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         Virtual dressing
 Its a mobile application.
 It shows newly arrived dresses, top sellers .

 It let the costumer to see how they look in a specific
  dress before buying it. He/she can share it in social
  networks to gather his/her friends opinion .
 Its free, but it has some extra services that
  customers are ready to pay for.
 We prepared our canvas model(URL:
 We thought what services will shape our revenue
 We designed some critical questions.

 We considered that questions must simple, short
  and easy to answer.
 The questions are in two categories:
     Questions for customers
     Question for vendors

   Adding new rule for OAP

     Testing our "value proposition" with potential customers.
     Reconfirming our knowledge about the application.
     Customers problems Recognition.

   New Goals- Learning from customers(OAP):
     Is customers really want our solution?
     Is they want any other problem that we solve?
     How they solve the problem, now?
                                Total of interviewee 25

                                Total of customers 18

                                Total of vendors 7



       shop      shop sellers

                           Total of interviewee 10

                           Total of customers 8


    Costumers    vendors
1.   If there is a free app for mobile that you can wear
     a dress virtually and see how do you look like?
     Will you install it on your cell phone?
2.   If yes, how many times you use it? For
     example, daily, monthly, per case, 
3.   If you like it, what is the percentage of your future
     shopping will be done with this app?
4.   For what extra services will you pay?
5.   Any other suggestion do you have?
6.   Do you think anything else that we could solve or
   We check our questions with OAP values
   Is customers really want our solution?
      Answering to question 1 and to 3, showed us that they
        really want it, they asked us when it will come to
        marketing and how they can get it!
   How they solve the problem, now?
      Most of them go to shop and find what they want, for
        doing that they are spending a lot of time and money.
   Is they want any other problem that we solve?
      Yes, customer choose the model of dress and
        upload, we prepare all other process(like buying the
        cloth and giving to tailor and) till we delivery the dress
        to him or her.
Q1:       Q2: Using      Q3:           Q4: Paying for        Q5:
Free      App, How       Percentage extra services           Suggestions
App       many           of using this
Installat                app of total
85% yes  2 men use it   Average of     100% Yes             1-Giving special
          rarely.        answering is   Some services are:   offers or
         18 men and     75%            1. Free delivery     accessories in
          1 woman                       2. Cash back in      random
          use it when                      case of           2-Wild variety of
          they need to                     dissatisfaction   clothing and
          shop dress.                   3. Showing           fashion is great
         8 women                          Auctions and      3-Physical
          use it very                      their remaining   shopping is fun
          often.                           time              and enjoyable
         1 women                       4. Looking for a     4-Persons that
          used by                          special dress     have Excessive
          situation                        for a ceremony    working hours
                                                             use it very much
 What is the percentage of success for this
  application? why?
 Do you see similar service?

 As a vendor, do you want to pay for this app? How?

 Do you have any question or problem with this
Q1:                     Q2: Similar       Q3: Percentage      Q5: Problems or
Percentage              service           of paying users     questions
of successful lunch -                      How

        75%             One vendor:       90%                 1-What is the best
                        Some web          If we (vendors)     price or affordable
  Positive reasons:     sites, but not    can trust this app. for dress, because
1. It develops more     exactly similar                       there is not haggling
   costumers.                             How:                2-Physical shopping
2. Its attractive.     8 vendors: No     2 vendor:           is fun and enjoyable
                                          Per case            3-Trusting to
  Negative reasons:                       5 vendor:           application is very
1. Women like to see                      By subscription     important
   closes physically.                     2 vendor: Testing
2. Women like                             a short period
   haggling.                              and then
3. Copying our best                       choosing the
   selling models by                      method
   our competitors

 In this section we have not any important
 We found some new extra services that
  customers would like to pay for.
 Some of them were thought that its a
  replacement of physical shopping, but this
  product is a complementary service, does not
  compete with other types of shopping.
 Security of application is important

   Adding new opportunities: choosing
    Jewelries, bags, shoes and ... Can also be
    added to this service.
   There are 3 main problem in this section that are
    new for us:
       Problem 1: How can vendors trust this service?
           Answer: Where as this is a freemium service, vendors loose
            anything when using our service so we can encourage them to
            try it once.
       Problem 2: Women like haggling
              Needs for haggling arises when customers do not rely on
               product prices, where as this system helps to moderate
              This product is a complementary service, does not compete
               with other types of shopping. This product empowers

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Magic Mirror

  • 1. MAGIC MIRROR Virtual dressing
  • 2. MAGIC MIRROR IN BRIEF Its a mobile application. It shows newly arrived dresses, top sellers . It let the costumer to see how they look in a specific dress before buying it. He/she can share it in social networks to gather his/her friends opinion . Its free, but it has some extra services that customers are ready to pay for.
  • 3. BEFORE INTERVIEW We prepared our canvas model(URL: http://venture-lab.org/venture/team_ideas/6891) We thought what services will shape our revenue stream. We designed some critical questions. We considered that questions must simple, short and easy to answer. The questions are in two categories: Questions for customers Question for vendors Adding new rule for OAP
  • 4. FACE TO FACE INTERVIEWS Goals: Testing our "value proposition" with potential customers. Reconfirming our knowledge about the application. Customers problems Recognition. New Goals- Learning from customers(OAP): Is customers really want our solution? Is they want any other problem that we solve? How they solve the problem, now?
  • 5. INTERVIEWEE STATISTICS- FIRST INTERVIEW Total of interviewee 25 Total of customers 18 Total of vendors 7 men Women shop shop sellers customers
  • 6. INTERVIEWEE STATISTICS- SECOND INTERVIEW (OAP) Total of interviewee 10 Total of customers 8 Men Women Costumers vendors
  • 7. CUSTOMERS QUESTIONS(ADDED) 1. If there is a free app for mobile that you can wear a dress virtually and see how do you look like? Will you install it on your cell phone? 2. If yes, how many times you use it? For example, daily, monthly, per case, 3. If you like it, what is the percentage of your future shopping will be done with this app? 4. For what extra services will you pay? 5. Any other suggestion do you have? 6. Do you think anything else that we could solve or improve?
  • 8. OAP CHECK We check our questions with OAP values Is customers really want our solution? Answering to question 1 and to 3, showed us that they really want it, they asked us when it will come to marketing and how they can get it! How they solve the problem, now? Most of them go to shop and find what they want, for doing that they are spending a lot of time and money. Is they want any other problem that we solve? Yes, customer choose the model of dress and upload, we prepare all other process(like buying the cloth and giving to tailor and) till we delivery the dress to him or her.
  • 9. CUSTOMER ANSWERS NEW INTERVIEW ADDED Q1: Q2: Using Q3: Q4: Paying for Q5: Free App, How Percentage extra services Suggestions App many of using this Installat app of total ion 85% yes 2 men use it Average of 100% Yes 1-Giving special rarely. answering is Some services are: offers or 18 men and 75% 1. Free delivery accessories in 1 woman 2. Cash back in random use it when case of 2-Wild variety of they need to dissatisfaction clothing and shop dress. 3. Showing fashion is great 8 women Auctions and 3-Physical use it very their remaining shopping is fun often. time and enjoyable 1 women 4. Looking for a 4-Persons that used by special dress have Excessive situation for a ceremony working hours use it very much
  • 10. VENDORS QUESTIONS What is the percentage of success for this application? why? Do you see similar service? As a vendor, do you want to pay for this app? How? Do you have any question or problem with this app?
  • 11. VENDORS ANSWERS Q1: Q2: Similar Q3: Percentage Q5: Problems or Percentage service of paying users questions of successful lunch - How Why 75% One vendor: 90% 1-What is the best Some web If we (vendors) price or affordable Positive reasons: sites, but not can trust this app. for dress, because 1. It develops more exactly similar there is not haggling costumers. How: 2-Physical shopping 2. Its attractive. 8 vendors: No 2 vendor: is fun and enjoyable Per case 3-Trusting to Negative reasons: 5 vendor: application is very 1. Women like to see By subscription important closes physically. 2 vendor: Testing 2. Women like a short period haggling. and then 3. Copying our best choosing the selling models by method our competitors
  • 12. FRAMING AND REFRAMING OUR THINKING IN CUSTOMER SECTION (OAP ADDED) In this section we have not any important problem. We found some new extra services that customers would like to pay for. Some of them were thought that its a replacement of physical shopping, but this product is a complementary service, does not compete with other types of shopping. Security of application is important
  • 13. FRAMING AND REFRAMING OUR THINKING IN CUSTOMER SECTION (OAP ADDED) Adding new opportunities: choosing Jewelries, bags, shoes and ... Can also be added to this service.
  • 14. FRAMING AND REFRAMING OUR THINKING VENDOR SECTION There are 3 main problem in this section that are new for us: Problem 1: How can vendors trust this service? Answer: Where as this is a freemium service, vendors loose anything when using our service so we can encourage them to try it once. Problem 2: Women like haggling Answer: Needs for haggling arises when customers do not rely on product prices, where as this system helps to moderate prices. This product is a complementary service, does not compete with other types of shopping. This product empowers shopping.