I love you
- i love you more
i love you most
- i love you mostest - top that ;)
i love you epicly ;-P
- i love you endlesly
i love you eternally
- i love you for infinity
i love you... Boom
- hahhahaha sweeeeeeeet!!!!
Hi!! this is Amelia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you get to meet me, you'll love me, because everyone does lol.... and if you don't like me, better believe it, there's something wrong with you ha ha i'm originally from Ecuador, I love visiting, it's my little heaven on earth :) I'm about to turn 26 and 25 was a good year! i got to go to Spain, that was pretty awesome! i i did suffer too, i lost one of my best friends and one of the best persons i could have ever had in my life - My g