Hey frnds.. I DONT believe in Formalities plz dont start the chat from these questions coz i have given their answers here.. read their default answers : 1.hi (hi) 2.how r u ? (fine) 3.do we know each other? (no) 3.a. what do u do ? (poly ) 4.how do u know me ? (just on facebook) 5. whats up ? (nothing new) 6. can u chat me/meet me on yahoo or any place.? ( i cant) 7. r u busy ? (a little bit) 8. why r u not rplying to me ? ( maybe i have lots of msgs coming) 9. r u there ? ( if i reply then yes) 10.u look so good/ s***/ beautiful etc. ( thx a lot) 11.can u tell me ur coll. name / address / phone no. / trust me. ( plz i cant ) 12.u are bad ..u r not replying to me bbye n tc ( srry i have no