BSides Nashville 2015Tim FowlerThis document discusses open source and why it matters, particularly for information security (InfoSec). It defines open source as software with freely available source code that can be redistributed and modified. Open source is about transparency, peer production, and distribution. It matters because it allows unrestricted access to code for audits and building upon others' work. In InfoSec, open source enables sharing knowledge and working towards common security goals without having to solve problems alone. Getting started involves asking questions, creating documentation, finding projects, and submitting fixes and improvements. Documentation is emphasized as an important yet often overlooked contribution area.
Internet safetynwagner05 Here are some recommendations for protecting students online:
- Teach media literacy and digital citizenship from an early age. Help students think critically about what they see online.
- Use browser and device controls to filter inappropriate content. Many also allow safe search and site blocking.
- Set clear rules for online behavior and privacy/security. Explain risks of oversharing personal information.
- Model positive digital interactions. Help students understand online actions have real-world consequences.
- Encourage students to tell a trusted adult if they feel unsafe or see something worrying online. Make reporting easy and ensure follow up.
- Consider online reputation management and privacy tools as students get older to help prevent issues like identity theft.
BSides Nashville 2015Tim FowlerThis document discusses open source and why it matters, particularly for information security (InfoSec). It defines open source as software with freely available source code that can be redistributed and modified. Open source is about transparency, peer production, and distribution. It matters because it allows unrestricted access to code for audits and building upon others' work. In InfoSec, open source enables sharing knowledge and working towards common security goals without having to solve problems alone. Getting started involves asking questions, creating documentation, finding projects, and submitting fixes and improvements. Documentation is emphasized as an important yet often overlooked contribution area.
Internet safetynwagner05 Here are some recommendations for protecting students online:
- Teach media literacy and digital citizenship from an early age. Help students think critically about what they see online.
- Use browser and device controls to filter inappropriate content. Many also allow safe search and site blocking.
- Set clear rules for online behavior and privacy/security. Explain risks of oversharing personal information.
- Model positive digital interactions. Help students understand online actions have real-world consequences.
- Encourage students to tell a trusted adult if they feel unsafe or see something worrying online. Make reporting easy and ensure follow up.
- Consider online reputation management and privacy tools as students get older to help prevent issues like identity theft.
Fostering Maturity Through a Security Lifecycle: An OSS Case StudyTim FowlerThis document appears to be a slide presentation about fostering security maturity through a security lifecycle. Some key points made in the slides include that compliance does not equal security, gaining insight is important for security, and that open source tools can help organizations gain insight into their systems in a cost effective way without disrupting business. The presentation discusses doing an inventory of all systems and assets as the first step to develop a baseline understanding of normal activity to detect any suspicious activity.
Hacker Halted 2014: When Zombies Take to the AirwavesTim FowlerHacker Halted
Atlanta, GA
Thursday, October 16 2014
In a post-apocalyptic world, communication is going to be crucial for the survival and zombies alike. Long range, paid, and mobile communication is going to be a must in order to properly organize, defend and ultimately survive. So naturally wireless communication is going to be a critical infrastructure but how will it hold up? Can it be leveraged to give us the upper hand? The idea behind this talk is to demonstrate how existing 802.11 technologies can be used to not only provide the critical communication medium needed to organize but that we can also use the same technology to disrupt the zombie efforts to do the same. In this talk we will look at some of the weaknesses in wireless technologies that can be used to compromise the zombies communications, find their location to prepare defenses, disrupt the flow of information and if neeed be, take down the entire system. The truth is that we already have a world full of zombies in the form of consumers and the threat to their beloved communication mediums actually put them at risk. At the end of the talk I will show hos this stuff is not only possible but how it is happening in the world today.
DolorAna RebolledoEl documento define el dolor y clasifica sus diferentes tipos. Explica que el dolor puede ser agudo o crónico, dependiendo de su duración. El dolor agudo tiene una función protectora, mientras que el dolor crónico persiste más allá de la lesión y tiene mayores repercusiones psicológicas y sociales. Además, clasifica el dolor en nociceptivo, que resulta de la activación de receptores, y neuropático, que se origina por lesión del sistema nervioso.
Dawnofthe zombiesJennifer SmithProject 1 involved a one-day photo shoot with 16 zombie models, 2 victim models, and a torso model named Billy Ray. Over 300 shots were taken in various styles using different films, filters, and photo adjustments. The photographer did all the makeup, special effects, and prosthetic work for the models. A story was written to accompany the photos, which were credited to the photographer's artist name of Siobhan Keith. All work for the project was original.
B-Sides Asheville 2014: Wifi...WTF?!?!Tim FowlerTalk given on June 7th, 2014 at B-Sides Asheville. A 30,000 foot overview of just what is possible in terms of wireless attacks
Cyclic steam injection in the quiriquire field of venezuelaJessica Flores MartínezThis document summarizes Creole Petroleum Corporation's testing of cyclic steam injection in the Quiriquire Field of Venezuela over four years. The best results were from intermittent ("huff and puff") steam injection into wells, with one well producing 60% more oil over 490 days following steam injection than expected without stimulation. However, results varied between wells. Creole plans a more extensive steam injection program based on lessons learned from the initial tests.
SonyFov Heng LiuSony faced several challenges over the past decade that contributed to losses, including failed transformations in the game console and Blu-ray markets due to high prices, the global economic crisis in Europe and Japan, an arrogant attitude that led them to reject partnerships with Apple and Microsoft, and natural disasters like the 2011 Tsunami and Thailand floods that damaged production facilities.
Sensory Perception: A DIY Approach to Building a Sensor NetworkTim FowlerThis document provides an overview of building a distributed sensor network called the Harbinger Sensor Network Project (HSNP) for collecting wireless traffic data and performing analytics. The HSNP has three stages: 1) creating sensor nodes using inexpensive hardware like Raspberry Pis to passively collect wireless data, 2) centralized data management to aggregate the sensor data, and 3) analytics and visualizations of the collected data. The document outlines the objectives, requirements, hardware suggestions, data schema, sensor code, and considerations for designing and deploying the sensor network grid.
Posting & trial balyrrel- The document shows ledger accounts for various transactions recorded throughout January.
- Cash received $25,000 from Martinez, Capital on January 1st.
- The transactions were recorded in the general journal and posted to the relevant ledger accounts.
- Balances of the ledger accounts were determined by adding debits and credits.
Water crisis n3.5Fov Heng LiuThe document summarizes the reasons and effects of the global water crisis. It discusses that 80% of the world's population lives in areas with threats to water security and that natural factors like climate change as well as human factors like pollution and deforestation are causing the crisis. The effects include negative impacts on agriculture, industry, and human lives.
Entrepreneurship1Fov Heng LiuThis document discusses entrepreneurship among youth and its importance. It outlines key elements of entrepreneurship like innovation, creative insights, and self-motivation. Fostering entrepreneurship in youth through parental coaching, schooling, and government support can boost the global economy by adding competitive edge, promoting new fields, and encouraging development in impoverished areas. The document also discusses social entrepreneurship and how it addresses social needs not met by governments or businesses through creating both social and economic value like job creation and innovation.
Adjusting the accountsyrrelThe document discusses the periodicity concept in accounting and the need for adjustments. It covers the types of accounting periods including fiscal year, calendar year, and interim periods. It also discusses the revenue and expense recognition principles. The main types of adjustments are for deferrals, such as prepaid expenses and depreciation, and for accruals. Examples are provided for recording prepaid rent and supplies using both the asset and expense methods. Depreciation is also explained as an allocation of the cost of long-term assets over their estimated useful lives.