The document provides an overview of Motorola's new AP 8200 Series 802.11ac access points. Key points include:
- The series includes the AP 8222 for high-density public environments and AP 8232 with modular capabilities.
- They support the latest 802.11ac standard for faster wireless speeds as well as legacy standards.
- The access points can be deployed standalone or centrally managed through Motorola controllers and management software.
- The management software provides advanced features like content caching, virtual machine management, and analytics.
- 802.11ac is forecast to become the dominant wireless standard as it provides gigabit speeds to support increasing mobile use.
- The access point series
The document describes the Motorola AP-7131-GR, an adaptive services access point that provides wireless connectivity, security features, and mesh networking capabilities for government agencies. It has dual radios that allow it to simultaneously provide high-speed wireless access, wireless intrusion prevention sensing, and self-healing mesh networking. The access point offers high security validation, support for 802.11n and a/b/g standards, wireless throughput up to 600Mbps, and can operate as a standalone access point or centrally-managed device. It provides features such as wireless intrusion detection, rogue device detection and termination, VPN connectivity, quality of service controls, and flexible management options.
The AP 6522 is a dual-radio 802.11a/b/g/n wireless access point designed for small offices and retail locations. It can handle increasing numbers of Wi-Fi devices and bandwidth-heavy applications connecting to the network without requiring a controller. The access point offers high throughput, security, quality of service, and site survivability through its embedded WiNG 5 intelligence. It can also serve as a virtual controller for up to 24 neighboring access points.
A wireless network solution is proposed to transform light rail operations by increasing passenger productivity, safety, and ridership. The solution would provide reliable WiFi access on trains to allow passengers to be productive during their commutes and alert operators to potential safety issues. A variety of wireless devices like access points, modems, and cameras would create a robust network to distribute data and video along the entire rail system. This integrated wireless infrastructure could enhance the passenger experience and make light rail a more attractive transportation option.
The AP 8163 is a ruggedized outdoor mesh access point designed to withstand extreme weather conditions. It has three radios - two for client access across 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, and a third radio that can be used for wireless intrusion prevention scanning or dynamic frequency selection to avoid radar interference. The advanced WiNG 5 operating system allows the access points to self-optimize the network for best performance. Key features include powerful antennas for extended range, mesh networking for redundancy, and security features like firewalls and wireless intrusion prevention.
The AP-7131 is an 802.11n access point with 3 radios that provides high-speed wireless data, voice, video, mesh networking, and wireless intrusion prevention system (IPS) functionality. It delivers maximum wireless network throughput of up to 600 Mbps. The tri-radio design allows the device to dedicate radios to different functions like client access, mesh networking, and 24/7 wireless IPS sensing. It can operate as either a standalone access point or centrally managed by a wireless switch. The multi-functionality reduces costs by eliminating the need for separate devices and infrastructure to support different network services.
The AP 7502 is a dual-band 802.11ac wireless access point designed for installation in small spaces like hotel rooms. It has a compact wall-mount design, supports the latest WiFi standards, and includes features to ensure reliable connectivity even in challenging environments. Setup and management are simplified through zero-touch provisioning and both standalone and controller-based operation modes.
The document provides an overview of Motorola's new AP 8200 Series 802.11ac access points. Key points include:
- The series includes the AP 8222 for high-density public environments and AP 8232 with modular capabilities.
- They support the latest 802.11ac standard for faster wireless speeds as well as legacy standards.
- The access points can be deployed standalone or centrally managed through Motorola controllers and management software.
- The management software provides advanced features like content caching, virtual machine management, and analytics.
- 802.11ac is forecast to become the dominant wireless standard as it provides gigabit speeds to support increasing mobile use.
- The access point series
The document describes the Motorola AP-7131-GR, an adaptive services access point that provides wireless connectivity, security features, and mesh networking capabilities for government agencies. It has dual radios that allow it to simultaneously provide high-speed wireless access, wireless intrusion prevention sensing, and self-healing mesh networking. The access point offers high security validation, support for 802.11n and a/b/g standards, wireless throughput up to 600Mbps, and can operate as a standalone access point or centrally-managed device. It provides features such as wireless intrusion detection, rogue device detection and termination, VPN connectivity, quality of service controls, and flexible management options.
The AP 6522 is a dual-radio 802.11a/b/g/n wireless access point designed for small offices and retail locations. It can handle increasing numbers of Wi-Fi devices and bandwidth-heavy applications connecting to the network without requiring a controller. The access point offers high throughput, security, quality of service, and site survivability through its embedded WiNG 5 intelligence. It can also serve as a virtual controller for up to 24 neighboring access points.
A wireless network solution is proposed to transform light rail operations by increasing passenger productivity, safety, and ridership. The solution would provide reliable WiFi access on trains to allow passengers to be productive during their commutes and alert operators to potential safety issues. A variety of wireless devices like access points, modems, and cameras would create a robust network to distribute data and video along the entire rail system. This integrated wireless infrastructure could enhance the passenger experience and make light rail a more attractive transportation option.
The AP 8163 is a ruggedized outdoor mesh access point designed to withstand extreme weather conditions. It has three radios - two for client access across 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, and a third radio that can be used for wireless intrusion prevention scanning or dynamic frequency selection to avoid radar interference. The advanced WiNG 5 operating system allows the access points to self-optimize the network for best performance. Key features include powerful antennas for extended range, mesh networking for redundancy, and security features like firewalls and wireless intrusion prevention.
The AP-7131 is an 802.11n access point with 3 radios that provides high-speed wireless data, voice, video, mesh networking, and wireless intrusion prevention system (IPS) functionality. It delivers maximum wireless network throughput of up to 600 Mbps. The tri-radio design allows the device to dedicate radios to different functions like client access, mesh networking, and 24/7 wireless IPS sensing. It can operate as either a standalone access point or centrally managed by a wireless switch. The multi-functionality reduces costs by eliminating the need for separate devices and infrastructure to support different network services.
The AP 7502 is a dual-band 802.11ac wireless access point designed for installation in small spaces like hotel rooms. It has a compact wall-mount design, supports the latest WiFi standards, and includes features to ensure reliable connectivity even in challenging environments. Setup and management are simplified through zero-touch provisioning and both standalone and controller-based operation modes.
Cambium Networks is an industry leader in point-to-multipoint and point-to-point wireless broadband solutions. They have shipped over 4 million nodes totaling over $1 billion to networks in more than 150 countries. Their ePMP product line provides affordable and scalable wireless access networks through features like GPS synchronization, high scalability and consistent performance, interference mitigation technology, and effective quality of service capabilities.
The VX 9000 virtualized software-based wireless LAN controller combines the power of virtualization with Motorola Solutions' WiNG Controller. It provides centralized management of wireless networks through a single interface with high scalability, flexibility and advanced wireless services. Key features include integrated network security, the advanced WiNG 5 operating system, plug-and-play deployment, simplified licensing and infinite scalability through virtualization. It supports all major hypervisors and public/private clouds for maximum deployment flexibility at low cost.
The NX 7500 integrated services platform provides comprehensive management of up to 2,048 network elements through a single interface. It allows all network infrastructure to intelligently route traffic for maximum speed and throughput without congestion. The NX 7500 offers advanced wireless LAN performance for mid-sized and campus environments with features such as plug-and-play installation, hierarchical management, smart routing, BYOD support, and integrated security services. It provides flexibility and investment protection through modular upgrades.
The document discusses the challenges retailers face in supporting increased wireless applications and next-generation Wi-Fi in stores. It introduces the Motorola AP 8200 Series as a solution that provides high-performance wireless connectivity for customers and staff. The AP 8200 Series allows easy access, security, support for 802.11ac Wi-Fi, bandwidth for applications, and performance for many users. It provides flexibility, a cost-effective upgrade to 802.11ac, and features for security, environmental monitoring, location services, and more.
The document describes the innovative features of the Motorola AP 8222 wireless access point. It has a sleek design suitable for retail, office, and other customer-facing spaces. It provides dual-band 802.11ac and 802.11n wireless connectivity at speeds up to 1.3Gbps. Key features include advanced beamforming, gap-free security, and support for bandwidth-heavy applications like video calling. The access point is centrally managed through Motorola's WiNG 5 networking operating system.
The document describes the features and capabilities of the Motorola AP 8122 3x3 MIMO 802.11n access point. It delivers high throughput to support enterprise applications including voice and HD video using 802.11n technology with standard 802.3af PoE. It has advanced features like load balancing, pre-emptive roaming, and dual band radios to increase network reliability, resilience, and security. The access point also supports advanced wireless capabilities such as voice over wireless, location services, and guest access controls.
The document describes the innovative features of the AP 7532 wireless access point. It provides the highest wireless speeds available with 3x3 MIMO and 256 QAM modulation on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz radios. It has a dual radio 802.11ac/802.11n design that provides a upgrade path to 1.3Gbps 802.11ac speeds while maintaining support for existing devices. It offers various advanced features like load balancing, security, sensor support and quality of service for voice. The access point is designed to deliver maximum performance at a low cost.
The document describes the innovative features of the AP 7522 wireless access point. It provides dual-band 802.11ac and 802.11n radios for high performance WiFi. It offers internal or external antenna options and can function as both an access point and wireless sensor. The access point provides security, load balancing, and other features to support mission critical applications on the wireless network.
The document provides a snapshot of various access point models categorized by their functionality and features. It describes full service access points as premium models with the most features and highest bandwidth capabilities, suitable for large enterprises. It describes high performance access points as mid-tier models with robust features, suitable for small to mid-size businesses. It describes purpose built access points as models tailored for specific vertical markets. It also describes dependent access points as value-tier models that require a controller. For each access point, it lists key specifications and provides brief descriptions of suitable use cases in different vertical markets like retail, healthcare, transportation etc.
This document summarizes the key features and benefits of the RAy2 24GHz microwave point-to-point link. The RAy2 offers high speed wireless connectivity over long distances using narrow channels in the 24GHz spectrum. It provides reliable connectivity with low power consumption in challenging conditions. The RAy2 offers intuitive configuration, embedded diagnostics, and security features. It is designed to be a cost effective solution for applications like last mile connectivity and fibre line replacement.
WiNG 5 is Motorola Solutions' next generation wireless LAN operating system that provides distributed intelligence and software-defined networking capabilities. It scales from small single-site networks to large multi-site global deployments. WiNG 5 distributes controller functionality to every access point, allowing them to work together to route traffic through the most efficient path. This provides high performance, reliability, security and manageability along with seamless mobility for users.
Access point 3x3 MIMO
a 3 stream spaziali
Consente di ottenere il
massimo throughput per
supportare praticamente
ogni tipo di applicazione
aziendale, comprese
applicazioni voce e video HD
Prestazioni 802.11n con
standard PoE (802.3af)
Semplifica l’installazione
e ne riduce il costo totale
sfruttando lo standard PoE
Interfaccia USB standard
per componenti modulari
Grazie al suo innovativo
design che consente
l’installazione di un massimo
di due moduli, uno su
entrambi i lati dell’unità ,
offre infinite possibilità per
l’utilizzo di applicazioni
Bilanciamento del carico,
roaming preventivo e
scaling della velocitÃ
Consente di aumentare
l’affidabilità e la resilienza
della rete wireless per
supportare applicazioni di
importanza critica
Apparecchi radio
sbloccati a doppia banda
È possibile aumentare la
sicurezza senza aumentare
i costi; gli apparecchi radio
sbloccati consentono attivitÃ
di rilevamento WIPS a doppia
banda 24x7 su bande da 2,4
GHz e da 5 GHz e consentono
accesso client 802.11a/b/g/n
e networking mesh.
Le applicazioni sono importantissime. Vi sono applicazioni che ti aiutano a mantenerti
in contatto con i clienti, applicazioni che ti consentono di assistere e dare maggiore
indipendenza ai tuoi dipendenti e applicazioni che possono aiutarti a raggiungere la massima
efficienza operativa e a ridurre i costi. Qualunque sia il campo in cui operi – vendita al
dettaglio, turismo e settore alberghiero, settore sanitario o qualsiasi altra attività – oggi più
che mai la tua azienda ha bisogno di applicazioni accessibili tramite dispositivi mobile quali
smartphone, tablet e mobile computer che sfruttano le attuali e potenti reti Wi-Fi 802.11n.
Tuttavia, l’installazione di hardware per l’utilizzo di applicazioni di importanza cruciale che
sfruttano connessioni di rete cablate ad apparecchiature hardware quali reti di sensori,
sistemi di tracciamento RFID, videocamere IP e altro ancora, può risultare alquanto
problematica. Nella maggior parte dei casi, si tratta di mettere a disposizione cavi di rete
e di alimentazione per ogni singola applicazione e i costi dell’hardware e di installazione
possono essere elevati- Inoltre, soluzioni di questo tipo comportano complessità a livello di
gestione e implementazione.
AP 8132
L’AP 8132 è un access point a due canali radio in grado di
offrirti una maggiore flessibilità e consentirti di estendere la
sua capacità per far fronte ad esigenze superiori. Puoi infatti
installare due moduli di espansione, da utilizzare ad esempio
per monitoraggio di sicurezza e/o nuove applicazioni.
In un ambiente a bassa intensità , potrai aggiungere il
canale radio 1 per accesso client su frequenze da 2,4 o
5,0 GHz e il canale radio 2 sbloccato come sensore per
monitoraggio di sicurezza. Qualora aumentassero le tue
esigenze, potrai aumentare la capacità dell’AP aggiungendo
un modulo di espansione da utilizzare come unità sensore
per monitoraggio di sicurezza e utilizzare entrambi i canali
radio 1 e 2 per l’accesso di client. Potrai inoltre aggiungere
un modulo aggiuntivo per una nuova applicazione. In questo
modo riuscirai a ridurre i costi iniziali e in futuro potrai
effettuare una semplice espansione che non comporta la
sostituzione di access point o l’installazione di nuovi access
point. Non avrai inoltre più bisogno di acquistare, alimentare
e gestire sensori dedicati, e ciò ti aiuterà ad ottenere
ulteriori risparmi.
Grazie a due canali radio interni e a slot di espansione in
grado di supportare canali radio addizionali, un singolo AP
8132 ti offre tutta la flessibilità che ti serve per consentire
l’accesso a utenti guest, monitorare in modo continuo (24x7)
lo spettro radio e aggiungere nuove applicazioni.
AP 8132
L’access point AP 8132 ti offre una sicurezza totale per tutte
le tue trasmissioni wireless e ti assicura la conformità alle
leggi e norme locali e di settore come ad esempio la legge
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) per
il settore sanitario e le norme PCI (Payment Card Industry)
per il settore del dettaglio. La nostra gamma completa di
funzionalità integrate per la sicurezza di rete comprende:
firewall SPF (Stateful Packet Filtering) layer 2-7, servizi
RADIUS AAA, sistema IPS (Intrusion Protection System)
wireless, gateway VPN e controllo degli accessi basato
sulla posizione. Potrai inoltre aggiungere funzionalità quali:
controllo degli accessi basato sul ruolo, sistema AirDefense
WIPS (Wireless Intrusion Prevention System) e rilevamento
di dispositivi rogue per raggiungere una sicurezza di altissimo
Il nostro sistema operativo integrato WiNG 5 WLAN
offre prestazioni WLAN, scalabilità e flessibilità di livello
insuperato. In questa architettura WLAN di terza generazione,
tutti gli access point e i controller sono network-aware e in
grado di stabilire insieme il percorso più efficiente del traffico
wireless e di applicare opportune policy di sicurezza e QoS.
Grazie a tutto ciò, otterrai così un servizio wireless di qualitÃ
e affidabilità mai raggiunte prima.
Motorola, leader stimata nel campo della enterprise mobility,
ti offre soluzioni di assistenza attraverso le quali potrai
attingere a tutta la competenza ed esperienza che Motorola
è riuscita ad acquisire nel corso della sua lunga attività al
servizio di numerose e importanti aziende di tutto il mondo.
Attraverso le nostre soluzioni di assistenza mettiamo a tua
disposizione tutta la nostra competenza per garantire alla
tua azienda di raggiungere sempre le massime prestazioni.
Il nostro portfolio completo di servizi offre assistenza per
ogni fase del ciclo di vita della tua rete, dalla pianificazione
e implementazione, fino all’assistenza quotidiana post-
implementazione. I nostri servizi ti aiuteranno a ridurre i rischi
e l’investimento di capitale, abbassare i costi di esercizio,
migliorare la fornitura di servizi e personalizzare la tua rete in
base alle tue specifiche esigenze.
Le soluzioni WLAN WiNG 5
di Motorola ti offrono tutti
i vantaggi della tecnologia
802.11n ma non solo. Grazie
alla nostra architettura
distribuita, potrai estendere i
servizi di mobility, sicurezza e
QoS agli access point in modo
da ottenere un routing diretto
migliore e una resilienza
superiore della rete. Potrai
inoltre evitare colli di bottiglia
in corrispondenza del controller
wireless, problemi di latenza
per le applicazioni voce e il
jitter durante lo streaming
di video. Infine grazie alla
nostra ampia selezione di
access point e configurazioni
di rete flessibili, riuscirai ad
ottenere una rete con tutte
le caratteristiche di cui hai
bisogno acquistando meno
hardware. Ti mostreremo
come ottenere una capacitÃ
superiore, una rete più agile e
utenti più soddisfatti con una
soluzione meno complicata e
Opzione Radio 1 Radio 2 Modulo di espansione
Accesso client
2,4 GHz o
5,0 GHz
Accesso client
2,4 GHz
Accesso client
2,4 GHz
di sicurezza
2,4 / 5,0 GHz
Accesso client
5,0 GHz
Accesso client
5,0 GHz
Monitoraggio di
2,4 / 5,0 GHz
Per ulteriori informazioni sull’access point modulare
AP 8132, visita