sources of information mainly from these 2 books, 1- Fenn, Liddelow, and Gimsons' Clinical Dental Prosthetics
2- Yasemin K. zkan, Complete denture:ProsthodonticsTreatment and Problem Solving,2017.
34. Occlusal plane should be at the
same level as the dorsum or as we
said slightly below when the
patient is in the rest position.
42. It is checked by seating the denture on the denture-bearing
area and then attempting to remove the denture at right
angles to the occlusal plane. Load is then applied upwards
and outwards in the region of the anterior teeth to check
for retention.
54. When errors of occlusion are noted at this trial stage
they must be corrected by re-recording the position of
occlusion and then clinical remounting the cast
according to new mouth record.
*errors of occlusion such as
Correction of centric occlusion/ relation /
horizontal relation disharmony
55. A new recording of centric relation position
should be obtained after the posterior
teeth from one of the dentures have been
removed and replaced with a wax
occlusion rim which should be trimmed to
occlude with the posterior teeth of the
other denture without altering the VD .
If the teeth are not removed there is danger
that the cups will guide the mandible back
into an incorrect tooth position.
58. After the correct position of occlusion is recorded by adding
little softened base-plate wax to the chilled blocks ,
the trial dentures are then placed in the mouth and the
patient is asked to ((close on the back teeth )) thus
impressing the cusps of the opposing teeth into the wax .
76. Size of the teeth
Shade of the teeth
Patient approval of the appearance
83. Size of the teeth
The teeth size ratios should
be pleasing, and each tooth
should be of the correct
size. Size of anterior teeth
Should harmonize with facial
The labial surfaces of teeth
should be neither too flat
nor too convex (Fig. 3.33a, b)
84. It could be helpful to make use of the patients
profile when determining the convexity of the
teeth (Fig. 3.33c)
85. shade of the teeth
There should be a comparison made between the color
of the face and the teeth. The
teeth should be checked to
ensure the color of the teeth
is warm and correct.
The dentist must take care to
confirm that the teeth will not
look lighter by arranging the
teeth buccally out of the arch,
or will not appear darker
by arranging them palatinally.
86. Today, yellow is the most dominant shade in most of
the shade guides. Other colors have a smaller part.
87. Profile and lip support
( forward) ( backward)
The average of sagittal angle
between the lips and
columella (naso-labial angel)
is 90 degree in the normal
class 1 relation.
(a) Class 1. (b) Class 2. (c)
Class 3
90. -The incisal edges of upper incisor teeth should be parallel
to the lower lip
91. ** When the mouth is slightly opened, the incisal tip of
the natural mandibular canine and buccal cusp of the
first premolar are positioned at the commissures
(corners of the mouth) at the level of the lower lip.