This document summarizes numerous marketing campaigns run by various brands at cafe locations. Some key details include:
- Campaigns ranged from 1 month to 1 year in duration and involved between 10-200 cafes.
- Touchpoints included tent cards, standees, visuals, promotions, and product demos.
- Campaign objectives focused on new product/service launches, branding, customer engagement, and lead generation.
- Many campaigns integrated products into cafe offerings or had promoters interact with customers.
4. Toyota
Campaig n Obje c tive : New car launch “Etios”
Campaig n Duratio n : 2 Months
S c o pe Of Cafe s : 180 cafes and 60 Xpress outlets
Campig n Dynamic s : Database collection, immediate gratification of coffee coupon to
the customer.(111000+le ads g e ne rate d)
To uc h Po ints At Cafe s : Dangler, drop box, table sticker, leaflets, coupons
7. Axe
Campaig n Obje c tive : Axe Twist Launch “New Fragrance”
Campaig n Duratio n :1 Months
S c o pe Of Cafe s : 50 Cafes
Campig n Dynamic s : TRI COLOR BEVERAGE “AXE Twist”, on Purchase Of 2
Beverages 1 AXE Glass Free, also With Every Beverage A Fragrance Card Was
Given Out To Each Customer.
To uc h Po ints At Cafe s :Tent Cards / Coasters / Fragrance Cards / 2 Drinks Free
9. Bajaj Pulsar
Campaig n Obje c tive : Bike re-launch “pulsar 135cc”
Campaig n Duratio n : 1 Month
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 35 Cafes for bike display,150 cafes for static visibility.
Camping Dynamic s : Lead generation through promoter in 35 cafes and branding
exercise. (7500 le ads g e ne rate d)
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Standee , bike display, promoter, tent card on tables.
13. Nissan Micra
Campaig n Obje c tive : New car launch “Micra”
Campaig n Duratio n : 1 Months
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 150 Cafes.
Campig n Dynamic s : Branding at cafes.
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Tent card on tables
15. Nike
Campaig n Obje c tive : New sports apparel launch
Campaig n Duratio n: 1 Months
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 70 Cafes.
Campig n Dynamic s : “Q-codes” on wall visual and standee for customer
downloads to account for clicks on print media.(Q – codes technology was used in
a medium for the first time)
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Wall visual and standee at cafes
18. Cadbury 5 Star
Campaig n Obje c tive : Customer Engagement For Fun Aspect Of The Brand.
Campaig n Duratio n : 1 Month
S c o pe Of Cafe s : 200
CAMPIGN Dynamic s : Each Table Had A J igsaw Puzzle To Be Solved For A Contest
And Winners Were Gratified By The Brand.
To uc h Po ints At Cafe s : J igsaw Puzzle Mat At The Tables
21. X-Box
Campaig n Obje c tive : To reach out to the customer for product experience.
Campaig n Duratio n : 6 MONTHS
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 10
Campig n Dynamic s : The customer could play the games on X BOX and would share
their feedback.(very prime high footfall cafes were targeted and there was immense
response to the gaming zone)
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : table sticker with play creative, X Box installed at cafes.
24. ITC- Fiama
Campaig n Obje c tive :Product And Brand Launch
Campaig n Duratio n : 2 Months
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 150 Cafes
Campaig n Dynamic s : To Target All Female Customer Walk Ins At Cafes With
Instant Gratification By The Brand.
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Sampling Of Fiama/ Vivel Gift Packs To Female
Customers/Wall visuals/Standee/Tent Cards/Drop Box Contest Forms.
27. Sony- PSP
Campaig n Obje c tive : To venture an interesting campaign that could establish direct
contact with the customers.
Campaig n Duratio n : 1 month
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 60 Cafes
Campaig n Dynamic s : Sony PSP was installed at all tables for the customer to
experience the product.
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Promoter/tent card/floor sticker
30. HUL- Fair & Lovely
Campaig n Obje c tive : Product & brand launch “forget marks”
Campaig n Duratio n: 45 Days
S c o pe o f Cafe s ; 125 Cafes
Campig n Dynamic s : From a teaser at the café to direct customer contact to
emphasis “forget marks”
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Dangler/ tissue paper holder/ tent card/ push pull
33. Logitech
Campaig n Obje c tive : Product launch “MP3”
Campaig n Duratio n: 1 Month
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 16 Cafes
Campig n Dynamic s : A promoter would approach the interested customers to explain
the product features
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Kiosk & promoter/ danglers / push/pull stickers on the front
glass façade / table stickers – on all the tables
35. Vodafone
Campaig n Obje c tive : “Blackberry blast-we’re the blackberry boys”
Campaig n Duratio n : 2 Months
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 150 Cafes
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Glass façade poster on the entrance door / tent card/
poster on notice board.
37. Samsung
Campaig n Obje c tive : Launch of a handset “ Brand launch”
Campaig n Duratio n: 1Year
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 100 Cafes
Campig n Dynamic s : Static branding for new handset launch.
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Wall visual /branding for static visibility
39. Apple I Mac
Campaig n Obje c tive : Launch of I-Mac “product launch”
Campaig n Duratio n : 1 Month
S c o pe Of Cafe s : 55 Cafes
Campaig n Dynamic s : The promoter was interacting with the customers to
showcase the features of the product.
To uc h Po ints At Cafe s : Kiosk, standee, leaflets, promoter, tent card
41. Tata Photon
Campaig n Obje c tive : New service launch ( data card-photon+)
Campaig n Duratio n : 1 Month
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 121 Cafes
Campaig n Dynamic s : Photon demo at cafes where the promoter interacted for
leads and explaining product features.
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Bill folder sticker / standee / badges on team member /
43. MTS
Campaig n Obje c tive : To promote the new service launched and to generate leads.
Campaig n Duratio n : 3 Months
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 150 Cafes
Campaig n Dynamic s : The promoter explained the features and the customer could
access the demo and all the leads were converted on spot.
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Interactive kiosk / promoter / sale of products
45. Croma
Campaig n Obje c tive : Awareness of Croma outlet and offers in vicinity.
Campaig n Duratio n : Annual
S c o pe af Cafe s : Annual deal
Campig n Dynamic s : Store to store branding for each Croma outlet that opens
near CCD.
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Table stickers/standees with leaflets for latest offers.
47. Yahoo
Campaig n Obje c tive : To promote new applications on yahoo.
Campaig n Duratio n: 2 Months
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 50 Cafes
Campaig n Dynamic s : Every customer contact was established with a coaster
with each beverage and there were heavy download of the application.
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Coasters with every beverage and blu-fi downloads.
49. ZEE T.V- Sa Re Ga
Campaig n Obje c tive : Promoting the show and the SMS contest.
Campaig n Duratio n: 1 Month
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 120 Cafes
Campaig n Dynamic s : Mike danglers to create the singers zone at cafes.
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Mike danglers / tent cards contest contestant / Ahmedabad
Bhopal/finale gift hamper / the winner of the contest got the opportunity to attend the
finale and was given a hamper by the special guest of the show.
52. Airtel Broadband
Campaig n Obje c tive : To launch new services of Airtel
Campaig n Duratio n: 1 Month
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 150 Cafes
Campaig n Dynamic s : To reach out to customers at cafes for new service
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Tent cards at cafes
54. Tata Indicom
Campaig n Obje c tive : To Create Awareness.
Campaig n Duratio n: 1 Mo nth
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 100 Cafes
Campaig n Dynamic s : Promoter Would Explain The New Features,
Applications, services.
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Interactive Table Kiosk For Customers To Access
Demo In Groups.
56. Ceat
Campaig n Obje c tive : To spread the awareness of “Superior Bike Grip Tyres”
Campaig n Duratio n: 3 Months
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 150 Cafes
Campaig n Dynamic s : The tent card attracted the customer mobile without
causing any harm to the devices, an exclusive hot beverage was served in winter
season in Ceat mugs/to further engage the customers there was a coffee table
book guide of safe driving
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Ceat ceramic cups with hot beverage/magic pad tent
cards/coffee table book
58. Fastrack
Campaig n Obje c tive : Eye-gear and watches launch
Campaig n Duratio n: 1 Month
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 70 Cafes
Campaig n Dynamic s : Static visibility of Fastrack youth products at cafes
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Wall visual/ standee/ table sticker
61. Maybelline
Campaig n Obje c tive : New product launch “Whitestay UV”
Campaig n Duratio n: 1 Month
S c o pe o f Cafe s : 120 Cafes
Campaig n Dynamic s : Kappi Nirvana – beverage integration with Maybelline.
To uc h Po ints at Cafe s : Danglers/side menu card promoting the beverage-Kappi
Nirvana / standee and bill counter tent card.
64. Hulk- Movie
Campaign Objective: Movie promotion. “Incredible hulk”
Campaign Duration: 1 month
Scope of Cafes: 130 cafes
Campign Dynamics: Beverage integration “hulk sponsored-green apple soda”
Touch Points at Cafes: Danglers /table sticker/ hulk goodies – C.D and Hulk
shape pens Ith every beverage/ hulk – green apple soda.