The document discusses the importance of having both a vision and a mission in order to achieve desired results. It defines vision as a perception of future developments, mission as a specific task or duty, and results as outcomes or effects. While vision provides direction through core values, it is mission that guides meaningful actions. The conclusion is that life will change based on the actions taken, and having both a clear vision and mission can help ensure results are better rather than worse.
2. Anti clock wise moment Amir Saif 2 Mission 1 Vision 3 Results
3. Vision + Mission = Results (Better or Worst) ? Amir Saif 2 What is Mission? 1 Why Vision? 3 Can We get the desired results?
4. Vision + Mission = Results Amir Saif Mission? Vision? Results? A great perception of future developments A specific task or duty assigned to a person or group of people A favorable or unfavorable concrete outcome or effect. Often used in the plural
5. Vision + Mission = Results How we perceive Vision and Core Values ? Amir Saif Vision Decorated words Core Values Meaningless Actions
6. Vision + Mission = Results Conclusion Amir Saif Life will change. If we take positive measurable actions The only question is . . . will it get better or will it get worse?