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         Address : Selcuk San. Sit. Ehad Cad. No:26-9 Konya - TURKEY
         Phone : 0090 5066586448 – 0090 3322482685
         Web : www.agrimir.com - export@agrimir.com

Classic Seed Drill Machines

The Seed drills mounted to tractors sow grains and similar seeds together with fertilizer at
the same row with desired amount and depth continuously. These combined seed driils can
be used with any type of tractor and for all conditions of soil. Seed Drills are manufactured as
with hydraulic and mechanic lifting units to adjust sowing and transportation position.

                     Unit of
                             ARSD ARSD ARSD ARSD ARSD ARSD ARSD ARSD                         ARSD
                              12   14   16   18   20   22   24   26                           28

Number of Rows      (pcs)    12      14     16      18      20      22      24      26      28
Total Width         (mm)     2270    2530   2790    3050    3310    3570    3830    4090    4350
Grain Capacity      (kg)     247     285    323     361     399     437     475     513     551
Distance of Rows    (mm)     130     130    130     130     130     130     130     130     130
Working Width       (mm)     1430    1690   1950    2210    2470    2730    2990    3250    3510

                             6.00x1 6.00x1 6.00x1 6.00x1 6.00x1 6.00x1 6.00x1 6.00x1
Wheel Dimensions (inch)                                                              6.00x16
                             6      6      6      6      6      6      6      6

Weight              (kg)     800     850    900     950     1000    1100    1200    1300    1400
Fertilizer Capacity (kg)     177,5   205    232,5   260     287,5   315     342,5   370     397,5
Multi-Purpose, Three storage box, Cereals, Pulses and Forage

      Crops Seed Drill

      Small grains, including cereals and pulses (canola, clover, sainfoin, onions ... etc.)
      sowing forage plants have the ability.

                  Distance of Grain         Fertilizer                Internal
Model                                                    Width                    Weight       Tire
                  Rows        Capacity      Capacity                  Width
ARCS 12           140 mm        190 kg      190 kg       2440 mm      1680 mm     610 kg

ARCS 14    NORMAL 140 mm        220 kg      220 kg       2720 mm      1960 mm     770 kg       6.00 x 16

ARCS 15           140 mm        245 kg      245 kg       3000 mm      2240 mm     830 kg

ARCS 18           140 mm        320 kg      320 kg       3300 mm      2520 mm     890 kg

ARCS 20           140 mm        350 kg      350 kg       3580 mm      2800 mm     950 kg

ARCS 22           140 mm        385 kg      385 kg       3860 mm      3080 mm     1010 kg
           BIG                                                                                 7.50 x 16
ARCS 24           140 mm        420 kg      420 kg       4140 mm      3360 mm     1050 kg

ARCS 26           140 mm        455 kg      455 kg       4420 mm      3640 mm     1110 kg

ARCS 28           140 mm        490 kg      490 kg       4700 mm      3920 mm     1170 kg
Universal Precision Seed Drill

         General Specifications

         Universal Precision Seed Drill sowing seeds of all kinds of grain (wheat, barley, rye,
         rapeseed, oats, peas, soybeans, alfalfa) is engaged in precision sowing machine.
         In addition, it sowing successfully spinach, parsley, as small vegetable seeds.
         Every point in the field capable of sowing, 2 to 450 kg / ha, has different setting.

      Working                     Seed     Average                             Power
              Distributor Number                   Width Length Height
      Width                       Capacity Weight                      Wheels Required
MODEL         Number      of Legs                  mm     mm     mm
      (mm)                        lt.        Kg                                 HP

 AR     2500      23           21        470         800        2060    2500     1450     5.00x15 60

AR      3000      29           25        603         960        2060    3050     1450     5.00x15 70

AR      3600      34           29        710         1100       2060    3650     1450     6.00x16 80

AR      4000      41           33        840         1230       2060    4100     1450     6.00x16 90
Pneumatic Precision Seeding Drill (GASPARDO MODEL)

It provides to sow the seeds like sugar beets, sunflowers, corns, beans, chickpeas, onions,
cotton, tomatoes, watermelon, sugar melon, squash precisely at the requested sowing
distances and on the requested row and intervals.

It can be manufactured as 4, 5, 6 as per the request.The aspirator is hanged to the three-
point hanging system and gets its drive from the tail-shaft.All of the sowing units are
connected on the chassis via parallelogram system.On the front part of the each sowing unit
is an adjustable soil scraper.The sowing legs are manufactured at the ax type. The pressure
wheels are existed right behind the units. The marker system is also available on the both
sides of the machine.The marker operates automatically or with lift over the three-point
hanging system.The drive is transmitted over the right wheel via the gear-box group gears to
the shaft; then to the units by means of shaft system existed on every units.
Pneumatic Precision Seeding Drill (With Disc Type)

    Pneumatic precision seeder with discs is used to sow the seeds (of sugar beet, sunflower,
    bean,cotton, tomato, soybean,water melon etc.) Precisely in any required spaces. The
    machine can be manufactured with 4-5-6-8 rows. Because sowing units are disc type and
    there are cutting discs which can be put in front of frame, the machine can be operated in the
    harvested fields with straws and stems. Motion is transferred from the tyres to sowing units
    by a special shaft so that seeding is applied precisely due to rubber tyres of sowing units.
    Seeds can be sowed in all kinds of soil condition in any and equal depths.

        Total                         Row    Seed               Fertilizer           Tractor  Weight
       Height       Width     Height Spacing Depot               Fund                Power (Fertilizer
Model                                                                        Period
      (Chassis)     (mm)      (mm) Distance Capacity            Capacity            Required System)
        (mm)                          (cm)   (dm)                (dm)               (Min. Hp)  (Kg)
       3.000       2.000     1.600     45-70      25x4        160x2          540     70          1.050
       3.000       2.000     1.600     45-70      25x5        160x2          540     80          1.150
       4.000       2.000     1.600     45-70      25x6        200x2          540     100         1.300
Pneumatic Precision Seeding Drill (With Axe Type)
    Pneumatic seed drill can be easily connected to the tractor’s three point hitch system and
    powered by a cardan shaft connected to the power take-off tractor. The machine is
    particularly suitable for precision seeding, for multi-purpose use and it is suitable for all kinds
    of tilled land. The seeding machine is pneumatically operated. The crops such as corn,
    cotton, sugar, beet, sunflower, chickpea, bean, tomato can be sowed by the special seed
    discs easily. Pneaumatic seed drill is used especially with the special seed discs and
    different accessories. And also the interrow distance of the machine is manually
    adjustable. The operating manuel that includes spare parts list is given to the customer with
    the machine.

        Total                          Row    Seed                 Fertilizer           Tractor  Weight
       Height        Width     Height Spacing Depot                 Fund                Power (Fertilizer
Model                                                                           Period
      (Chassis)      (mm)      (mm) Distance Capacity              Capacity            Required System)
        (mm)                           (cm)   (dm)                  (dm)               (Min. Hp)  (Kg)
       3.000        2.000     1.600      45-70       25x4         160x2         540       70              1.050
       3.000        2.000     1.600      45-70       25x5         160x2         540       80              1.150
       4.000        2.000     1.600      45-70       25x6         200x2         540       100             1.300

  Field Sprayers
  Tractor mounted and trailed type sprayers developed to meet the different requirements of
  plant protection treatments.Field sprayers extremely versatile and suitable, according to the
  applications, to operate in open-field cultivations, sprayer and distribute herbicides among
  the plant rows the availability of several mechanical and hydraulic spraying booms together
  with different equipments and option allow our sprayers to suit the requirement of the single
  users in the specific treatments.

                                                                              ARFP           ARFP
 SPECIFICATIONS          Unit of Measurement     ARFP 400      ARFP 600
                                                                                  800        1000
Cleaner Tank Capacity   (lt)                    17            17             17         17
Capacity                (lt)                    400           600            800        1000
Pump Model              (l/min)                 C71           C71            C96        C96
Control panel                                   OG-403        OG-403         OG-407     OG-407
Boom lenght             m                       8-12          8-12           14-18      14-18
Length                  (cm)                    110           130            152        155
Width                   (cm)                    84            86             118        125
Height                  (cm)                    120           137            189        192
Weight                  (kg)                    135           150            350        450
                                                mechanica                    hydraulic hydraulic
Bum height adjustment                                         mechanical
Power Sprayers

Portable on 2 wheels.
5- 5,5 hp gasoline engine or mono phase electric motor.
Tank capacity 100-200 ltr. Fiber-glass.
3 diaphragm pump. (model e-30, e-40). Pressure regulator.
1 spraying hose of 15 mts. Length. 1 spraying gun. Length and adjustable nozzles.

Technical Specifications
                                                    ARGS 100             ARGS 200
          Capacity & Machine (Lt)                     100                   200
             Total Width (mm)                         850                   860
            Total Lenght (mm)                         1800                 1825
            Total Height (mm)                         840                   840
                 Hose (m)                              15                   15
            Spray Gun (pieces)                         1                     1
                   Pump                               E-30                 E-30
Garden Sprayers

These sprayers with 400, 500, 600, 100, 1600, 2000 lt tank capacity are mounted to the
tractor on three points linkage and operated through the p.t.o shaft of the tractor.There is
also a trailer mounted version with 1000, 1600, 2000 lt tank capacity.Clean water tank (trailer
models)Tank material is fiber-glass or polyethylene and protected against all pesticides.Self
filling system.Pressure regulator.The filter can be cleaned any time.Hydraulic agitator.Two
spray gun and two 15 mt pressure hose are standard accessories.Hose reel.
(Optional)Medium - pressure membrane pump or high - pressure membrane pump.Guarded
cardan shaft.

                                                                Garden Sprayer
                              Unit of
SPECIFICATIONS                               ARGS       ARGS        ARGS        ARGS           ARGS
                                              400        600        1000        1600           2000
Cleaner Tank
                     (lt)                             17          17          17          17
Capacity             (lt)                  400        600         1000        1600        2000
Control panel                              OG-403     OG-404      HPR-40      HPR-40      HPR-40
Boom lenght          m                     2x15       2x15        2x15        2x15        2x15
Pump Model           (l/min)               C-71       C-96        C-96        C-96        C-96
Length               (cm)                  115        128         205         220         255
Width                (cm)                  88         88          150         150         150
Height               (cm)                  125        140         160         160         160
Weight               (kg)                  120        135         330         428         525
Turbo Atomizer (Turbo Mistblowers)
Spraying pump that moves through tractor P.T.O transfers the water with pesticide that is
under pressure to the nozzles thank to atomiser. Again with the movement from P.T.O, it
provides pressured air outlet. All types of fruit trees, vineyard, high trees, citrus fruit trees etc
can be applied pesticide.

Trailed mistblower for full-field crops, vineyards, orchards, citrus groves and tall trunk trees.
Trailed mist blower sprayers are developed to cover a need in the today modern agriculture.
A professional advanced product which brings solutions to various problems. These sprayers
with 1000,1600,2000 liter are trailed types.

 SPECIFICATIONS           Unit of Measurement       ARTA 1000       ARTA 1600        ARTA 2000
Capacity                (lt)                        1000           1600            2000
Pump Model              (l/min)                     C-145          C-145           C-145
Control Panel                                       M-170          M-170           M-170
Fan Diameter            (cm)                        92             92              91
Length (A)              (cm)                        205            220             255
Width (B)               (cm)                        150            150             150
Height (C)              (cm)                        140            160             160
Weight                  (kg)                        520            687             854
Air Flow                (m3/h)                      66000          66000           66000

Forage Harvesters


 Double gearbox
 The machine is connected via triple suspension system.
540 rpm, the rotation of tractor rear axle, is appropriate.
Special flywheel system provides an economy of 3-4 gears.
The transmission pipe has the capacity to rotate 180 thanks to a special jig.
Thanks to an internal hydro-motor, the machine can operate chimney and cap parts
independent of the tractor thanks to hydraulic control arms mountable on the tractor.
The machine can optionally be transformed into a semi-hydraulic system.
The machine has a blade sharpener system.

Model                                      ARFH
Operating Width                            70 cm
Number of Blades                           12 pieces
Width                                      2400 mm
Height                                     3150 mm
Weight                                     550 kg
Tractor Power Requirement                  min. 40 HP
Flywheel Rotation                          1453 r/min

 It harvests all types of forages, with a minimum height of 1 meter, without the need
for plantation lines (harvests without lines).
 It harvests the most variable forager cultures without the need to change the
collection platform.
 Carrier opening by simple articulation of the machine to the back of the truck.
 Harvests up to three forager cultures planted with 45cm space among them.

MODEL                               ARIH
Operating Width                     125 cm
Width                               176 cm
Length                              280 cm
Height in Operation                 395 cm
Weight                              1100 kg
Tractor Power Requirement           Min. 100 Hp.
Required Rear Shaft Rotation        1000 rpm
Operation in the Front of the       Standard
Operation on the Side of the         Standard
Operation at the Back of the         Standard

The machine is connected to the tractor via a tri-point suspension system. The machine is
positioned for the road with a back-folding system.Thanks to this system, the machine can be
controlled by a single operator for job and road conditions.The machine enables the
attachment of a 4-wheel trailer thanks to its built in trailer pulling system.Thanks to an
internal hydro-motor, the machine can operate chimney and cap parts independent of the
tractor thanks to hydraulic control arms mountable on the tractor. The machine can optionally
be transformed into a semi-hydraulic system.As cutting blades are pivoting, they retract and
are not damaged when they hit stones or other hard materials.

Model                                          ARGH
Operating Width                                 1300 mm

Number of Blades                                21 pivoting blades

Width                                          3000 mm, operating
                                               2400 mm, on the road

Height                                         3150 mm

Weight                                          500 kg

Flywheel Rotation                              1350 r/min

Tractor Power Requirement                       min. 40 HP

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Agrimir Farm Equipment Manufacturers

  • 1. 2011 AGRIMIR INDUSTRY & COMMERCE CO,. LTD. 2011 PRODUCT CATALOG CONTACT Address : Selcuk San. Sit. Ehad Cad. No:26-9 Konya - TURKEY Phone : 0090 5066586448 – 0090 3322482685 Web : www.agrimir.com - export@agrimir.com
  • 2. SEEDERS Classic Seed Drill Machines The Seed drills mounted to tractors sow grains and similar seeds together with fertilizer at the same row with desired amount and depth continuously. These combined seed driils can be used with any type of tractor and for all conditions of soil. Seed Drills are manufactured as with hydraulic and mechanic lifting units to adjust sowing and transportation position. Unit of ARSD ARSD ARSD ARSD ARSD ARSD ARSD ARSD ARSD SPECIFICATION Measure 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 ment Number of Rows (pcs) 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Total Width (mm) 2270 2530 2790 3050 3310 3570 3830 4090 4350 Grain Capacity (kg) 247 285 323 361 399 437 475 513 551 Distance of Rows (mm) 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 Working Width (mm) 1430 1690 1950 2210 2470 2730 2990 3250 3510 6.00x1 6.00x1 6.00x1 6.00x1 6.00x1 6.00x1 6.00x1 6.00x1 Wheel Dimensions (inch) 6.00x16 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Weight (kg) 800 850 900 950 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Fertilizer Capacity (kg) 177,5 205 232,5 260 287,5 315 342,5 370 397,5
  • 3. Multi-Purpose, Three storage box, Cereals, Pulses and Forage Crops Seed Drill Small grains, including cereals and pulses (canola, clover, sainfoin, onions ... etc.) sowing forage plants have the ability. Distance of Grain Fertilizer Internal Model Width Weight Tire Rows Capacity Capacity Width ARCS 12 140 mm 190 kg 190 kg 2440 mm 1680 mm 610 kg ARCS 14 NORMAL 140 mm 220 kg 220 kg 2720 mm 1960 mm 770 kg 6.00 x 16 ARCS 15 140 mm 245 kg 245 kg 3000 mm 2240 mm 830 kg ARCS 18 140 mm 320 kg 320 kg 3300 mm 2520 mm 890 kg ARCS 20 140 mm 350 kg 350 kg 3580 mm 2800 mm 950 kg ARCS 22 140 mm 385 kg 385 kg 3860 mm 3080 mm 1010 kg BIG 7.50 x 16 ARCS 24 140 mm 420 kg 420 kg 4140 mm 3360 mm 1050 kg ARCS 26 140 mm 455 kg 455 kg 4420 mm 3640 mm 1110 kg ARCS 28 140 mm 490 kg 490 kg 4700 mm 3920 mm 1170 kg
  • 4. Universal Precision Seed Drill General Specifications Universal Precision Seed Drill sowing seeds of all kinds of grain (wheat, barley, rye, rapeseed, oats, peas, soybeans, alfalfa) is engaged in precision sowing machine. In addition, it sowing successfully spinach, parsley, as small vegetable seeds. Every point in the field capable of sowing, 2 to 450 kg / ha, has different setting. Working Seed Average Power Distributor Number Width Length Height Width Capacity Weight Wheels Required MODEL Number of Legs mm mm mm (mm) lt. Kg HP AR 2500 23 21 470 800 2060 2500 1450 5.00x15 60 2500 AR 3000 29 25 603 960 2060 3050 1450 5.00x15 70 3000 AR 3600 34 29 710 1100 2060 3650 1450 6.00x16 80 3600 AR 4000 41 33 840 1230 2060 4100 1450 6.00x16 90 4000
  • 5. Pneumatic Precision Seeding Drill (GASPARDO MODEL) It provides to sow the seeds like sugar beets, sunflowers, corns, beans, chickpeas, onions, cotton, tomatoes, watermelon, sugar melon, squash precisely at the requested sowing distances and on the requested row and intervals. It can be manufactured as 4, 5, 6 as per the request.The aspirator is hanged to the three- point hanging system and gets its drive from the tail-shaft.All of the sowing units are connected on the chassis via parallelogram system.On the front part of the each sowing unit is an adjustable soil scraper.The sowing legs are manufactured at the ax type. The pressure wheels are existed right behind the units. The marker system is also available on the both sides of the machine.The marker operates automatically or with lift over the three-point hanging system.The drive is transmitted over the right wheel via the gear-box group gears to the shaft; then to the units by means of shaft system existed on every units.
  • 6. Pneumatic Precision Seeding Drill (With Disc Type) Pneumatic precision seeder with discs is used to sow the seeds (of sugar beet, sunflower, bean,cotton, tomato, soybean,water melon etc.) Precisely in any required spaces. The machine can be manufactured with 4-5-6-8 rows. Because sowing units are disc type and there are cutting discs which can be put in front of frame, the machine can be operated in the harvested fields with straws and stems. Motion is transferred from the tyres to sowing units by a special shaft so that seeding is applied precisely due to rubber tyres of sowing units. Seeds can be sowed in all kinds of soil condition in any and equal depths. Total Row Seed Fertilizer Tractor Weight P.T.O. Height Width Height Spacing Depot Fund Power (Fertilizer Model Period (Chassis) (mm) (mm) Distance Capacity Capacity Required System) (rpm) (mm) (cm) (dm) (dm) (Min. Hp) (Kg) ARPD 3.000 2.000 1.600 45-70 25x4 160x2 540 70 1.050 4 ARPD 3.000 2.000 1.600 45-70 25x5 160x2 540 80 1.150 5 ARPD 4.000 2.000 1.600 45-70 25x6 200x2 540 100 1.300 6
  • 7. Pneumatic Precision Seeding Drill (With Axe Type) Pneumatic seed drill can be easily connected to the tractor’s three point hitch system and powered by a cardan shaft connected to the power take-off tractor. The machine is particularly suitable for precision seeding, for multi-purpose use and it is suitable for all kinds of tilled land. The seeding machine is pneumatically operated. The crops such as corn, cotton, sugar, beet, sunflower, chickpea, bean, tomato can be sowed by the special seed discs easily. Pneaumatic seed drill is used especially with the special seed discs and different accessories. And also the interrow distance of the machine is manually adjustable. The operating manuel that includes spare parts list is given to the customer with the machine. Total Row Seed Fertilizer Tractor Weight P.T.O. Height Width Height Spacing Depot Fund Power (Fertilizer Model Period (Chassis) (mm) (mm) Distance Capacity Capacity Required System) (rpm) (mm) (cm) (dm) (dm) (Min. Hp) (Kg) ARPA 3.000 2.000 1.600 45-70 25x4 160x2 540 70 1.050 4 ARPA 3.000 2.000 1.600 45-70 25x5 160x2 540 80 1.150 5 ARPA 4.000 2.000 1.600 45-70 25x6 200x2 540 100 1.300 6
  • 8. SPRAYERS Field Sprayers Tractor mounted and trailed type sprayers developed to meet the different requirements of plant protection treatments.Field sprayers extremely versatile and suitable, according to the applications, to operate in open-field cultivations, sprayer and distribute herbicides among the plant rows the availability of several mechanical and hydraulic spraying booms together with different equipments and option allow our sprayers to suit the requirement of the single users in the specific treatments. ARFP ARFP SPECIFICATIONS Unit of Measurement ARFP 400 ARFP 600 800 1000 Cleaner Tank Capacity (lt) 17 17 17 17 Capacity (lt) 400 600 800 1000 Pump Model (l/min) C71 C71 C96 C96 Control panel OG-403 OG-403 OG-407 OG-407 Boom lenght m 8-12 8-12 14-18 14-18 Length (cm) 110 130 152 155 Width (cm) 84 86 118 125 Height (cm) 120 137 189 192 Weight (kg) 135 150 350 450 mechanica hydraulic hydraulic Bum height adjustment mechanical
  • 9. Power Sprayers Portable on 2 wheels. 5- 5,5 hp gasoline engine or mono phase electric motor. Tank capacity 100-200 ltr. Fiber-glass. 3 diaphragm pump. (model e-30, e-40). Pressure regulator. 1 spraying hose of 15 mts. Length. 1 spraying gun. Length and adjustable nozzles. Model Technical Specifications ARGS 100 ARGS 200 Capacity & Machine (Lt) 100 200 Total Width (mm) 850 860 Total Lenght (mm) 1800 1825 Total Height (mm) 840 840 Hose (m) 15 15 Spray Gun (pieces) 1 1 Pump E-30 E-30
  • 10. Garden Sprayers These sprayers with 400, 500, 600, 100, 1600, 2000 lt tank capacity are mounted to the tractor on three points linkage and operated through the p.t.o shaft of the tractor.There is also a trailer mounted version with 1000, 1600, 2000 lt tank capacity.Clean water tank (trailer models)Tank material is fiber-glass or polyethylene and protected against all pesticides.Self filling system.Pressure regulator.The filter can be cleaned any time.Hydraulic agitator.Two spray gun and two 15 mt pressure hose are standard accessories.Hose reel. (Optional)Medium - pressure membrane pump or high - pressure membrane pump.Guarded cardan shaft. Garden Sprayer Unit of SPECIFICATIONS ARGS ARGS ARGS ARGS ARGS Measurement 400 600 1000 1600 2000 Cleaner Tank (lt) 17 17 17 17 Capacity Capacity (lt) 400 600 1000 1600 2000 Control panel OG-403 OG-404 HPR-40 HPR-40 HPR-40 Boom lenght m 2x15 2x15 2x15 2x15 2x15 Pump Model (l/min) C-71 C-96 C-96 C-96 C-96 Length (cm) 115 128 205 220 255 Width (cm) 88 88 150 150 150 Height (cm) 125 140 160 160 160 Weight (kg) 120 135 330 428 525
  • 11. Turbo Atomizer (Turbo Mistblowers) Spraying pump that moves through tractor P.T.O transfers the water with pesticide that is under pressure to the nozzles thank to atomiser. Again with the movement from P.T.O, it provides pressured air outlet. All types of fruit trees, vineyard, high trees, citrus fruit trees etc can be applied pesticide. TRAILED TYPE TURBO ATOMIZER Trailed mistblower for full-field crops, vineyards, orchards, citrus groves and tall trunk trees. Trailed mist blower sprayers are developed to cover a need in the today modern agriculture. A professional advanced product which brings solutions to various problems. These sprayers with 1000,1600,2000 liter are trailed types. SPECIFICATIONS Unit of Measurement ARTA 1000 ARTA 1600 ARTA 2000 Capacity (lt) 1000 1600 2000 Pump Model (l/min) C-145 C-145 C-145 Control Panel M-170 M-170 M-170 Fan Diameter (cm) 92 92 91 Length (A) (cm) 205 220 255 Width (B) (cm) 150 150 150 Height (C) (cm) 140 160 160 Weight (kg) 520 687 854 Air Flow (m3/h) 66000 66000 66000 MOUNTED TYPE TURBO ATOMIZER 400, 600, 800 LT.
  • 12. Forage Harvesters SINGLE ROW CORN (MAIZE CHOPPER) (FULL AUTOMATIC) Double gearbox The machine is connected via triple suspension system. 540 rpm, the rotation of tractor rear axle, is appropriate. Special flywheel system provides an economy of 3-4 gears. The transmission pipe has the capacity to rotate 180 thanks to a special jig. Thanks to an internal hydro-motor, the machine can operate chimney and cap parts independent of the tractor thanks to hydraulic control arms mountable on the tractor. The machine can optionally be transformed into a semi-hydraulic system. The machine has a blade sharpener system. Model ARFH Operating Width 70 cm Number of Blades 12 pieces Width 2400 mm Height 3150 mm Weight 550 kg Tractor Power Requirement min. 40 HP Flywheel Rotation 1453 r/min
  • 13. ROW-INDEPENDENT FORAGE HARVESTER (FULL AUTOMATIC) It harvests all types of forages, with a minimum height of 1 meter, without the need for plantation lines (harvests without lines). It harvests the most variable forager cultures without the need to change the collection platform. Carrier opening by simple articulation of the machine to the back of the truck. Harvests up to three forager cultures planted with 45cm space among them. MODEL ARIH Operating Width 125 cm Width 176 cm Length 280 cm Height in Operation 395 cm Weight 1100 kg Tractor Power Requirement Min. 100 Hp. Required Rear Shaft Rotation 1000 rpm Operation in the Front of the Standard Tractor Operation on the Side of the Standard Tractor Operation at the Back of the Standard Tractor
  • 14. GRASS FORAGE HARVESTER (FULL AUTOMATIC) The machine is connected to the tractor via a tri-point suspension system. The machine is positioned for the road with a back-folding system.Thanks to this system, the machine can be controlled by a single operator for job and road conditions.The machine enables the attachment of a 4-wheel trailer thanks to its built in trailer pulling system.Thanks to an internal hydro-motor, the machine can operate chimney and cap parts independent of the tractor thanks to hydraulic control arms mountable on the tractor. The machine can optionally be transformed into a semi-hydraulic system.As cutting blades are pivoting, they retract and are not damaged when they hit stones or other hard materials. Model ARGH Operating Width 1300 mm Number of Blades 21 pivoting blades Width 3000 mm, operating 2400 mm, on the road Height 3150 mm Weight 500 kg Flywheel Rotation 1350 r/min Tractor Power Requirement min. 40 HP