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Organization / Workplace
Kota Bharu
Proofreader, Translator and English language tutor
"Hatinya sentiasa terpaut (teringat-ingat) kepada Allah swt. Merasakan segala ketaatan dan amal ibadahnya itu, bukan daripadanya. Sebaliknya itulah kurniaan Allah kepadanya. Apabila mendapat nikmat dan kesenangan, dia tidak leka dengannya..."
I am striving for a better future, and I am offering the community an equal opportunity to learn, especially in the area of English Language acquisition.
I am thankful to have all of my loved ones who are really supportive during my ups and down.
I dedicate Mimbar Orator Sejagat to my late Mum, Latifa Bee and my late Dad, Meor Zul Kefli'Auni whose passing had created a great effect on my well-being and in striving towards 'independence'.
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