LIS 7880: Library Instruction Barbara ShipmanThis document provides instructions for performing basic keyword searches in the Academic OneFile database. It explains how to identify keywords, perform keyword searches, use Boolean operators like AND and OR, and apply truncation and wildcard techniques. The objectives are to identify keyword terms, perform a keyword search, perform a Boolean search, and incorporate truncation and wildcard techniques. Step-by-step instructions are provided for accessing Academic OneFile, performing keyword searches, Boolean searches, and using truncation and wildcards to broaden or narrow search results.
Program do obróbki zdjęćFire1991The document discusses new advanced features in Adobe Photoshop CS5 including Content Aware Fill which allows filling selections while maintaining image context, the Spot Healing Brush Tool which can remove blemishes while matching textures and lighting, and the Mixer Brush which simulates oil painting techniques by blending colors as you paint. It also covers the new Content-Aware Scale feature for scaling images while keeping image content intact.
A day in the life of a wolfdrodriguezp6This document describes a typical day in the life of a wolf. It wakes up at dawn and goes hunting with its pack for food. After eating, the wolf rests until evening when it goes hunting again before settling in for the night.
Backpacks & Travel bagsAvik EnterprisesAvik Enterprises sells backpacks, travel bags, and overnight bags. Their backpacks include laptop backpacks and backpack trolleys. They offer travel bags and suitcase trolleys. Their cabin luggage includes overnight bags. The document provides contact information for Avik Enterprises, including their address in Bangalore, India and contact details for inquiries.
решение уравненийkillarunsТема урока: Решение уравнений
• Дать понятие об уравнении, корне уравнения, линейном уравнении, правилах переноса слагаемых из одной части уравнения в другую, правилах умножения (деления) обеих частей уравнения на одно и то же число, не равное нулю.
• Научить применять данные определения и правила при решении уравнений и текстовых задач.
MineashokilluriThis document outlines a technical seminar presentation on wirelessly charging mobile phones using microwaves. It proposes adding a rectenna and sensor circuitry to phones to allow them to automatically charge as users talk by harvesting power from ambient microwaves. The presentation covers the transmitter design using a magnetron to generate microwaves, the receiver design including the rectenna and an LM2907 sensor circuit, and the use of Schottky barrier diodes in the rectification process. The conclusion is that this novel approach could allow phones to charge anywhere without wired chargers.
Body Image & Eating DisordersrcpsteinerWhat is Body Image?
What are Eating Disorders?
What Causes Eating Disorders?
Tips for Critical Viewing of the Media
Strategies for Dealing with Eating Disorders
Tips for a Healthy Body Image
M.A.I.D. Technique for Engaging Residents
E commerceSJME-commerce involves the exchange of goods and services over the internet through electronic transactions. It provides competitive advantages by allowing businesses to trade more conveniently and cheaply compared to traditional methods. To create a successful online store, it is important to research e-commerce principles, understand required guidelines, and properly implement an e-business plan to accept electronic payments through merchant accounts and services like PayPal.
Brand Yourself OnlinedsennerudThe document provides tips for establishing a personal brand online to help with success in a journalism career. It discusses defining your unique qualities and niche, doing research, creating an online identity and presence through tools like Twitter, social networks, LinkedIn, blogs, and networking to tell your story and opportunities. Regularly using these branding tools can help journalists find valuable contacts, show their work and expertise to potential employers in a changing job market with shorter job tenures.
promotions decisonsAtish RambojunThis document discusses various elements of promotions and communication processes, including the sender, message, media, decoding, and feedback. It also covers promotions mix, the AIDA model of grabbing attention, exciting interest, creating desire and prompting action. Execution styles and media choice are examined, as well as promotional objectives like supporting sales, encouraging trial, and creating awareness.
Discover Malaysia with kuala Tripmart.comtripmartMalaysia Holidays - Book Malaysia Tours & travel packages at Tripmart. Largest number of Malaysia Tour & holiday Packages available. Go for a Hoilday, travel to Malaysia and its various tourist attractions with Malaysia holiday packages. Explore Malaysia Tourism with cheap vacation packages.
English präse 1.01matiko100The document summarizes the key requirements and benefits of obtaining United States citizenship. It outlines that citizenship can be obtained either by birth or through the naturalization process. The main requirements for naturalization include being 18 years of age or older, having a green card for 5 years, continuous residency in the US, good moral character, basic English skills, and knowledge of US history and government. Benefits of citizenship include the right to vote, unlimited travel in and out of the US, eligibility for a US passport and federal jobs. Sources of additional information on citizenship requirements are also provided.
ОПК № 1 – ВводнаяVladimir Parfinenko1. Организационные и формальные вопросы.
2. Пользователь всегда прав!
3. Что такое язык программирования?
4. Краткая история развития языков программирования: машинные коды, ассемблер, языки высокого уровня.
5. Способы трансляции: компиляция и интерпретация.
6. Виртуальные машины.
7. Ученье — свет, неученье — тьма (для программиста: потеря работы).
языки программированияDmitry KulikovСодержание:
1. Вспомним материал прошлого урока.
2. Ада Лавлейс (1815-1852) – первый программист.
3. Языки программирования.
4. Классификация языков программирования.
5. Транслятор.
6. Примеры языков программирования.
7. Объектно-ориентированное программирование.
8. 10 языков программирование, которые стоит изучать.
9. Среда программирования.
10. Cреда разработки Turbo Delphi - основные команды.
11. Запустите Turbo Delphiсоздайте Console Application.
12. Введите текст программы между begin и end; нажмите Run.
13. Как написать программу “Hello, world!”
14. Домашнее задание.
Терминология как основной способ поиска разработчиков или как не опозорится п...SBTechRecruiters TechCamp
Backpacks & Travel bagsAvik EnterprisesAvik Enterprises sells backpacks, travel bags, and overnight bags. Their backpacks include laptop backpacks and backpack trolleys. They offer travel bags and suitcase trolleys. Their cabin luggage includes overnight bags. The document provides contact information for Avik Enterprises, including their address in Bangalore, India and contact details for inquiries.
решение уравненийkillarunsТема урока: Решение уравнений
• Дать понятие об уравнении, корне уравнения, линейном уравнении, правилах переноса слагаемых из одной части уравнения в другую, правилах умножения (деления) обеих частей уравнения на одно и то же число, не равное нулю.
• Научить применять данные определения и правила при решении уравнений и текстовых задач.
MineashokilluriThis document outlines a technical seminar presentation on wirelessly charging mobile phones using microwaves. It proposes adding a rectenna and sensor circuitry to phones to allow them to automatically charge as users talk by harvesting power from ambient microwaves. The presentation covers the transmitter design using a magnetron to generate microwaves, the receiver design including the rectenna and an LM2907 sensor circuit, and the use of Schottky barrier diodes in the rectification process. The conclusion is that this novel approach could allow phones to charge anywhere without wired chargers.
Body Image & Eating DisordersrcpsteinerWhat is Body Image?
What are Eating Disorders?
What Causes Eating Disorders?
Tips for Critical Viewing of the Media
Strategies for Dealing with Eating Disorders
Tips for a Healthy Body Image
M.A.I.D. Technique for Engaging Residents
E commerceSJME-commerce involves the exchange of goods and services over the internet through electronic transactions. It provides competitive advantages by allowing businesses to trade more conveniently and cheaply compared to traditional methods. To create a successful online store, it is important to research e-commerce principles, understand required guidelines, and properly implement an e-business plan to accept electronic payments through merchant accounts and services like PayPal.
Brand Yourself OnlinedsennerudThe document provides tips for establishing a personal brand online to help with success in a journalism career. It discusses defining your unique qualities and niche, doing research, creating an online identity and presence through tools like Twitter, social networks, LinkedIn, blogs, and networking to tell your story and opportunities. Regularly using these branding tools can help journalists find valuable contacts, show their work and expertise to potential employers in a changing job market with shorter job tenures.
promotions decisonsAtish RambojunThis document discusses various elements of promotions and communication processes, including the sender, message, media, decoding, and feedback. It also covers promotions mix, the AIDA model of grabbing attention, exciting interest, creating desire and prompting action. Execution styles and media choice are examined, as well as promotional objectives like supporting sales, encouraging trial, and creating awareness.
Discover Malaysia with kuala Tripmart.comtripmartMalaysia Holidays - Book Malaysia Tours & travel packages at Tripmart. Largest number of Malaysia Tour & holiday Packages available. Go for a Hoilday, travel to Malaysia and its various tourist attractions with Malaysia holiday packages. Explore Malaysia Tourism with cheap vacation packages.
English präse 1.01matiko100The document summarizes the key requirements and benefits of obtaining United States citizenship. It outlines that citizenship can be obtained either by birth or through the naturalization process. The main requirements for naturalization include being 18 years of age or older, having a green card for 5 years, continuous residency in the US, good moral character, basic English skills, and knowledge of US history and government. Benefits of citizenship include the right to vote, unlimited travel in and out of the US, eligibility for a US passport and federal jobs. Sources of additional information on citizenship requirements are also provided.
ОПК № 1 – ВводнаяVladimir Parfinenko1. Организационные и формальные вопросы.
2. Пользователь всегда прав!
3. Что такое язык программирования?
4. Краткая история развития языков программирования: машинные коды, ассемблер, языки высокого уровня.
5. Способы трансляции: компиляция и интерпретация.
6. Виртуальные машины.
7. Ученье — свет, неученье — тьма (для программиста: потеря работы).
языки программированияDmitry KulikovСодержание:
1. Вспомним материал прошлого урока.
2. Ада Лавлейс (1815-1852) – первый программист.
3. Языки программирования.
4. Классификация языков программирования.
5. Транслятор.
6. Примеры языков программирования.
7. Объектно-ориентированное программирование.
8. 10 языков программирование, которые стоит изучать.
9. Среда программирования.
10. Cреда разработки Turbo Delphi - основные команды.
11. Запустите Turbo Delphiсоздайте Console Application.
12. Введите текст программы между begin и end; нажмите Run.
13. Как написать программу “Hello, world!”
14. Домашнее задание.
Терминология как основной способ поиска разработчиков или как не опозорится п...SBTechRecruiters TechCamp
Сергей Крыжановский - Языки программированияYandex В мире существует не один, и даже не два языка программирования, их очень и очень много. В лекции рассказано про то какими бывают языки программирования, почему их так много, и зачем вообще нужно и полезно смотреть в сторону каках-то новых языков, кроме своего любимого.
2. Зачем заниматься
(люди тоже
… любят играть в … … деньги
шахматы и
3. заработок
Работать на себя
На компанию
(удаленна через
Интренет) ФРИЛАНС
4. Ну если программировать то…
• Нужно определиться на каком языке и на
каком фрейм ворке
• Что необходимо знать программисту
• Нужно определиться какой язык учить
• Нужно понять что лучше разрабатывать (для
веб или программы для ПК)
• Изучить основные программы для
• Изучить дополнительные программы
9. • - современный язык
• - разработан специально под платформу
Microsoft NET
• -
10. Языки программирования можно
разделить на…
Высокого уровня
Машинный язык Низкого уровня
(похожи на
0101110001001 (ASSEMBLER) для
человеческий язык)
написания драйверов
• - если его освоить то можно пойти учиться
дальше на программиста (разработчика) и
зарабатывать неплохие деньги, но для
этого нужно на первом этапе очень много
работать и зарабатывать опыт.