name <3 ali
panggil <3 ali lautner(perasan sudah)
hobby <3 menjeritt....Woahhhhhhhh
moto<3 ko ingat aq kesah ape yg ko kesah???
b4 add read this 1st
- kalo setakat add just nk add ur fren list baik xpyh ok !
- do add do talk ! jgn nk mmbisu !
- sy seorg yg friendly n boleh jd hot temper bile2 mase ! xsuke pegi search nick org lain !
-jgn add kalo setakat nk maki hamun ! buat tambah dose ko je !
- sy xapp org yg xde mutual frens !
- kalo aku xapp thats mean mang aku xnk app so xyh nk anta msg kat aku soh aku app ! just go 2 cancel req n click !
- kalo add setakat nk stalk aku baik xyh ok !
-i have to many fakers out there so be careful !
TQ ♥ ♥