I am a geek, a nerd, a loser. Call me what you will. I tinker with computers, and graphic design.
I play old video games, I read old books, I listen to old music.
I was the first kid on my block to own an atari 2600.
I like math. I like computers; I take them apart and fiddle with their insides. When fiddling with the insides isn't enough, I make them do things they weren't designed to do. I play around with code: HTML JavaScript, PHP, CSS, Java, Perl, Linux Shell Scripting.
I have 10 or so computers, all of them run linux at some capacity ( DSL, Puppy, Slackware 3.5 [for a really old machine], slackware current [on a much newer machine] fedora, Arch linux, vector linux, Debian/