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that is me!
Photomedia of New Being
Title: Papillon
“Papillon” - which is means butter?y in French
lang?age and it will represent my butter?y title
- The Being. Butter?y is a kind of a so? insect
and it is easy to get hur? in it life because it have
ver? pure insect and it won’t hur? people or
other insect. In this assig?ment, I want t?ans-
for? a little butter?y in to the st?ongest butter-
?y because it can protect itself and it can have a
new t?ansaction in it life.
by TAC
Event Poster
Event ID Card
Project Management Event
Kids Photograph Section
Timing & Moment isver? impor?ant because that have
no second times to repeat the hapiness moment again
and sometimes will have some memories moment and
that will make people can unforgettable.
Kids Photog?aph:-
This is kids cloth photog?aph and all of these photo were bring out the hapiness moment of the childrens.
I was used photoshop so??are to do some adjust?ent like bright?ess & cont?ast to make the photo more
light and look nice. A?er that, I make the backg?ound more like a on board photo.
by TAC
My Typography
Thist??og?aphynameasMiracle.Thepatter?of thet??oislikeat?ianglelegoandeach
of the small pieces of the t?iangle lego can random ar?ange to make out the set of
Alphabet. It somethings like a square lego and it can make out di?erent of the miracle
patter? and things so I name it as Miracle. Life is Miracle things because youwould not
notice who will be with you in the nex?.
2D Animation- Character
15 t??e of the facial ex?ression
design yourself
Page 22
The front is made with the t?ansparency so it can
see over inside the perf?me. The t?ansparency
will have the ?ower patter? so the perf?me will
more nice to look.
This is one of the VIXX Perf?me Product and this new
session product name as O.N.E (Oceans.Nat?ral.Elite).
O.N.E have ?ve di?erent t??e of the ?avour perf?me and
that have aloe, blue salvia, orkid, sun?ower and rose.
Perf?me of aloe and blue salvia name as Oceans, t?o t??e
of the plants have a fresh identit? and it will give people a
calm feeling. Perf?me orkid and sun?ower name as
Nat?ral, t?o of the plants are the nat?re g?owth with the
sun so it have the comfor? and peacef?l feeling. Rose
perf?me name as Elite, it have the elegance at behind so it
will present the passion feeling.
Desig? & Concept
The pur?ose of the desig? concept is to give people reminiscence the fashion of the perf?me. In Qing Dy?ast? generate, there alreaqdy have
perf?me product but in that time generate they mostly use the nat?ral plants and princess only will use it. The patter? of the perf?me glass is the
ladiesclothingideasasperf?meappearancepur?oseistoletpeopletonostalgia.Theupperpar?of theperf?meismadelikeaolddy?ast?princess
cap st?le and di?erent colorwill match with the di?erent perf?me.
The truth of Jungle-Building Model
Chinese Town Street- (Hu An Zhen)
The truth of Jungle-Building Model
Horse House - (Ma Fu)
This is par? of my Final Year Project work and in the team I’m in charges apar? of the backg?ound modelling and tex??ring. All of these
backg?ound are use for the “The Tr?th of Jungle” 3D Animation scene and that backg?ound scene include the chinese town st?eet “Hu
An Zhen” and the horse house “Ma Fu”. About the tex??ring, I was apply painting st?le to paint all the object of the backg?ound and I
have make some references about the painting photo.
On the other side, I also have make some reference from real life st?le like KL famous st?eet “Chi Chang Jie” because there place have
the chinatown feeling and then I will apply all my imagination on the modelling. I ver? enjoy on modelling and tex??ring par? because
once I have done the tex??ring and apply the tex??re on the object then I will feel success on done the model.
Visual Design- Rocket (First Person View)
First Person View
Our g?oup were do the rocket ?y to the Galax? as our ?rst
person view visual desig? project. I am in charge of the rocket
interior desig? and my friend is in charge on the galax? e?ect.
3D Rocket
The rocket I was used 3D Max to model it up and make it have
the 3D rocket feeling. In the rocket tex??re, I apply the metal
and r?st? to make the rocket look like more realistic.
All of this is inter?ship work, we were lear?ed about the metal to get r?st? and broken on some of the object par?. On above, that is the kawasaki
motor with mud and r?st? tex??re to make it look like a ver? a N year motor. I had lear? a lot of the realistic 3D object and how to use logistic to
make a 3D modelling.
I was ver? thanks my inter?ship company to
teachmesomuchof the3DModellingtechnique
and skills. I am ver? happy to have inter?ship
with my friend too and that time is my happy
time ever. All of this work is use my 4 years
education to lear? it, to pratice and do it, to get
advise and comment from my friend and my
lect?rer. At here, I really need to thanks with my
friend who never ever to leave me when I need
them. Thanks my teammate, school mate and
best friend,HLTanand SYTan.Iwon’t forgetthe
past 4 years that I have f?n, happiness, sadness,
crazy and noisy time with t?o of you.
Thank you
This aeroplane is a ver? r?st? and metal and it will ?ght with the other
aeroplane towin the competition. On the le? hand side, that is my rawf
idea and I apply the color mode that I wanted. A?er the rawf idea then
I use 3D Max to modelling it as the below pict?re.The r?st? and metal
areoplane was bor?.
In the 3D Aeroplane modelling, I have apply a color mode ?rst then
onlywillmakether?st?tex??reandaddsomeof thedir?patter?onthe
tex??ring. A?er make a few times of the tex??ring then only get the
?nal test result on the aeroplane. In the prog?ess, I really had lear? 3D
modelling is need to do a lot of the pratice then only you will get it
Copyright ? Tan Ai Chin. All Rights Reserved.

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TAC portfolio

  • 1. that is me! by AI CHIN
  • 3. PHOTOSHOP Photomedia of New Being Title: Papillon “Papillon” - which is means butter?y in French lang?age and it will represent my butter?y title - The Being. Butter?y is a kind of a so? insect and it is easy to get hur? in it life because it have ver? pure insect and it won’t hur? people or other insect. In this assig?ment, I want t?ans- for? a little butter?y in to the st?ongest butter- ?y because it can protect itself and it can have a new t?ansaction in it life. by TAC by AI CHIN
  • 4. Event Poster Event ID Card PHOTOSHOP Project Management Event Bookmarks by AI CHIN
  • 5. PHOTOSHOP Kids Photograph Section Timing & Moment isver? impor?ant because that have no second times to repeat the hapiness moment again and sometimes will have some memories moment and that will make people can unforgettable. Photog?aph Kids Photog?aph:- This is kids cloth photog?aph and all of these photo were bring out the hapiness moment of the childrens. I was used photoshop so??are to do some adjust?ent like bright?ess & cont?ast to make the photo more light and look nice. A?er that, I make the backg?ound more like a on board photo. by TAC by AI CHIN
  • 6. ILLUSTRATION My Typography Thist??og?aphynameasMiracle.Thepatter?of thet??oislikeat?ianglelegoandeach of the small pieces of the t?iangle lego can random ar?ange to make out the set of Alphabet. It somethings like a square lego and it can make out di?erent of the miracle patter? and things so I name it as Miracle. Life is Miracle things because youwould not notice who will be with you in the nex?. by AI CHIN
  • 7. ILLUSTRATION 2D Animation- Character 15 t??e of the facial ex?ression by AI CHIN
  • 8. design yourself Page 22 The front is made with the t?ansparency so it can see over inside the perf?me. The t?ansparency will have the ?ower patter? so the perf?me will more nice to look. 3D MODELLING Perfume This is one of the VIXX Perf?me Product and this new session product name as O.N.E (Oceans.Nat?ral.Elite). O.N.E have ?ve di?erent t??e of the ?avour perf?me and that have aloe, blue salvia, orkid, sun?ower and rose. Perf?me of aloe and blue salvia name as Oceans, t?o t??e of the plants have a fresh identit? and it will give people a calm feeling. Perf?me orkid and sun?ower name as Nat?ral, t?o of the plants are the nat?re g?owth with the sun so it have the comfor? and peacef?l feeling. Rose perf?me name as Elite, it have the elegance at behind so it will present the passion feeling. Desig? & Concept The pur?ose of the desig? concept is to give people reminiscence the fashion of the perf?me. In Qing Dy?ast? generate, there alreaqdy have perf?me product but in that time generate they mostly use the nat?ral plants and princess only will use it. The patter? of the perf?me glass is the ladiesclothingideasasperf?meappearancepur?oseistoletpeopletonostalgia.Theupperpar?of theperf?meismadelikeaolddy?ast?princess cap st?le and di?erent colorwill match with the di?erent perf?me. by AI CHIN
  • 9. 3D MODELLING The truth of Jungle-Building Model Chinese Town Street- (Hu An Zhen) by AI CHIN
  • 10. 3D MODELLING The truth of Jungle-Building Model Horse House - (Ma Fu) This is par? of my Final Year Project work and in the team I’m in charges apar? of the backg?ound modelling and tex??ring. All of these backg?ound are use for the “The Tr?th of Jungle” 3D Animation scene and that backg?ound scene include the chinese town st?eet “Hu An Zhen” and the horse house “Ma Fu”. About the tex??ring, I was apply painting st?le to paint all the object of the backg?ound and I have make some references about the painting photo. On the other side, I also have make some reference from real life st?le like KL famous st?eet “Chi Chang Jie” because there place have the chinatown feeling and then I will apply all my imagination on the modelling. I ver? enjoy on modelling and tex??ring par? because once I have done the tex??ring and apply the tex??re on the object then I will feel success on done the model. by AI CHIN
  • 11. 3D MODELLING Visual Design- Rocket (First Person View) 3D MODELLING Kawasaki First Person View Our g?oup were do the rocket ?y to the Galax? as our ?rst person view visual desig? project. I am in charge of the rocket interior desig? and my friend is in charge on the galax? e?ect. 3D Rocket The rocket I was used 3D Max to model it up and make it have the 3D rocket feeling. In the rocket tex??re, I apply the metal and r?st? to make the rocket look like more realistic. All of this is inter?ship work, we were lear?ed about the metal to get r?st? and broken on some of the object par?. On above, that is the kawasaki motor with mud and r?st? tex??re to make it look like a ver? a N year motor. I had lear? a lot of the realistic 3D object and how to use logistic to make a 3D modelling. by AI CHIN
  • 12. 3D MODELLING Aeroplane I was ver? thanks my inter?ship company to teachmesomuchof the3DModellingtechnique and skills. I am ver? happy to have inter?ship with my friend too and that time is my happy time ever. All of this work is use my 4 years education to lear? it, to pratice and do it, to get advise and comment from my friend and my lect?rer. At here, I really need to thanks with my friend who never ever to leave me when I need them. Thanks my teammate, school mate and best friend,HLTanand SYTan.Iwon’t forgetthe past 4 years that I have f?n, happiness, sadness, crazy and noisy time with t?o of you. Thank you This aeroplane is a ver? r?st? and metal and it will ?ght with the other aeroplane towin the competition. On the le? hand side, that is my rawf idea and I apply the color mode that I wanted. A?er the rawf idea then I use 3D Max to modelling it as the below pict?re.The r?st? and metal areoplane was bor?. In the 3D Aeroplane modelling, I have apply a color mode ?rst then onlywillmakether?st?tex??reandaddsomeof thedir?patter?onthe tex??ring. A?er make a few times of the tex??ring then only get the ?nal test result on the aeroplane. In the prog?ess, I really had lear? 3D modelling is need to do a lot of the pratice then only you will get it perfect. by AI CHIN
  • 13. Copyright ? Tan Ai Chin. All Rights Reserved.