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Broad Street Capital Group
Merchant            Background
banking is a          Focused on serving foreign governments and private companies with revenues
                      between $2.5 and $250 million, Broad Street Capital Group is a classic private
conversion of a       Merchant Bank which since 1996 provides unique financial and professional solutions
                      designed to assist clients in achieving their short term and long term business goals,
dream into reality    while simultaneously maximizing corporate and stakeholder value.
with the help of      Our highly qualified financial, legal and business professionals have years of training
money.               and real world experience. Our professionals stand ready to assist our clients by
                      providing creative, cutting edge solutions to real-world business challenges. With our
-Herman H. Khan       insight, experience and creativity, we develop custom strategies in today's fast-paced,
                      complex and extremely competitive marketplace and assist our clients' in all stages of
                      their execution.

                     Export Finance                               International Project Finance
                       US EXIM, foreign ECA and private            Tailored plan of action for each client
                       Financing available on short, medium        Traditional sources include OPIC,
                        & long-term basis for up to 85% of the       EBRD, IFC, US Banks and Private
                        project cost at favorable rates              Equity funding. Up to 70% LTV
                       Support up to $200 mil projects             Projects to $250 mil, 8-25 year tenor
                       Focus on: medical equip, FF&E, oil/gas      Focus on: energy, hospitality, telecom
                     Grants and Technical Assistance              Strategic Business Development
                       Utilize U.S. government resources for       Develop multi-stage approach for
                        overseas project development in              clients sustained multiyear growth
                        various infrastructure sectors              Provide interim management, board
                       Develop proposals and manage                 level guidance and equity financing
                        complete feasibility studies                Specialty areas include: medical equip.
                       Typical grants range from $250,000 to        alternative energy, telecom,
                        $1mil                                        automotive appearance, distribution

                                                                               140 Broadway, 46th Floor
                                                                               New York, NY 10005 USA

Broad Street Capital Group                                                              ph 212.490.4323
                                                                                         fx 212.490.4324
Merchant Bankers
BSCG Fact Sheet2010

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BSCG Fact Sheet2010

  • 1. Broad Street Capital Group Merchant Background banking is a Focused on serving foreign governments and private companies with revenues between $2.5 and $250 million, Broad Street Capital Group is a classic private conversion of a Merchant Bank which since 1996 provides unique financial and professional solutions designed to assist clients in achieving their short term and long term business goals, dream into reality while simultaneously maximizing corporate and stakeholder value. with the help of Our highly qualified financial, legal and business professionals have years of training money. and real world experience. Our professionals stand ready to assist our clients by providing creative, cutting edge solutions to real-world business challenges. With our -Herman H. Khan insight, experience and creativity, we develop custom strategies in today's fast-paced, complex and extremely competitive marketplace and assist our clients' in all stages of their execution. Services Export Finance International Project Finance US EXIM, foreign ECA and private Tailored plan of action for each client Financing available on short, medium Traditional sources include OPIC, & long-term basis for up to 85% of the EBRD, IFC, US Banks and Private project cost at favorable rates Equity funding. Up to 70% LTV Support up to $200 mil projects Projects to $250 mil, 8-25 year tenor Focus on: medical equip, FF&E, oil/gas Focus on: energy, hospitality, telecom Grants and Technical Assistance Strategic Business Development Utilize U.S. government resources for Develop multi-stage approach for overseas project development in clients sustained multiyear growth various infrastructure sectors Provide interim management, board Develop proposals and manage level guidance and equity financing complete feasibility studies Specialty areas include: medical equip. Typical grants range from $250,000 to alternative energy, telecom, $1mil automotive appearance, distribution 140 Broadway, 46th Floor New York, NY 10005 USA Broad Street Capital Group ph 212.490.4323 fx 212.490.4324 Merchant Bankers www.broadstreetcap.com