3. ## TipTip : :
 It is an American action film It is an American action film
…… based on the 1998based on the 1998 comiccomic
seriesseries of the same name ...of the same name ...
4. It was filmed with a super-impositionIt was filmed with a super-imposition
chroma key technique, to replicate thechroma key technique, to replicate the
image of the original comic bookimage of the original comic book
The trama goes around King Leonidas ...The trama goes around King Leonidas ...
5. who leads 300 Spartans into battle againstwho leads 300 Spartans into battle against
Persian ''god-king'' Xerxes (RodrigoPersian ''god-king'' Xerxes (Rodrigo
8. 2003 American–Australian science fiction2003 American–Australian science fiction
Six months afterthe events of the first movie,Six months afterthe events of the first movie,
Neo and Trinity are now lovers.Neo and Trinity are now lovers.
9. It contains numerous references toIt contains numerous references to
philosophical and religious ideas ...philosophical and religious ideas ...
It Is known forpopularizing aIt Is known forpopularizing a
visual effect known as ''bullet time''visual effect known as ''bullet time''
10. It says that we live in a simulatedIt says that we live in a simulated