drupal website. It discusses planning the site functionality and modules to install. It then covers the technical steps to install Drupal and set up the database. Further sections explain how to find and enable modules, configure the site settings, add content like news articles, and best practices for Drupal site development and maintenance.
Must-Have Joomla Extensions by Ken LyleJohn Coonen
The document discusses different categories of Joomla extensions including universal extensions that improve the frontend, backend, or bottom line of a site. It provides examples of extensions for enhanced editors, admin efficiency, SEF, registration, file browsing, backups, user comments, and site maps that fall under the "must have" universal category. The document also outlines specific extension needs for forms, AdSense, statistics, non-profits, communities, and galleries that could be considered "core" for certain site functions or vertical markets.
To add widgets to a WordPress site, an administrator first logs into the dashboard by entering the site URL plus "/wp-admin/" and authenticating. They then navigate to Appearance > Widgets in the dashboard menu. Available widgets can be dragged from the list and dropped into sidebar areas, where they can be configured and titled. After saving, the widgets will display on the site sidebar when viewed.
The document provides an overview of using blogs for educational purposes. It discusses how blogs have a low barrier to entry, allow for collaboration, and can store student work. While blogs have limited features compared to other platforms, they are free and easy to use. The document then provides step-by-step instructions for setting up a blog on, including adding links and images. It concludes by listing additional resources for using blogs and examples of educational blogs.
Tips for site builders and administratorsTim Plummer
This document provides tips for site builders and administrators on upgrading to PHP7, enabling SSL, debugging CSS issues, setting error reporting, backing up sites, and hiding the admin URL for security. It recommends upgrading to PHP7 for improved site performance, using Let's Encrypt for free SSL certificates, inspecting and editing CSS using browser developer tools, setting error reporting to none in production, automating daily backups to Amazon S3, and using an extension like Akeeba Admin Tools to hide and secure the administrator backend URL.
This document provides instructions for creating a basic 4-page website about baboons using Joomla content management system in 3 steps:
1. Set the site name to "Baboons" in the global configuration settings.
2. Create 4 pages ("Home", "How Baboons Look", "Social Life of Baboons", "Types of Baboons") as articles in the article manager.
3. Create menu links for each page in the main menu, selecting the corresponding article for each link.
This allows the creation of a simple 4-page baboon site accessible through the main menu, configured entirely through the Joomla administrative interface.
With Joomla 4.0 due to be released around the end of 2017, it's time to start looking at what is coming up. It's promising some transformational changes in engineering, style and features.
WordPress Maintenance: 14 Essential Tasks to Keep Your Site OptimizedMarshall Reyher
This document discusses 14 essential WordPress maintenance tasks that should be performed regularly to keep a WordPress site optimized and running smoothly. It describes tasks such as creating regular backups, keeping WordPress, themes and plugins updated, optimizing the database, running performance tests, updating passwords, checking contact forms, fixing broken links, deleting spam comments, redirecting 404 errors, clearing caches, removing drafts and unused themes/plugins, cleaning the media library, and auditing old content. Performing these tasks helps ensure a site remains secure, up-to-date and high performing.
This document provides an introduction to HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and how to create basic web pages using HTML tags. It explains that HTML uses tags to tell a computer where to display text and images on a web page and what they should look like. Common tags include <head>, <body>, and <footer> which define the head, body, and footer sections of a page. The document provides an example of basic HTML code for a simple web page and shows what it would look like rendered in a browser. It then instructs on creating a blog post, providing students with a task to log into a school blog and create a new post about a topic using HTML tags and functions.
Getting Started with the Joomla! FrameworkMichael Babker
The document provides an overview of the Joomla! Framework, a lightweight PHP application framework extracted from the Joomla! CMS codebase. It discusses the framework's history and benefits for Joomla! and PHP developers, including a smaller learning curve and integration with Composer. Examples of real-world uses are shown, such as the site and an energy management application.
Modules and Components Introduction in Joomla! 2.5Vishwash Gaur
Vishwash Gaur provides an overview of Joomla! modules and components. Modules are lightweight extensions used to render parts of pages, while components provide main functionality and can contain modules and plugins. The presentation covers module and component conventions, how to add them to templates, and their basic folder structures. Resources for learning more about Joomla! are also listed.
This document provides step-by-step instructions for creating a basic website using Google Sites. It outlines how to log in to Google, access Sites, set up a new blank site, add a theme and site name. It then describes how to add content like text and images within tables, how to link pages and content, and how to create additional pages. The document stresses keeping the site simple initially and provides tips for getting help and improving the site over time.
De basis en een stukje meer... Bootstrap 3 in Joomla!
In deze presentatie legt Hans Kuijpers tijdens Joomladagen 2015 #jd15nl uit hoe je Bootstrap 3 framework verwerkt in Joomla en waar je op moet letten.
It is extremely common that parts of pages within a Joomla! website are replicated across several views, or even across several extensions. So what does Joomla! contain that could potentially make our lives easier to manage these repeating entities?
JLayouts enters the room...
Joomla's superb JLayout structure was added to Joomla! v3 to help solve this very problem. Having the ability to use different layout's and associated data across views and extensions is such an awesome addition to Joomla!, but have you used it?
Philip will be explaining JLayouts, what it is, how it works & where you could possibly be missing a trick in your front-end development of Joomla! websites.
Joomla! has seen some great advances in the CMS as the project's contributors continue to innovate and bring in cutting edge features. we'll take a look at the accomplishes of Joomla and what the future of Joomla 4 will bring.
This document provides instructions for clearing cache and cookies in different browsers. It explains that clearing cache and cookies erases saved website settings like usernames, passwords, and page display preferences. As a result, pages may load slower as images and content need to be reloaded. The document recommends first trying private browsing mode to isolate whether cache/cookies are causing issues before clearing them.
This document provides instructions for setting up a basic WordPress blog. It outlines how to sign in to WordPress, navigate the dashboard, and tweak general settings like the blog title, tagline, and profile image. The dashboard is accessed after signing in and contains left-hand navigation menus and a toolbar to access blog administration tools. General settings can be tweaked to personalize the blog, including uploading an image to represent the blog.
Este documento resume diferentes conceptos relacionados con el trabajo en grupos. Describe los tipos de tareas seg炭n Steiner, como las tareas aditivas donde el producto es la suma de las contribuciones individuales, y las tareas disyuntivas donde el producto depende del mejor miembro. Tambi辿n explica factores que reducen la efectividad como problemas de coordinaci坦n o motivaci坦n, y t辿cnicas como establecer metas desafiantes, lluvia de ideas y sistemas de apoyo para la toma de decisiones grupales.
The document summarizes a presentation about a laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure. It describes the procedure as a minimally invasive surgery to remove the gallbladder through several small incisions using instruments inserted through the abdominal wall. The presentation outlines why the surgery is performed, usually to treat gallstones, gallbladder polyps, or cholecystitis. It notes the benefits of laparoscopic surgery over open surgery and some risks of the procedure like injury to organs or postoperative bleeding. Alternatives like open surgery are mentioned if the anatomy is unclear.
Kevin B. Miskolczi is a Rig Manager and Top Driller with over 15 years of experience in top drilling and 7 years as a Rig Manager in oilfield services. He is seeking a Rig Management role where he can apply his strengths in areas like drill string management, directional BHA, and maintenance management. He has managed drilling rigs from 3,000 to 5,500 meters with Tesco top drives and ADR rigs while working in locations like Libya, Africa, New Zealand and Oman.
This document provides information about setting up and configuring a Drupal website. It discusses planning the site functionality and modules to install. It then covers the technical steps to install Drupal and set up the database. Further sections explain how to find and enable modules, configure the site settings, add content like news articles, and best practices for Drupal site development and maintenance.
Must-Have Joomla Extensions by Ken LyleJohn Coonen
The document discusses different categories of Joomla extensions including universal extensions that improve the frontend, backend, or bottom line of a site. It provides examples of extensions for enhanced editors, admin efficiency, SEF, registration, file browsing, backups, user comments, and site maps that fall under the "must have" universal category. The document also outlines specific extension needs for forms, AdSense, statistics, non-profits, communities, and galleries that could be considered "core" for certain site functions or vertical markets.
To add widgets to a WordPress site, an administrator first logs into the dashboard by entering the site URL plus "/wp-admin/" and authenticating. They then navigate to Appearance > Widgets in the dashboard menu. Available widgets can be dragged from the list and dropped into sidebar areas, where they can be configured and titled. After saving, the widgets will display on the site sidebar when viewed.
The document provides an overview of using blogs for educational purposes. It discusses how blogs have a low barrier to entry, allow for collaboration, and can store student work. While blogs have limited features compared to other platforms, they are free and easy to use. The document then provides step-by-step instructions for setting up a blog on, including adding links and images. It concludes by listing additional resources for using blogs and examples of educational blogs.
Tips for site builders and administratorsTim Plummer
This document provides tips for site builders and administrators on upgrading to PHP7, enabling SSL, debugging CSS issues, setting error reporting, backing up sites, and hiding the admin URL for security. It recommends upgrading to PHP7 for improved site performance, using Let's Encrypt for free SSL certificates, inspecting and editing CSS using browser developer tools, setting error reporting to none in production, automating daily backups to Amazon S3, and using an extension like Akeeba Admin Tools to hide and secure the administrator backend URL.
This document provides instructions for creating a basic 4-page website about baboons using Joomla content management system in 3 steps:
1. Set the site name to "Baboons" in the global configuration settings.
2. Create 4 pages ("Home", "How Baboons Look", "Social Life of Baboons", "Types of Baboons") as articles in the article manager.
3. Create menu links for each page in the main menu, selecting the corresponding article for each link.
This allows the creation of a simple 4-page baboon site accessible through the main menu, configured entirely through the Joomla administrative interface.
With Joomla 4.0 due to be released around the end of 2017, it's time to start looking at what is coming up. It's promising some transformational changes in engineering, style and features.
WordPress Maintenance: 14 Essential Tasks to Keep Your Site OptimizedMarshall Reyher
This document discusses 14 essential WordPress maintenance tasks that should be performed regularly to keep a WordPress site optimized and running smoothly. It describes tasks such as creating regular backups, keeping WordPress, themes and plugins updated, optimizing the database, running performance tests, updating passwords, checking contact forms, fixing broken links, deleting spam comments, redirecting 404 errors, clearing caches, removing drafts and unused themes/plugins, cleaning the media library, and auditing old content. Performing these tasks helps ensure a site remains secure, up-to-date and high performing.
This document provides an introduction to HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and how to create basic web pages using HTML tags. It explains that HTML uses tags to tell a computer where to display text and images on a web page and what they should look like. Common tags include <head>, <body>, and <footer> which define the head, body, and footer sections of a page. The document provides an example of basic HTML code for a simple web page and shows what it would look like rendered in a browser. It then instructs on creating a blog post, providing students with a task to log into a school blog and create a new post about a topic using HTML tags and functions.
Getting Started with the Joomla! FrameworkMichael Babker
The document provides an overview of the Joomla! Framework, a lightweight PHP application framework extracted from the Joomla! CMS codebase. It discusses the framework's history and benefits for Joomla! and PHP developers, including a smaller learning curve and integration with Composer. Examples of real-world uses are shown, such as the site and an energy management application.
Modules and Components Introduction in Joomla! 2.5Vishwash Gaur
Vishwash Gaur provides an overview of Joomla! modules and components. Modules are lightweight extensions used to render parts of pages, while components provide main functionality and can contain modules and plugins. The presentation covers module and component conventions, how to add them to templates, and their basic folder structures. Resources for learning more about Joomla! are also listed.
This document provides step-by-step instructions for creating a basic website using Google Sites. It outlines how to log in to Google, access Sites, set up a new blank site, add a theme and site name. It then describes how to add content like text and images within tables, how to link pages and content, and how to create additional pages. The document stresses keeping the site simple initially and provides tips for getting help and improving the site over time.
De basis en een stukje meer... Bootstrap 3 in Joomla!
In deze presentatie legt Hans Kuijpers tijdens Joomladagen 2015 #jd15nl uit hoe je Bootstrap 3 framework verwerkt in Joomla en waar je op moet letten.
It is extremely common that parts of pages within a Joomla! website are replicated across several views, or even across several extensions. So what does Joomla! contain that could potentially make our lives easier to manage these repeating entities?
JLayouts enters the room...
Joomla's superb JLayout structure was added to Joomla! v3 to help solve this very problem. Having the ability to use different layout's and associated data across views and extensions is such an awesome addition to Joomla!, but have you used it?
Philip will be explaining JLayouts, what it is, how it works & where you could possibly be missing a trick in your front-end development of Joomla! websites.
Joomla! has seen some great advances in the CMS as the project's contributors continue to innovate and bring in cutting edge features. we'll take a look at the accomplishes of Joomla and what the future of Joomla 4 will bring.
This document provides instructions for clearing cache and cookies in different browsers. It explains that clearing cache and cookies erases saved website settings like usernames, passwords, and page display preferences. As a result, pages may load slower as images and content need to be reloaded. The document recommends first trying private browsing mode to isolate whether cache/cookies are causing issues before clearing them.
This document provides instructions for setting up a basic WordPress blog. It outlines how to sign in to WordPress, navigate the dashboard, and tweak general settings like the blog title, tagline, and profile image. The dashboard is accessed after signing in and contains left-hand navigation menus and a toolbar to access blog administration tools. General settings can be tweaked to personalize the blog, including uploading an image to represent the blog.
Este documento resume diferentes conceptos relacionados con el trabajo en grupos. Describe los tipos de tareas seg炭n Steiner, como las tareas aditivas donde el producto es la suma de las contribuciones individuales, y las tareas disyuntivas donde el producto depende del mejor miembro. Tambi辿n explica factores que reducen la efectividad como problemas de coordinaci坦n o motivaci坦n, y t辿cnicas como establecer metas desafiantes, lluvia de ideas y sistemas de apoyo para la toma de decisiones grupales.
The document summarizes a presentation about a laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure. It describes the procedure as a minimally invasive surgery to remove the gallbladder through several small incisions using instruments inserted through the abdominal wall. The presentation outlines why the surgery is performed, usually to treat gallstones, gallbladder polyps, or cholecystitis. It notes the benefits of laparoscopic surgery over open surgery and some risks of the procedure like injury to organs or postoperative bleeding. Alternatives like open surgery are mentioned if the anatomy is unclear.
Kevin B. Miskolczi is a Rig Manager and Top Driller with over 15 years of experience in top drilling and 7 years as a Rig Manager in oilfield services. He is seeking a Rig Management role where he can apply his strengths in areas like drill string management, directional BHA, and maintenance management. He has managed drilling rigs from 3,000 to 5,500 meters with Tesco top drives and ADR rigs while working in locations like Libya, Africa, New Zealand and Oman.
REALAPP is a growing fruit juice company in India that has experienced slow growth due to competition. The company's director wants to analyze the factors affecting sales using multiple regression analysis. He assigns an executive to collect past quarterly data on sales, distributors, distributor margins, sales force size, sales incentives, and advertising spending. The director wants conclusions drawn from analyzing which variables correlate with sales and describe variability in sales.
El documento presenta el proyecto "Pon tu semilla para construir un mundo mejor" que busca desarrollar competencias en interculturalidad y digiculturalidad a trav辿s de cuatro dimensiones: instrumental, cognitiva, socio-comunicativa y 辿tica. El proyecto motiva la participaci坦n en comunidades virtuales y concursos, promueve el conocimiento de las diferencias culturales y facilita la comunicaci坦n intercultural a trav辿s del contacto con personas y culturas diversas utilizando herramientas virtuales.
Este documento presenta una lista de verificaci坦n del portafolio digital de Susan Carolina Acosta Ram鱈rez. Revisa si se publicaron en su p叩gina web diez componentes requeridos como reflexiones sobre videos y mapas conceptuales sobre TIC, una nube de palabras, un podcast, un recurso educativo digital evaluado, un proyecto de aula con TIC y evidencias, un informe de pr叩ctica y una reflexi坦n final. El evaluador concluye que el blog cumple con todos los requisitos y est叩 bien estructurado.
El documento resume la expedici坦n de Napole坦n Bonaparte a Egipto en 1798. Se describe como una empresa extravagante que llev坦 a un ej辿rcito franc辿s a Egipto en barcos en mal estado con el objetivo desconocido para los soldados. Aunque arriesgada, la expedici坦n tuvo un gran impacto y contribuy坦 al nacimiento de disciplinas como la espeleolog鱈a y la futurolog鱈a.
The document outlines a 7 step process for building targeted backlinks to increase website traffic. Step 1 involves optimizing website content for targeted keywords. Step 2 is writing unique content and submitting to article directories to build backlinks. Step 3 is building blogs and linking them to the main website to build more backlinks. The process aims to build backlinks through natural linking methods rather than paid links or software.
Drupal Checklist for Site Builder and Web adminAdolfo Nasol
I've discuss this presentation in the Business track of PhDrug : Philippine Drupal User Group DrupalCamp Manila Event this Feb 5 2011 in Makati Philippines
Welcome to the world of profitable blogging, where you will be able to create websites that are quickly monetized a number of different ways, while being thoroughly optimized for top search engine ranking so you can generate unlimited traffic with very little effort.
This is what youll learn from this guide:
揃 Discover some of the hottest niche markets ever revealed for quick cash with niche blogs!
揃 The simple system for setting up profitable blogs in just a few hours!
揃 The top methods for making money with blogs including the popular $500 cash method!
揃 The 10-minute tactic that will help you get a steady income with your blogs!
揃 And Much, Much More..
Here is the presentation from Dave Jesch, a Wordpress Plugin Developer, who walked our group through an installation of Wordpress and respective SEO plugins. Dave actually created two plugins linked to from the 際際滷share for Google Analytics and Facebook integration. Visit to learn more about Dave Jesch.
This E-Book will teach you the Art of Best selective Tricks & Methods of earning through Blogging. It will give all the Ideas & solutions that you can Implement & earn easily through Blogging by becoming a successful Blogger. Blogging is basically a relationship. Two crucial components of any relationship are intent and association. Choose what you want to achieve. You are able to find dozens of high-quality direction about every aspect of arranging and controlling your blog, but none of it is one-size-fits-all. Each choice-design, program, post length, styledepends on the ending goal you have. Conclusions that do not seem like a big deal now may become crucial later. Even on a minor scale, personal blogs can definitely generate revenue. The Net and social networking sites make this easier than ever before. Advertising in your blog can be fun, and more significantly, very rewarding.
This document provides instructions for setting up and customizing the "Cody Blogger Template" theme. It includes steps for installing the template, adding ads banners, setting up image sliders and sidebar widgets, adding meta keywords/descriptions, and more. The document contains over a dozen sections with code samples and screenshots to demonstrate how to complete common customization tasks for this template.
Here's a basic introduction about Joomla 3 and step by step process you need to take to get an installation and also step guide for content, menu and category management
the revolutionary new way to connect and exchange ideas and opportunities with millions of people worldwide irrespective of the place of origin. free for anyone with an interest. blogging began as a way to share ideas is fast becoming a hot new money making industry as people realize just how fascinating and easy it is to monetize their blogs to make money right from their own home. Yes, blogging is a fantastic way to create a steady monthly residual income just by starting a blog and sharing your passion with the rest of the world. how to achieve this?
the revolutionary new way to connect and exchange ideas and opportunities with millions of people worldwide irrespective of the place of origin. free for anyone with an interest. blogging began as a way to share ideas is fast becoming a hot new money making industry as people realize just how fascinating and easy it is to monetize their blogs to make money right from their own home. Yes, blogging is a fantastic way to create a steady monthly residual income just by starting a blog and sharing your passion with the rest of the world. how to achieve this?
The document provides guidance on how to turn a MoreNiche template into a website using the Nvu editor. It discusses downloading and extracting the template files, creating additional pages by copying and pasting or using the "Save As" feature in Nvu, and editing pages by inserting links, images, tables, and modifying site menus. It also offers tips for search engine optimization including setting the page title and description.
This document provides steps to import a Flash animation into a website. It explains how to publish the animation to generate HTML files, upload these files to the website using FTP, and then copy the JavaScript code from the HTML file to embed the animation onto website pages. The steps are to: 1) Publish the Flash file, 2) Upload the generated files to the website via FTP, and 3) Copy the JavaScript code to embed the animation onto website pages.
This document provides instructions for setting up a self-hosted WordPress site using Reclaim Hosting. It explains how to create a subdomain, install WordPress, customize settings and content, install themes and plugins, and create a child theme to modify an existing theme without losing changes on updates. The goal is to have a functional WordPress site that can be further customized.
What is WordPress? WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. But in non-geek speak, its probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today.
The document provides instructions for customizing a WordPress blog that uses the Thesis theme. It includes:
1) Initial setup instructions for installing Thesis and making configuration changes through the WordPress admin panel.
2) Customizations made to theme files like custom.css and custom_functions.php to modify the design and add elements like pull quotes, styled widgets, and footnotes.
3) Code used to add features like static ad blocks, a favicon, and an image below the header of the blog.
The document provides code snippets and explanations for a variety of customizations made to an individual blog to refine the theme's design and functionality.
The document provides instructions for customizing a WordPress blog that uses the Thesis theme. It includes:
1) Initial setup instructions for installing Thesis and making configuration changes through the WordPress admin panel.
2) Customizations made to style blog elements like widgets, pullquotes, and footnotes by editing the custom.css file.
3) Adding custom functions like Twitter links and favicon by editing the custom_functions.php file.
4) Inserting static ad blocks and a header image below the site name through code snippets and image uploads.
The document provides code examples and explanations for a variety of customizations made to improve the appearance and functionality of the blog.
This document provides an overview and instructions for setting up an educational blog using Blogger. It discusses creating a Google account, naming the blog, choosing a template, and configuring basic settings. It also covers posting and embedding content like photos, videos, slides, and widgets. The document recommends privacy settings and getting parental permissions before posting photos or names of students. It includes screenshots to illustrate the steps and provides tips for using the blog platform.
This document provides instructions for teachers on how to set up and customize a blog using Blogger. It includes steps for creating a Google account, naming the blog, choosing a template, and configuring basic settings. It also covers how to post content like text, photos, videos, slideshows, and widgets. Teachers are encouraged to use the blog to share lessons and communicate with students and parents. Setting up privacy controls and getting parental permissions are also addressed.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
ITI Turner Question Paper MCQ E-Book Free DownloadSONU HEETSON
ITI Turner Question Paper MCQ Book PDF Free Download. All Questions collected from NIMI Mock Test, CTS Bharat Skills Question Bank, Previous Exam papers. Helpful for CTS Trade Theory 1st & 2nd Year CBT Exam,油Apprentice test, AITT, ISRO, DRDO, NAVY, ARMY, Naval Dockyard, Tradesman, Training Officer, Instructor, RRB ALP CBT 2,油Railway Technician, CEPTAM, BRO, PWD, PHED, Air India, BHEL, BARC, IPSC, CISF, CTI, HSFC, GSRTC, GAIL, PSC, Viva, Tests, Quiz油& all other technical competitive exams.
Chapter 1. Basic Concepts of Strategic Management.pdfRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
How to Unblock Payment in Odoo 18 AccountingCeline George
In this slide, we will explore the process of unblocking payments in the Odoo 18 Accounting module. Payment blocks may occur due to various reasons, such as exceeding credit limits or pending approvals. We'll walk through the steps to remove these blocks and ensure smooth payment processing.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Read me st
1. ==========================================
======How to Upload Blogger Templates=====
1. Un-zip the zip file that you downloaded it from
Ensure you have extracted the XML template from it
2. Log in to your Bloggers Dashboard --> Design --> Edit HTML
3. Ensure you back up your old template in case you decide to use it again.
To do this, clicking on the "download full template" link and save the file to
your hard drive.
4. Once you have created a back up, upload the new template by clicking the
Browse button.
Select the files source of your template and click the Upload,
5. The HTML of your new template will now appear in the box below.
You can preview your template or simply save to start using it!
This template is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License, which permits both personal and commercial use.
However, to satisfy the 'attribution' clause of the license, please keep
the footer links intact which provides due credit to its authors / supportes and
retain the author information within the template code.
For more details about the license:
If you wish to remove link back, please purchase a template license.
=============You are NOT free:============
- claim that you did it and put on your site for paid download.
- Link directly to the Template rapidshare files from your site.
- If you distribute this template, please respect to us and DO NOT ADD YOUR
LINKS. Because, you didn't do it.
TEMPLATES IN YOUR SERVERS but instead, link to my template pages or link to
For more details about the my rules:
Thank you very much for supporting us. We appreciate that!