愕惠 悖惷 愃惘 悖 悋惺悸 悸 惠悴惺 悖惘惷 悋惘悸 愕 惡悖忰惆....
w仆e百 people w留l銚 留w留y ro仄 yo, le 仆e仄 柊o. yor de旅百y 旅 百ever 旅ed o 留百yo百e w仆o le留ve yo, 留百d 旅 doe百' 仄e留百 仆ey 留re 于留d people. 旅 j 仄e留百 仆留 仆e旅r p留r 旅百 yor ory 旅 over....:(
don't complain but try to change yourself if you want peace.
it's madness to hate all roses cause you got scratched by one thorn,
to give up all