This document contains code for dynamically loading and displaying technology and science news articles from ABC News on a webpage. It includes functions for retrieving article data from an API, generating HTML markup for each article, handling expanding full article text, and reinitializing the content display after updates.
This document contains code for displaying science and technology news updates from ABC News on a webpage. The code loads news updates from an external data source, formats the content, and displays it within a scrolling container on the page. It also includes functionality for expanding condensed news items, sharing content, and periodically refreshing the displayed updates.
The document is code for a news bulletin widget that loads news articles and displays them on a webpage. It includes functions for loading new data from an API, displaying individual articles, handling expanding text, and reinitializing the content area. The code retrieves article details, formats them into HTML, and appends the results to the content container.
This document contains code for displaying news bulletin items and notes. It includes functions for loading data, displaying items, and handling author information. On page load, it retrieves data, parses it, and appends items and notes to the container div through separate display functions. It also handles expanding truncated text and reinitializing the scroll pane on updates.
This document contains code for displaying news bulletin items on a website. It includes functions for loading data, displaying items and notes, handling clicks to expand text, and reloading content periodically to check for updates. The code appends items and social sharing links to the page container, calculates heights, and initializes the scroll pane plugin.
- The document is a news article that discusses updates to a news bulletin widget on a website.
- It includes the code for how the widget will display news items, notes, and social sharing options.
- The code also contains functions for loading new data, displaying items, and reinitializing the widget scrollbars when new content is added.
This document contains code for displaying science and technology news updates from ABC News on a webpage. The code loads news updates from an external data source, formats the content, and displays it within a scrolling container on the page. It also includes functionality for expanding condensed news items, sharing content, and periodically refreshing the displayed updates.
The document is code for a news bulletin widget that loads news articles and displays them on a webpage. It includes functions for loading new data from an API, displaying individual articles, handling expanding text, and reinitializing the content area. The code retrieves article details, formats them into HTML, and appends the results to the content container.
This document contains code for displaying news bulletin items and notes. It includes functions for loading data, displaying items, and handling author information. On page load, it retrieves data, parses it, and appends items and notes to the container div through separate display functions. It also handles expanding truncated text and reinitializing the scroll pane on updates.
This document contains code for displaying news bulletin items on a website. It includes functions for loading data, displaying items and notes, handling clicks to expand text, and reloading content periodically to check for updates. The code appends items and social sharing links to the page container, calculates heights, and initializes the scroll pane plugin.
- The document is a news article that discusses updates to a news bulletin widget on a website.
- It includes the code for how the widget will display news items, notes, and social sharing options.
- The code also contains functions for loading new data, displaying items, and reinitializing the widget scrollbars when new content is added.
The document is about the ABC News show "What Would You Do? With John Quinones". It provides code for displaying news bulletin items and updates on a webpage. The code defines functions for loading, displaying, and updating news items with details like titles, text, images, and social links. It also handles expanding text, loading more content, and reinitializing the scroll pane after updates.
This document contains code for dynamically loading and displaying news bulletin items on a website. It includes functions for retrieving new data, building HTML elements for each item, and handling interactions like expanding text. The code handles author images, social links, notes and reinitializing the content container on updates.
This document discusses politics news and US elections coverage from ABC News. It includes headlines, articles, and notes about US political events and candidates. JavaScript code is also included to dynamically load and display news bulletins and allow sharing on social media.
5. / / get aged item elevation.
var oldItemHeight=$('# nbItem _'+id).
/ / recover the material from the variety.
$('# text _' +id).
html(contentObject [id]). / / establishment id a listing of opened up items. fullTextList. press(id.
toString ());. var newContainerHeight=$(" # nbItemContainer"). elevation()+($('# nbItem _'+
. elevation()-oldItemHeight)
;.$("# nbItemContainer")
. css('elevation', newContainerHeight);.
/ / reinitialize scroll.
home window. api.
reinitialise ();.
feature isNewData( information). isNewTemp=untrue;. currNBObjStr=";. $. each (data. updates,
currNBObjStr=currNBObjStr+data. updates [ind] objId+ data. updates [ind] day;.);. / / console. log
('x '+currNBObjStr);. / / console. log (' y'+ lastNBObjStr );.
if(currNBObjStr!=lastNBObjStr). isNewTemp= real;.
/ / console. log('no refresh');
. lastNBObjStr=currNBObjStr;. return isNewTemp;. isHeaderLinkLoaded=false; / / flag to check if
the header hyperlink is packed. isShareLinkLoaded = incorrect; /
/ flag to inspect if the share hyperlink is loaded. isDoneLoading=incorrect; /
/ flag to check if the html is && done filling in the jScrollPane.& function newsBulletin(
information ). if(information). isNewDataFlag=isNewData(information);. if(isNewDataFlag). / / clear
components first. newsbulletin. nbDiv. innerHTML=";. / / console. log('refresh');.
6. . updates;. headerLink=data. widgetLink;. shareLink=information. shareLink;. if(headerLink!="& &
headerLink!=null & &! isHeaderLinkLoaded). var twitterImg=""$ (" # newsbulletin). midcontainer).
widget_head"). append(" ");.$( "# newsbulletin). midcontainer). widget_head ). twitterLink a)
. twitterContent" ). append ("" +twitterImg+ "");. isHeaderLinkLoaded =true;. / / clear the writer
intermediaries collection. newsbulletin.
authorCutouts=[];. / / check to view if there is a height established for container, if so clear it. / /
prevents cacheing.
var hasHeight=$('# nbItemContainer').
attr('style');. if(typeof hasHeight!='undefined')
.$( '# nbItemContainer ').
removeAttr(' style' );.$. each (updates, feature(ind).
var itemDetails =new Item();. it=updates [ind];. / / occupy the itemDetails object.
itemDetails. id = it. objId;.
itemDetails. title = it. title;.
itemDetails. objType = it. objType;.
itemDetails. hyperlink = it. link;.
itemDetails. date = it. day;.
itemDetails. label = it. tag;.
itemDetails. author = it. author. name;.
itemDetails. authorbio = it. writer
. biography;. itemDetails. authorfb=it. writer.
facebook;. itemDetails.
authortwitter =it. writer. twitter;. itemDetails. feed=it. feed;. itemDetails. category=it. category;.
/ / set defaults if item is a status update.
if(itemDetails. label = ='Standing Update'
). if(it. author. photo==").
it. author. photo=''. if(it.
7. writer. name ==" ). itemDetails. writer ='ABC News'. itemDetails. authorfb=''. itemDetails.
authortwitter=''. / / just pass the writer photo if it's not displayed in any one of
the items yet. if($.
inArray(it. author. picture, newsbulletin.
authorCutouts)= =-1 &&). itemDetails. authorimage=it. author. photo;. / / contribute to neglect list.
if(it. author. picture!="
& &($. inArray (it. author. image, newsbulletin. authorCutouts)= =-1)).
authorCutouts. press(it. writer.
picture);. if(it. text!="). itemDetails.
content=it. text;. else. itemDetails. bgPos='bottom right';. if(it. notes). itemDetails. notes=it. notes;. /
/ develop a name worth pair list of id/text. contentObject [itemDetails.
id]=itemDetails. text. itemDetails. isExpanded=($.
inArray(itemDetails. id, fullTextList))-1)?
real: incorrect;. / / construct markup.
$("# nbItemContainer"). append(newsbulletin. displayItems(itemDetails));.
);.$("# nbItemContainer"). append (" && );. / / established the elevation && of container div.
$("# nbItemContainer"). css('height' >,$("# nbItemContainer"). elevation());. if (shareLink!="& &
shareLink!=null & &! isShareLinkLoaded).$("# newsbulletin). midcontainer).
nbFooter"). css("elevation":"35px","border-top":"1px solid # d5d5d5","
border-bottom":"border-bottom:1 px solid # eaeaea");.$("# newsbulletin).
nbFooter"). append("");. isShareLinkLoaded=real;. if($. browser.
msie). if ($. internet browser. version. midcontainer).
nbFooter"). css("screen >":"none");.
8. var timeoutId=setTimeout(feature().$("# newsbulletin). midcontainer). nbFooter").
clearTimeout (timeoutId);
., 3000);. dynamicJS. discharge('newsBulletin'+ nbjsId, newsbulletin.
baseloc +'/ xmldata/newsbulletin? id = 14640490 &'+ nbjsId);. isDoneLoading=true;.
if($. web browser. webkit). if(nbjsId. midcontainer). nbFooter"). css("screen":"none");
. var timeoutId=setTimeout(feature().
# newsbulletin
). midcontainer). nbFooter"). css("
, 3000);. 7500). setInterval(.
feature(). home window. api. getContentPane(). html (.
newsbulletin. load( ). );.,. 120000.);. setInterval( function (). / / we could possibly call "pane.
jScrollPane(setups )" once again but it is. / / much more convenient to call through the API as then
the original.
/ / environments we passed in are automatically remembered. / / Initialization of the container must
be done after all the markup has been packed.
/ / since there is no listener that could be entered reinitialise() for callback.
if (isDoneLoading).
home window. api. reinitialise();.
isDoneLoading = false;.
, 5000);.
addOnload(newsbulletin. load());.