Cardiac tamponade is a life-threatening condition caused by the accumulation of fluid in the pericardium sac surrounding the heart, which compresses the heart and restricts blood flow. The main symptoms are dyspnea, weakness, and decreased cardiac output. Diagnosis involves chest x-rays, EKGs, and echocardiograms. Treatment requires removing the fluid via pericardiocentesis or surgery. Nursing care focuses on monitoring vital signs, breathing patterns, and educating patients.
2. At the end of this presentation listeners will be to Know
o The anatomy and physiology
o Define the Cardiac Tamponade.
o Discuss the Pathophysiology.
o Causes and clinical manifestation.
o Diagnostic test and treatment.
o Nursing management and teaching.
3. Normal Pericardium
o Pericardium membrane sac surrounding the heart.
o It is consist of two layers
o There is about 50ml pericardial fluid in pericardium
Anatomy and Physiology
4. Cardiac Temponade
o It is a life threading complication
cause by accumulation of fluid in
the pericardium
o This fluid, which can be blood, pus,
or air in the pericardium sac,
accumulation fast enough and is
sufficient quantity to compress the
heart and restricted blood flow in
and out the ventricles.
o This is a cardiac emergency.
6. Etiology of Cardiac Tamponade
Chest trauma
Aortic dissection
Post M.I
Post cardiac surgeries & interventions
100-200 ml
1500-2000 ml
9. o Tachypnea
o Dyspnea
o Weakness
o syncope
o Dysphagia
o Cough
o Anorexia
o Chest pain
o Heart failure
o Pulmonary edema
o Shock
o Death
Sings Symptoms & compilations
Sign & Symptoms Complications
10. Cardiac Temponade
o Chest X-ray
o Electro cardio graphy
o ECHO cardio graphy
o Cardiac catheterization
Diagnostic Test
13. Cardiac Temponade
History. Obtain a complete
up-to-date, from the patient
and the caregiver and find
out when the symptoms
began, the extent of the
illness, and what if any
treatment was obtained.
Physical exam. Begin with a
careful review of systems.
Nursing Care plan
14. Cardiac Temponade
o Ineffective breathing pattern related to:
hyperventilation secondary to disease process
o Goal: Patterns breath effectively as evidenced
by no tachypnea, vital sign are will be normal range
within 3 to 4 hours.
o Decrease cardiac output to: reduced ventricle filling
secondary to increased inrtrapericardial pressure.
o Goal: To maintain cardiac output as evidenced
by patient Blood pressure, Pulse.
Nursing diagnosis
15. Cardiac Temponade
o Patient in sitting position if tolerate (semi flower).
o Oxygen mandatory with mask or respirator.
o Monitor the content breathing.
o Teach for deep breathing.
o Give medication as indicated.
o Monitor pulses paradoxus by checking B.P every 5-15 minutes.
o Continuously monitor ECG For dysrhyhmia formation,
o Maintain bed rest in comfortable position
o Auscultation of breath sound and heart sound.
o Provide assistive devices if needed.
o Minimized the risk of hazards that may arise.
Nursing Intervention
16. Cardiac Temponade
o Educate the patient about disease condition.
o Educate the patient about treatment.
o Educate the patient about.
o Getting regular exercise
o Getting enough sleep
o Reducing your stress
o Home medication compliance
o Emergency contact number
Home teaching
17. References
o Spodick, DH. Acute cardiac tamponade. N Engl J Med 2006;
o Internet Journal of Anesthesiology 2001: Cardiac Tamponade
Secondary To Suppurative Pericarditis. A Case Report And
Review Of The Literature
o Troughton, RW, Asher, CR, Klein, AL. Pericarditis. Lancet 2004;
o Reddy, PS, Curtiss, EI, O'Toole, JD, Shaver, JA. Cardiac
tamponade: hemodynamic observations in man. Circulation
1978; 58:265.
o Roy, CL, et al. Does this patient with a pericardial effusion
have cardiac tamponade. NEJM 2007; 297(16):1810-1818