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Presentation given as part of:
Exploring EAC-CPF with the
Remixing Archival Metadata
Project (RAMP)
8 May 2014
Society of Florida Archivists Annual Meeting
Allison Jai ODell (@AllisonJaiODell)
Mairelys Lemus-Rojas (@mlemusrojas)
University of Miami Libraries
Introduction to EAC-CPF
(Encoded Archival Context  Corporate Bodies,
Persons, and Families)
Designed to encode information about:
 People and organizations associated with
archival collections
 The social context and networks of those people
and organizations
EAC-CPF homepage | Tag Library
An Encoding Schema
Record control <control>
Description <cpfDescription>
 Name entity identification <identity>
(normalization & collocation)
 Contextual information <description>
 Relationships <relations>
EAC-CPF homepage | Tag Library
The EAC-CPF Record
<localDescription localType="subject">
<term>Knitting--Fair Isle (Scotland)</term>
<localDescription localType="genre">
<term>Herringbone stitch binding (Binding)</term>
<localDescription localType="genre">
<term>Cut-paper work</term>
EAC-CPF is Extensible
Stating predicates and objects:
build links with our name entity
<cpfRelation cpfRelationType="associative"
Person" xlink:type="simple">
Wheless, Joseph 1868-1950
XLink / Towards Linked Data
Some User Interface Implementations of EAC-CPF
Mapping the Republic of Letters
Connecting the Dots: Using EAC-CPF to Reunite Samuel Johnson and His Circle
xEAC user interface demo
Book Artists Unbound
Social Networks and Archival Context Project
Small World Project
Screenshots from the
Book Artists Unbound project
Allison Jai ODell
Mairelys Lemus-Rojas

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  • 1. Presentation given as part of: Exploring EAC-CPF with the Remixing Archival Metadata Project (RAMP) 8 May 2014 Society of Florida Archivists Annual Meeting Allison Jai ODell (@AllisonJaiODell) Mairelys Lemus-Rojas (@mlemusrojas) University of Miami Libraries
  • 2. Introduction to EAC-CPF (Encoded Archival Context Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families)
  • 3. Designed to encode information about: People and organizations associated with archival collections The social context and networks of those people and organizations EAC-CPF homepage | Tag Library An Encoding Schema
  • 4. Record control <control> Description <cpfDescription> Name entity identification <identity> (normalization & collocation) Contextual information <description> Relationships <relations> EAC-CPF homepage | Tag Library The EAC-CPF Record
  • 5. <localDescription localType="subject"> <term>Knitting--Fair Isle (Scotland)</term> </localDescription> <localDescription localType="genre"> <term>Herringbone stitch binding (Binding)</term> </localDescription> <localDescription localType="genre"> <term>Cut-paper work</term> </localDescription> EAC-CPF is Extensible
  • 6. Stating predicates and objects: build links with our name entity <cpfRelation cpfRelationType="associative" xlink:href="http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no96022495" xlink:role="http://rdvocab.info/uri/schema/FRBRentitiesRDA/ Person" xlink:type="simple"> <relationEntry> Wheless, Joseph 1868-1950 </relationEntry> </cpfRelation> XLink / Towards Linked Data
  • 7. Some User Interface Implementations of EAC-CPF Mapping the Republic of Letters http://republicofletters.stanford.edu Connecting the Dots: Using EAC-CPF to Reunite Samuel Johnson and His Circle https://osc.hul.harvard.edu/liblab/proj/connecting-dots-using-eac-cpf-reunite-samuel- johnson-and-his-circle xEAC user interface demo http://admin.numismatics.org/xeac/ Book Artists Unbound http://eac.allisonjai.com Social Networks and Archival Context Project http://socialarchive.iath.virginia.edu/ Small World Project http://gslis.simmons.edu/smallworld/
  • 8. Screenshots from the Book Artists Unbound project http://eac.allisonjai.com
  • 9. Thank Allison Jai ODell a.odell@miami.edu @AllisonJaiODell Mairelys Lemus-Rojas m.lemusrojas@miami.edu @mlemusrojas you!