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7777 N. 70
Tolleson, AZ Every Monday from 1830 to 2030
6330 or johnb@ethosministries.org
Tempe, AZ On break until January 2015
East Valley Veteran Education Center Conference Room at
Rio Salado Community College
Call Mike Jardine @ 480-220-5139 or Dennis Larson at 480
Prescott, AZ Every Monday from 1830 to 2030
Contact Charlie Koon @ 928-499-
Prescott Valley, AZ Every Monday from 1830 to 2030
Contact Charlie Koon @ 928-499-
Join our private Facebook page, Perimeter Check, for 24 hr. support on
Blehm @ 623-628-6330 or Friend him on Facebook, John Blehm, Sr. to be added.
Wives can join Ethos Band of Sisters/AZ for on
added to this Secret Group. Contact Karen for updates on upcoming groups.
Learn how your combat stress affects not only you, but your wife, children
and love ones. Untreated combat trauma can affect the lives of your
children down to the fourth generation.
contract secondary post-traumatic stress. Get help for yourself and them!
Not affiliated with any government entity, i.e., VA, Military or State Agencies
Combat Trauma Group Meetings
For veterans of all wars battling combat trauma
7777 N. 70th
Avenue, Glendale, Arizona
Every Monday from 1830 to 2030 Contact John Blehm @ 623
johnb@ethosministries.org to register and address.
On break until January 2015
East Valley Veteran Education Center Conference Room at
5139 or Dennis Larson at 480-251-8167
Every Monday from 1830 to 2030 at 302 W. Willis, Suite 102
-0615 or email charliek@ethosministries.org
Every Monday from 1830 to 2030 at the
-0615 or email charliek@ethosministries.org
Join our private Facebook page, Perimeter Check, for 24 hr. support on
6330 or Friend him on Facebook, John Blehm, Sr. to be added.
Wives can join Ethos Band of Sisters/AZ for on-line support. Friend Karen Blehm to be
Contact Karen for updates on upcoming groups.
Learn how your combat stress affects not only you, but your wife, children
Untreated combat trauma can affect the lives of your
children down to the fourth generation. Wives, children and loved ones can
traumatic stress. Get help for yourself and them!
Not affiliated with any government entity, i.e., VA, Military or State Agencies
Registered 501c3 Non-Profit
Combat Trauma Group Meetings
For veterans of all wars battling combat trauma
and/or reintegration issues.
John Blehm @ 623-628-
8167 to register.
302 W. Willis, Suite 102
charliek@ethosministries.org to register.
at the Ridge Church
charliek@ethosministries.org to register.
Join our private Facebook page, Perimeter Check, for 24 hr. support on-line. Call John
6330 or Friend him on Facebook, John Blehm, Sr. to be added.
Friend Karen Blehm to be
Contact Karen for updates on upcoming groups.
Learn how your combat stress affects not only you, but your wife, children
Untreated combat trauma can affect the lives of your
Wives, children and loved ones can
traumatic stress. Get help for yourself and them!
Not affiliated with any government entity, i.e., VA, Military or State Agencies
Combat Trauma Group Meetings
For veterans of all wars battling combat trauma
From the wife of a retired airman and Iraq War veteran who suffered with extreme PTSD:
I have seen tremendous progress with my husband since he has been attending the (combat trauma)
group. He is doing much better now, attending UTI (Universal Technical Institute) paid by Vocational
From a Vietnam Vet who was severely wounded at Khe Sahn:
This group is the only thing that has worked for me, after all these years. My wife can see the difference in
me.  He attended one of the first groups started in 2008. Today he leads a combat trauma group. He once
claimed to be an atheist but now professes his faith in Jesus Christ openly.
A WWII Vet, a Forward Artillery Pilot
He felt he was responsible for taking the lives of over 200,000 people during the Allied war effort. He said
he learned more and got more help in 2 hours in this group than he had in the previous 60 years. He had
been carrying that burden for six decades with no relief of the guilt until he came to a combat trauma
Vietnam Vet
Before I came to these classes, I felt I didnt have a problem. It was everybody else that had a problem, not
me. Now I realize the problem was me and my issues with God.
Iraq War Vet
I learned not to tell everyone what had happened to me in a combat zone and to stay away from people
who were hindering rather than helping my recovery.
Vietnam Vet
My kids went to Disneyland and brought me back a cup with Grumpy on it. I had never told them how
much pain I was in from my PTSD.
Vietnam Vet
This is the only place I can talk about my experiences with people that actually understandthey get it.
Rather than talking to a V.A. psychiatrist who says they understand when there is no way they can.

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Group Flyer and Testimony

  • 1. 7777 N. 70 Tolleson, AZ Every Monday from 1830 to 2030 6330 or johnb@ethosministries.org Tempe, AZ On break until January 2015 East Valley Veteran Education Center Conference Room at Rio Salado Community College Call Mike Jardine @ 480-220-5139 or Dennis Larson at 480 Prescott, AZ Every Monday from 1830 to 2030 Contact Charlie Koon @ 928-499- Prescott Valley, AZ Every Monday from 1830 to 2030 Contact Charlie Koon @ 928-499- Join our private Facebook page, Perimeter Check, for 24 hr. support on Blehm @ 623-628-6330 or Friend him on Facebook, John Blehm, Sr. to be added. Wives can join Ethos Band of Sisters/AZ for on added to this Secret Group. Contact Karen for updates on upcoming groups. Learn how your combat stress affects not only you, but your wife, children and love ones. Untreated combat trauma can affect the lives of your children down to the fourth generation. contract secondary post-traumatic stress. Get help for yourself and them! GROUPS ARE FREE OF CHARGE AND OPEN, DONT WAIT CALL TO GET STARTED Not affiliated with any government entity, i.e., VA, Military or State Agencies STRI Combat Trauma Group Meetings For veterans of all wars battling combat trauma 7777 N. 70th Avenue, Glendale, Arizona Every Monday from 1830 to 2030 Contact John Blehm @ 623 johnb@ethosministries.org to register and address. On break until January 2015 East Valley Veteran Education Center Conference Room at 5139 or Dennis Larson at 480-251-8167 Every Monday from 1830 to 2030 at 302 W. Willis, Suite 102 -0615 or email charliek@ethosministries.org Every Monday from 1830 to 2030 at the -0615 or email charliek@ethosministries.org Join our private Facebook page, Perimeter Check, for 24 hr. support on 6330 or Friend him on Facebook, John Blehm, Sr. to be added. Wives can join Ethos Band of Sisters/AZ for on-line support. Friend Karen Blehm to be Contact Karen for updates on upcoming groups. Learn how your combat stress affects not only you, but your wife, children Untreated combat trauma can affect the lives of your children down to the fourth generation. Wives, children and loved ones can traumatic stress. Get help for yourself and them! GROUPS ARE FREE OF CHARGE AND OPEN, DONT WAIT FOR A CRISIS CALL TO GET STARTED NOW!! www.ethosministries.org Not affiliated with any government entity, i.e., VA, Military or State Agencies Registered 501c3 Non-Profit STRICT CONFIDENTIALITY OBSERVED Combat Trauma Group Meetings For veterans of all wars battling combat trauma and/or reintegration issues. John Blehm @ 623-628- 8167 to register. 302 W. Willis, Suite 102 charliek@ethosministries.org to register. at the Ridge Church charliek@ethosministries.org to register. Join our private Facebook page, Perimeter Check, for 24 hr. support on-line. Call John 6330 or Friend him on Facebook, John Blehm, Sr. to be added. Friend Karen Blehm to be Contact Karen for updates on upcoming groups. Learn how your combat stress affects not only you, but your wife, children Untreated combat trauma can affect the lives of your Wives, children and loved ones can traumatic stress. Get help for yourself and them! Not affiliated with any government entity, i.e., VA, Military or State Agencies Combat Trauma Group Meetings For veterans of all wars battling combat trauma
  • 2. TESTIMONIES From the wife of a retired airman and Iraq War veteran who suffered with extreme PTSD: I have seen tremendous progress with my husband since he has been attending the (combat trauma) group. He is doing much better now, attending UTI (Universal Technical Institute) paid by Vocational Rehabilitation. From a Vietnam Vet who was severely wounded at Khe Sahn: This group is the only thing that has worked for me, after all these years. My wife can see the difference in me. He attended one of the first groups started in 2008. Today he leads a combat trauma group. He once claimed to be an atheist but now professes his faith in Jesus Christ openly. A WWII Vet, a Forward Artillery Pilot He felt he was responsible for taking the lives of over 200,000 people during the Allied war effort. He said he learned more and got more help in 2 hours in this group than he had in the previous 60 years. He had been carrying that burden for six decades with no relief of the guilt until he came to a combat trauma group. Vietnam Vet Before I came to these classes, I felt I didnt have a problem. It was everybody else that had a problem, not me. Now I realize the problem was me and my issues with God. Iraq War Vet I learned not to tell everyone what had happened to me in a combat zone and to stay away from people who were hindering rather than helping my recovery. Vietnam Vet My kids went to Disneyland and brought me back a cup with Grumpy on it. I had never told them how much pain I was in from my PTSD. Vietnam Vet This is the only place I can talk about my experiences with people that actually understandthey get it. Rather than talking to a V.A. psychiatrist who says they understand when there is no way they can.