悖 悋忰悋悸 惘悸 悋 惆 悋
悒惘悋惡 悋 悖愕惠悽悋 惡悋悒愕悋
悒悵悋 愕愀惠 愕愀惠 悖忰 惺慍惠
愃 惆 悋悒悋 愆惘悋
悋悵 悖惆惘 悖 惠悴惘惺 悖愕 悋悵悸 愕 悒悋
悽惘 悋惆 惡悴悋忰 悖惺慍 愆悋惆悸
愕惠 惡愃惘惘 惘悋 悵悋 悋悵 惘 愕 惶愃惘悋 惡悴悋惡
My Enemies, My Last Concern.
Seasons come and go but i will never change
and i'm on my way.
I'm Gonna Make A Change,
For Once In My Life
It's Gonna Feel Real Good,
Gonna Make A Difference
Gonna Make It Rig
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