The document discusses how unresolved trauma at both the individual and societal levels may cause societies to "recapitulate" or repeat harmful patterns in an unconscious attempt to resolve that trauma, such as through climate change, social hierarchies, or conflict. It argues that early Holocene climate changes may have caused significant trauma and that modern societies are still impacted by attempting to resolve this trauma, perpetuating issues like classism, sexism, and war. It calls for recognizing how societal systems and behaviors have been influenced by this trauma and moving past denial to liberate human potential.
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Patrix 3
1. Argument, new data and questions arising unresolved trauma - individual and social - causes recapitulation? new data around historic climate change was this traumatic? has it been resolved? are we causing climate change in order to recapitulate unresolved history?
3. For an individual ... unresolved emotional trauma seeks resolution (healing) process is largely unconscious reminiscent situations restimulate old feelings and distressed thinking leading to creation of experiences that resemble the original - recapitulation
4. and at the level of a society ...? war as a commonly repeated pattern that benefits nobody... a class system that damages all... sexism that destroys the capacity for women and men to be authentic allies ... are these all recapitulations?
6. In this fiction Society is ... engineered by artificial intelligence to provide essential nutrients by farming humans and the truth is hidden by super realistic projection of a virtual reality pretending human self-determination
7. The Patrix - real c. 100,000 BCE to Present repeat installations caused by misinformation/trauma during (primarily) infancy, adolescence and young adulthood Owning Classism Middle Classism Working Classism Sexism Racism Homo phobia and more.......... separation, conflict, war
8. engineered by the patrix which is held in place by unresolved trauma thus causing humans to enslave and abuse each other whilst we recapitulate climate change (in attempts to heal) and, meanwhile, we delude ourselves that we are rational and self-determining In this reality Society is ...
9. The matrix - the patrix whats the difference? separation, conflict, war Exploitative AI Exploitative meme-sets in noosphere Classism Sexism Racism
10. Spheres Geo- sphere Biosphere Noosphere Culture & human systems Text Teilhard du Chardin noosphere Rupert Sheldrake morphic resonance Ervin Laslow akashic field
12. My awakening to the patrix (within & without) including attempts to weaken its grip Harvey Jackins - Re-evaluation Counseling** . (87...) E Conscious de-patrixing (a never ending quest...) Riane Eisler - The Chalice and the Blade - (early 90s)* (Maria Gimbutas & the Kurgan Hypothesis) . Clare W. Graves - Spiral Dynamics (late 90s)**. James De Meo - Saharasia (early 00s)*** The Long Summer - Brian Fagan Mary Daly - Gyn/Ecology ( early 80s)* . A & S Alexander Technique (mid 80s...) Permaculture Design (86 ... ) Crisis & transition (4)
13. Sources of the trauma - origins of the patrix ways of thinking James de Meo - Saharasia Student of Wilhelm Reich a general association between desert environments and emotional inhibition a general association between rainforest regions and a more fluid, expressive emotional life
15. What behaviors? Some factors rPatrist rMatrist Premarital sex taboo extreme minor to absent Segregation of adolescents extreme minor to absent Genital mutilations extreme minor to absent Land inheritance patrilineal matrilineal Religion angry/vengeful God loving/Goddess Class stratification strongly present minor to absent Slavery strongly present minor to absent
19. De Meos Conclusions Human violence appears to have a specific time and place of origins - antisocial violence was not world- wide at all times in the past! The origins of violence are precisely timed to a major historical epoch of climate change from relatively wet towards dry/harsh conditions Recent data - frequent climate change episodes
44. Myth of Holocene as period of stable climate see latest data (ice cores, sediment cores, coral stratification, dating techniques) Significance :- substantial trauma through forced migrations, famine, severe competition etc. Resolved? No!! pattern setting period of human settlement and cultural definition on top of chronic restimulation
45. Consequences of chronic restimulation? Owning Class Middle Class Working Class Sexism Racism Homo phobia and more.......... The fog of occluded intelligence (90%)
47. The Patrix on the run - Health of the spiral develops, transitions flow, 2nd tier emerges, small qualitative shifts give large quantitative gains ... Owning Class Middle Class Working Class Sexism Racism Homo phobia and more.......... The fog of occluded intelligence starts to lift (50%)
48. An invitation to all Say NO to the patrix! fess-up - get past denial a common language of liberation/re-emergence permaculture, re-evaluation counseling & others every-one an ally Owning Class Middle Class Working Class Sexism Racism Homo phobia and more..........