Part of a co-presentation given at the Society of Florida Archivists 2014 Annual Meeting titled "Exploring EAC-CPF with the Remixing Archival Metadata Project (RAMP)." This section introduces EAC-CPF as a format for encoding creator records.
Special Collections, Special Thesauri: Managing and Publishing Local Vocabula...Allison Jai O'Dell
Discusses the management of local vocabularies in special collections libraries. Ideas for publishing local vocabularies as Linked Open Data and building user interfaces.
Defining Usefulness and Facilitating Access Based on Research ApplicationsAllison Jai O'Dell
Presented at the IFLA 2016 World Library and Information Conference, Classification & Indexing Section Satellite Meeting, "Subject Access: Unlimited Opportunities"
Teaching Linked Data to Librarians: A Discussion of Pedagogical MethodsAllison Jai O'Dell
This document discusses pedagogical methods for teaching linked data concepts to librarians. It describes mini workshops on topics such as linked data principles, RDF, ontologies and query languages. It recommends making the material approachable by relating it to librarianship, providing opportunities for assessment and practice, and provoking conceptual change through dissatisfaction with prior knowledge, intelligible explanations, plausible alternatives and demonstrating usefulness.
Understanding Regular expressions: Programming Historian Study Group, Univers...Allison Jai O'Dell
An accompaniment to the Programming Historian lesson on "Understanding Regular Expressions,"
Big Metadata: Mining Special Collections Catalogs for New KnowledgeAllison Jai O'Dell
This document discusses mining metadata from library catalogs to gain new insights. It defines metadata as "data about data" and notes that catalog metadata was traditionally stored in card catalogs. It describes how large amounts of semi-structured metadata can be analyzed as "big metadata" using techniques like data mining, topic modeling, visualization and pattern matching. A variety of tools are mentioned that can be used to perform these analyses in order to create discovery experiences and drive new insights from existing metadata. The goal is to leverage metadata already present in catalogs to benefit researchers.
Towards a Framework for Linked Rare Materials Metadata: An Overview of the Ta...Allison Jai O'Dell
The task force is charged with determining data elements for describing rare materials that are complementary to existing standards like DCRM and controlled vocabularies. Without consistent encoding and granular data, rare materials discovery is diminished. The task force proposes a framework of linked metadata elements for rare materials description that will enable improved discovery and utilization of existing standards. The framework includes over 50 proposed data elements across various categories for describing physical features, user engagement, production processes, and rights/restrictions.
Notes from the Library Juice Academy courses on SPARQL Fundamentals: Univer...Allison Jai O'Dell
This document provides an overview of SPARQL, the SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language, including its basic components and syntax. It discusses key SPARQL features and operators such as triple patterns, namespaces, SELECT, WHERE, DISTINCT, ORDER BY, LIMIT, OFFSET, UNION, property paths, and the four main SPARQL query forms: SELECT, CONSTRUCT, ASK, and DESCRIBE. It also provides examples of basic, more complex SELECT queries, and a CONSTRUCT query.
Descriptive Cataloging for Special Collections, University of Miami LibrariesAllison Jai O'Dell
A mini crash course on Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials alongside University of Miami Libraries cataloging guidelines for the Special Collections Department
SQL: University of Florida Libraries, Linked Data Working Group, Tech Talk 20...Allison Jai O'Dell
SQL is a standard language for accessing and manipulating relational databases. It allows users to execute queries to retrieve, insert, update, and delete data. Some common SQL queries include SELECT statements to retrieve data, CREATE statements to build new databases and tables, and JOIN statements to combine data from multiple tables. SQL also supports functions, sorting, filtering, and aggregation of results.
Notes from the Library Juice Academy courses on XPath, XSLT, and XQuery: Univ...Allison Jai O'Dell
This document summarizes key concepts about XML, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery. It provides examples of using XPath to select nodes from an XML document, using XSLT to transform XML documents to other formats like HTML, and using XQuery to query XML data. XPath is used to navigate XML, XSLT transforms XML documents, and XQuery combines XPath and FLWOR expressions to process, join, and return XML data. Examples demonstrate selecting nodes, transforming XML to XML and HTML, and the basic structure of XQuery with FLWOR expressions.
SKOS, Simple Knowledge Organization System: University of Florida Libraries, ...Allison Jai O'Dell
Introduction to SKOS given at the Linked Data Working Group meeting, 20 September 2016, at the George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Studying the book arts in the 21st century: using Linked Data to enhance know...Allison Jai O'Dell
This document discusses using linked data and metadata standards like EAC-CPF to enhance access to information about creators of book arts. It describes projects that link authority records of creators to additional resources like catalogs, datasets and biographies. The document advocates applying linked data practices and creator metadata to provide more context and connections regarding people involved in the production of books and other cultural artifacts.
Designing Metadata to Meet User Needs for Special CollectionsAllison Jai O'Dell
Users need subject and keyword access, relevance ranking, comprehensive coverage, and awareness of collections. To meet these needs, metadata should support controlled vocabularies, semantic search, and arrangement of items. Metadata should also be shared outside library systems through APIs, linked data, and data dumps to increase awareness of collections.
This document is a Father's Day card celebrating 15 years of fatherhood and includes pictures of the father and his three children at different ages. It describes how he has supported and guided his children from when they were babies to young adults. The card expresses gratitude for his role in helping the children succeed and being there for them every step of the way.
This short document provides contact information for Abhilasha S. Tyagi including a phone number and email address. The individual is interested in discussing a portfolio, receiving payment for creativity, or simply connecting with the reader.
Experimental Relations: Using Samuel Johnson to Learn EAC-CPFMichael Rush
The New England Archivists Spring 2013 Meeting covered background on Samuel Johnson and archival standards such as EAD, EAC-CPF, and MARC. The meeting also discussed a collaboration between Harvard Library Lab and Beinecke-Houghton on creating 78 hand-coded EAC-CPF records describing Samuel Johnson's circle. Challenges included managing relational work without proper tools and determining best practices for encoding and sharing data. Future areas of focus include how EAD and EAC-CPF will interact, maintaining and sharing EAC-CPF records, and developing tools and vocabularies to express archival relationships.
Experimenting locally with encoded archival contextmpcarruthers
The document discusses using Encoded Archival Context - Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) to capture contextual information about creators of archival collections that is not contained within the collections themselves. It describes how EAC-CPF allows for describing relationships between entities and aggregating relevant information about them in a single record. Finally, it mentions projects by Harvard, Yale and the National Archival Authorities Cooperative that have used EAC-CPF and the Remixing Archival Metadata Project which converts existing metadata to EAC-CPF format.
This document discusses xEAC, which uses XForms to create and manage Encoded Archival Context-Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) records. XForms allows the creation of complex XML models and interacts with REST APIs. The xEAC form allows linking EAC-CPF records to controlled vocabularies and linking data repositories. It also converts EAC-CPF records to RDF triples and exposes them through a SPARQL endpoint to integrate records with other systems and link open data. Future steps include improving the form, testing scalability, and following best practices for linked open data.
Intro to Linked, Dutch Ships and Sailors and SPARQL handson Victor de Boer
The document discusses Linked Data and SPARQL concepts including linking heterogeneous data sources without forcing a single data model. It describes using HTTP URIs and RDF to identify and describe resources on the web according to the four rules of Linked Data. The document provides an example of linking Dutch ship and sailor data from different sources and querying it using SPARQL. It emphasizes that Linked Data allows for flexible integration and reuse of existing data sources.
Federated data stores using semantic web technologySteve Ray
Semantic web, or linked data technology can help address interoperability problems in the internet, and particularly in support of the Internet of Things. This is an simple introduction to this technology.
Approaching Authority: A Preliminary Implementation of Encoded Archival Conte...Mark Custer
This presentation discusses the background of the Encoded Archival Context standard (EAC-CPF) and its potential to enhance collaboration amongst archival institutions. The speakers focus on an early implementation of EAC-CPF at East Carolina University, but they also discuss other local efforts such as the groundbreaking NC-BHIO project.
Notes from the Library Juice Academy courses on SPARQL Fundamentals: Univer...Allison Jai O'Dell
This document provides an overview of SPARQL, the SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language, including its basic components and syntax. It discusses key SPARQL features and operators such as triple patterns, namespaces, SELECT, WHERE, DISTINCT, ORDER BY, LIMIT, OFFSET, UNION, property paths, and the four main SPARQL query forms: SELECT, CONSTRUCT, ASK, and DESCRIBE. It also provides examples of basic, more complex SELECT queries, and a CONSTRUCT query.
Descriptive Cataloging for Special Collections, University of Miami LibrariesAllison Jai O'Dell
A mini crash course on Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials alongside University of Miami Libraries cataloging guidelines for the Special Collections Department
SQL: University of Florida Libraries, Linked Data Working Group, Tech Talk 20...Allison Jai O'Dell
SQL is a standard language for accessing and manipulating relational databases. It allows users to execute queries to retrieve, insert, update, and delete data. Some common SQL queries include SELECT statements to retrieve data, CREATE statements to build new databases and tables, and JOIN statements to combine data from multiple tables. SQL also supports functions, sorting, filtering, and aggregation of results.
Notes from the Library Juice Academy courses on XPath, XSLT, and XQuery: Univ...Allison Jai O'Dell
This document summarizes key concepts about XML, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery. It provides examples of using XPath to select nodes from an XML document, using XSLT to transform XML documents to other formats like HTML, and using XQuery to query XML data. XPath is used to navigate XML, XSLT transforms XML documents, and XQuery combines XPath and FLWOR expressions to process, join, and return XML data. Examples demonstrate selecting nodes, transforming XML to XML and HTML, and the basic structure of XQuery with FLWOR expressions.
SKOS, Simple Knowledge Organization System: University of Florida Libraries, ...Allison Jai O'Dell
Introduction to SKOS given at the Linked Data Working Group meeting, 20 September 2016, at the George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Studying the book arts in the 21st century: using Linked Data to enhance know...Allison Jai O'Dell
This document discusses using linked data and metadata standards like EAC-CPF to enhance access to information about creators of book arts. It describes projects that link authority records of creators to additional resources like catalogs, datasets and biographies. The document advocates applying linked data practices and creator metadata to provide more context and connections regarding people involved in the production of books and other cultural artifacts.
Designing Metadata to Meet User Needs for Special CollectionsAllison Jai O'Dell
Users need subject and keyword access, relevance ranking, comprehensive coverage, and awareness of collections. To meet these needs, metadata should support controlled vocabularies, semantic search, and arrangement of items. Metadata should also be shared outside library systems through APIs, linked data, and data dumps to increase awareness of collections.
This document is a Father's Day card celebrating 15 years of fatherhood and includes pictures of the father and his three children at different ages. It describes how he has supported and guided his children from when they were babies to young adults. The card expresses gratitude for his role in helping the children succeed and being there for them every step of the way.
This short document provides contact information for Abhilasha S. Tyagi including a phone number and email address. The individual is interested in discussing a portfolio, receiving payment for creativity, or simply connecting with the reader.
Experimental Relations: Using Samuel Johnson to Learn EAC-CPFMichael Rush
The New England Archivists Spring 2013 Meeting covered background on Samuel Johnson and archival standards such as EAD, EAC-CPF, and MARC. The meeting also discussed a collaboration between Harvard Library Lab and Beinecke-Houghton on creating 78 hand-coded EAC-CPF records describing Samuel Johnson's circle. Challenges included managing relational work without proper tools and determining best practices for encoding and sharing data. Future areas of focus include how EAD and EAC-CPF will interact, maintaining and sharing EAC-CPF records, and developing tools and vocabularies to express archival relationships.
Experimenting locally with encoded archival contextmpcarruthers
The document discusses using Encoded Archival Context - Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) to capture contextual information about creators of archival collections that is not contained within the collections themselves. It describes how EAC-CPF allows for describing relationships between entities and aggregating relevant information about them in a single record. Finally, it mentions projects by Harvard, Yale and the National Archival Authorities Cooperative that have used EAC-CPF and the Remixing Archival Metadata Project which converts existing metadata to EAC-CPF format.
This document discusses xEAC, which uses XForms to create and manage Encoded Archival Context-Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) records. XForms allows the creation of complex XML models and interacts with REST APIs. The xEAC form allows linking EAC-CPF records to controlled vocabularies and linking data repositories. It also converts EAC-CPF records to RDF triples and exposes them through a SPARQL endpoint to integrate records with other systems and link open data. Future steps include improving the form, testing scalability, and following best practices for linked open data.
Intro to Linked, Dutch Ships and Sailors and SPARQL handson Victor de Boer
The document discusses Linked Data and SPARQL concepts including linking heterogeneous data sources without forcing a single data model. It describes using HTTP URIs and RDF to identify and describe resources on the web according to the four rules of Linked Data. The document provides an example of linking Dutch ship and sailor data from different sources and querying it using SPARQL. It emphasizes that Linked Data allows for flexible integration and reuse of existing data sources.
Federated data stores using semantic web technologySteve Ray
Semantic web, or linked data technology can help address interoperability problems in the internet, and particularly in support of the Internet of Things. This is an simple introduction to this technology.
Approaching Authority: A Preliminary Implementation of Encoded Archival Conte...Mark Custer
This presentation discusses the background of the Encoded Archival Context standard (EAC-CPF) and its potential to enhance collaboration amongst archival institutions. The speakers focus on an early implementation of EAC-CPF at East Carolina University, but they also discuss other local efforts such as the groundbreaking NC-BHIO project.
Yde de Jong & Dave Roberts - ZooBank and EDIT: Towards a business model for Z...ICZN
This document discusses developing a business model for ZooBank, a proposed online registry of zoological nomenclature. It outlines elements to consider for the business model, including the scientific, technical, social, and financial models. It also discusses how ZooBank could operate within the EDIT network to establish a prototype web taxonomy and help coordinate taxonomic data infrastructure. Funding opportunities that could support ZooBank are also mentioned.
Introduction to Generative Artificial IntelligenceLoic Merckel
The buzz around Generative AI (GenAI) is louder than everbut are we seeing the whole picture?
This presentation was designed for a broad audience, avoiding technical jargon while addressing the real opportunities and challenges AI brings.
A few key insights from the presentation:
Innovation under constraint: DeepSeek achieved remarkable results at a fraction of competitors' costs.
The productivity paradox: AI may boost output for writers and coders but may reduce job satisfaction for scientists.
The shifting definition: "AI is what computers can't do; once they can, it's just software." Mustafa Suleyman
The GPU Bottleneck: Big Tech is turning to custom chips and nuclear energy to meet AI's soaring computational demands.
誌 Energy-Hungry AI: AI's energy needs are driving investments in dedicated nuclear power for datacenters.
際際滷 decks are meant to support live talks, so they might not capture the full story on their own. If you are curious to dive deeper, feel free to reach outI would be happy to discuss these ideas in a more interactive setting.
Feel free to check out the slides here and my LinkedIn post for further discussion:
ヰ$__Cubase Pro Crack Full Activativated 2025abrishhayat858
Cubase is a professional digital audio workstation (DAW) developed by Steinberg for music production, recording, editing, and mixing. Since its initial release in 1989, Cubase has been widely used by musicians, producers, and sound engineers across various genres. Known for its powerful features, intuitive interface, and high-quality sound engine, Cubase has remained a leading choice for both beginners and professionals in the music industry.
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineers upskilling into AI / ML & Data Science. With focus on LLM, Diagnostics and Prognostics applications, and developing an appreciation for algorithms along the way!
How the Best News APIs Work: A Visual GuideContify
Discover how the best news APIs function with this visual guide. Learn how they fetch real-time news, filter content, and integrate seamlessly with apps. Understand key features like authentication, endpoints, and data formats, making it easier to choose the right API for your needs. Perfect for developers and businesses!
For more information please visit here
This chapter proposes to explore the intersection of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), data analytics, and marketing in the context of the tourism and events industry. As technology continues to advance, organizations within this sector are seeking innovative and transformative ways to engage and attract tourists and event attendees. VR and AR have emerged as powerful tools for creating immersive experiences, while data analytics provides insights into consumer behavior and preferences. This chapter will examine how these technologies can be integrated into marketing strategies to enhance engagement, visitor experiences, and decision- making processes. By discussing real-world case studies, ethical considerations, and future trends, this chapter aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject and offer practical insights for professionals and researchers in the field.
1. Presentation given as part of:
Exploring EAC-CPF with the
Remixing Archival Metadata
Project (RAMP)
8 May 2014
Society of Florida Archivists Annual Meeting
Allison Jai ODell (@AllisonJaiODell)
Mairelys Lemus-Rojas (@mlemusrojas)
University of Miami Libraries
3. Designed to encode information about:
People and organizations associated with
archival collections
The social context and networks of those people
and organizations
EAC-CPF homepage | Tag Library
An Encoding Schema
4. Record control <control>
Description <cpfDescription>
Name entity identification <identity>
(normalization & collocation)
Contextual information <description>
Relationships <relations>
EAC-CPF homepage | Tag Library
The EAC-CPF Record
6. Stating predicates and objects:
build links with our name entity
<cpfRelation cpfRelationType="associative"
Person" xlink:type="simple">
Wheless, Joseph 1868-1950
XLink / Towards Linked Data
7. Some User Interface Implementations of EAC-CPF
Mapping the Republic of Letters
Connecting the Dots: Using EAC-CPF to Reunite Samuel Johnson and His Circle
xEAC user interface demo
Book Artists Unbound
Social Networks and Archival Context Project
Small World Project