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Randaberg Norway
Senior Physicist
Technology / Software / Internet
I have excellent experience in the following fields: X-ray imaging and spectroscopy, X-ray scanning, oil-well inspection, radiation physics, nuclear physics, solid-state physics, programming, electronics, radiation solid-state and gaseous detectors.
Contact Details


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亅从仗亠-从仂仆仂仍 仍舒弍 舒亟亳仂舒从亳于仆 亳仂仆亳从仂于 于 亞亰仂于 从仂仆亠亶仆亠舒 仆舒 舒亟亳亳 亳 舒亰亞亰从亳 于 仗仂 (Andrii Sofiienko)
亅从仗亠-从仂仆仂仍 仍舒弍 舒亟亳仂舒从亳于仆 亳仂仆亳从仂于 于 亞亰仂于 从仂仆亠亶仆亠舒 仆舒 舒亟亳亳 亳 舒亰亞亰从亳 于 仗仂 (Andrii Sofiienko)亅从仗亠-从仂仆仂仍 仍舒弍 舒亟亳仂舒从亳于仆 亳仂仆亳从仂于 于 亞亰仂于 从仂仆亠亶仆亠舒 仆舒 舒亟亳亳 亳 舒亰亞亰从亳 于 仗仂 (Andrii Sofiienko)
亅从仗亠-从仂仆仂仍 仍舒弍 舒亟亳仂舒从亳于仆 亳仂仆亳从仂于 于 亞亰仂于 从仂仆亠亶仆亠舒 仆舒 舒亟亳亳 亳 舒亰亞亰从亳 于 仗仂 (Andrii Sofiienko)
LabView Workshop
LabView WorkshopLabView Workshop
LabView Workshop
Monte Carlo simulations of production of collimated panoramic X-rays using a conical anode-type X-ray tube
Monte Carlo simulations of production of collimated panoramic X-rays using a conical anode-type X-ray tubeMonte Carlo simulations of production of collimated panoramic X-rays using a conical anode-type X-ray tube
Monte Carlo simulations of production of collimated panoramic X-rays using a conical anode-type X-ray tube


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CV and list of publications andrii sofiienko
CV and list of publications andrii sofiienkoCV and list of publications andrii sofiienko
CV and list of publications andrii sofiienko
Novel Emergency Detectors of Gamma Radiation for Nuclear Power Plants - MNPK PAE-9_2011
Novel Emergency Detectors of Gamma Radiation for Nuclear Power Plants - MNPK PAE-9_2011Novel Emergency Detectors of Gamma Radiation for Nuclear Power Plants - MNPK PAE-9_2011
Novel Emergency Detectors of Gamma Radiation for Nuclear Power Plants - MNPK PAE-9_2011
Monte Carlo simulations of production of collimated panoramic X-rays using a conical anode-type X-ray tube (Andrii Sofiienko)
Monte Carlo simulations of production of collimated panoramic X-rays using a conical anode-type X-ray tube (Andrii Sofiienko)Monte Carlo simulations of production of collimated panoramic X-rays using a conical anode-type X-ray tube (Andrii Sofiienko)
Monte Carlo simulations of production of collimated panoramic X-rays using a conical anode-type X-ray tube (Andrii Sofiienko)