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Dis Is THe quesTion am asking to myself for pasT 20 yeaR.....aND stIll noW am seaRchiNg foR thE ansWer..........!!!!
Actually Am NothIng.....buT somethINg.....Which You caN NeVeR be...!!!
As Far...i heV TasTed eVrythiNg in mY life.....eVen i walked through the edge of my Life!!!!
heV you Ppl hearD abT secoNd lyf .....???
tatZ waT am heVin vth!!!!
The daYS whiCh i Nevr wanTed tO repeaT aNd The BeautyfUll Days which i wanTed To rewiNd eVry tYm......!!!!
aNd Now i Realize wiTh oUt those painfull dayss i will Not bE anything at all......Those days made me More sharp...made My sholderss...biT shaped aNd i goT mY Neck More Muscled...!!!!
And am NothIng withoUt tHose GoldeN days,withoUT my e
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