LabView WorkshopAndrii SofiienkoThis document provides a review for Workshop 6 of a LabVIEW training course. It includes 5 review questions about subVIs, documentation, and file I/O functions. It also covers topics like graphs and charts, error handling, debugging, variables, race conditions, and semaphores. The document encourages students to study guides, old exams, and webcasts in preparation for an upcoming review session.
Monte Carlo simulations of production of collimated panoramic X-rays using a ...Andrii SofiienkoMonte Carlo simulations of production of collimated panoramic X-rays using a conical anode-type X-ray tube
CV and list of publications andrii sofiienkoAndrii SofiienkoThis document is a resume for Andrii Sofiienko, a research scientist with over 10 years of experience in research and development, scientific programming, and physics. It summarizes his work history in scientific roles focused on x-ray imaging, spectroscopy, modeling of radiation detectors, and more. It also lists his education including a PhD in solid-state physics and qualifications as an experimental nuclear physicist and expert in radiation measurement systems.
Monte Carlo simulations of production of collimated panoramic X-rays using a ...Andrii SofiienkoMonte Carlo simulations of production of collimated panoramic X-rays using a conical anode-type X-ray tube
Evaluation of monocrystalline ZnSe as a high-temperature radiation detectorAndrii SofiienkoThis document evaluates monocrystalline ZnSe as a high-temperature radiation detector. It finds that undoped ZnSe crystals have an extremely low dark conductivity of around 200 pA at 150°C. Spectrometric measurements using a 57Co source show ZnSe can effectively detect gamma and X-rays with a counting efficiency close to maximum in the range of 500-750V between 20-130°C. The results indicate ZnSe can be used as an effective radiometric detector for gamma and X-rays over a wide temperature range up to at least 130°C.
Andrii Sofiienko - Electron range evaluation and X-ray conversion optimizatio...Andrii SofiienkoElectron range evaluation and X-ray conversion optimization in tungsten transmission-type targets with the aid of wide electron beam Monte Carlo simulations
Fire detection automated system (Andrii Sofiienko)Andrii SofiienkoThe development of the optimal structure and design of the automated video monitoring system of fires
Discovery of Helium (Andrii Sofiienko)Andrii SofiienkoThe document provides an overview of the discovery and properties of helium. It discusses how helium was first observed in the sun's spectrum in 1868 and isolated on Earth in 1895. Key facts include that helium is the second most abundant element in the universe, it was produced shortly after the Big Bang, and nuclear fusion reactions in the sun convert hydrogen to helium. The document also summarizes helium's chemical and physical properties, phases including liquid helium, isotopes, spectroscopy, astronomy connections, and practical applications such as cryogenics.
Сучасні технічні засоби контролю для АЕС (Andrii Sofiienko)Andrii SofiienkoСучасні технічні засоби контролю та вимірювань радіаційних забруднень персоналу АЕС та інших радіаційно-небезпечних об'єктів
ZnSe detectors - experimental methods and results 2011Andrii SofiienkoStudy of X-ray induced conductivity of ZnSe and the development of high-temperature detectors of ionizing radiation
Technology of ZnSe detectors 2011Andrii SofiienkoThis document outlines the basic process for manufacturing ZnSe detectors for thickness gauges in 7 steps:
1) The purchase and precleaning of ZnSe powder and growth of single crystals.
2) Cutting, grinding, and polishing of ZnSe samples.
3) Optical control of crystals to check for impurities and surface quality.
4) Deposition of multilayer electrical contacts using resistive deposition of copper and silver layers.
5) Control of conductivity through current-voltage characteristics and temperature dependence.
6) Assembly of the detector and measuring unit.
7) Control of detectors at different temperatures and
ZnSe spectrumAndrii SofiienkoZnSe is a sensor that was used to measure X-rays. Recent measurements from a ZnSe sensor produced by R&PC ARVINA in Ukraine found it had dark conductivity of less than 200 pA when heated to 150 0C, showing modern ZnSe samples have low dark conductivity at elevated temperatures.
Alpha decay - physical background and practical applicationsAndrii SofiienkoThis document provides background information on alpha decay, including its discovery, experimental observations, and theoretical explanations. It discusses how alpha decay was first observed in uranium salts and describes the four main types of radioactivity. The document outlines experiments showing that alpha particles have a charge of +2 and consist of two protons and two neutrons. It also summarizes George Gamow's 1928 quantum tunneling theory of alpha decay, which explained how alpha particles can escape the nucleus despite facing a Coulomb barrier. The theory predicts the relationship between half-life and emission energy that had previously been observed empirically.
Influence of the photo- and X-ray excitation intensity on the conductivity an...Andrii SofiienkoThis document reports on an experimental investigation of the photoconductivity and luminescence of ZnSe under different levels of X-ray excitation. It found that the intensities of photo-induced and X-ray induced luminescence in ZnSe polycrystals and monocrystals have a linear dependence on excitation levels at high intensities, with some non-linearity at low intensities. It also found that the charge carrier recombination kinetics processes are similar for photo-excitation and X-ray excitation. Additionally, it observed less non-linearity in the relationship between conductivity current and excitation level for ZnSe polycrystals at 90K compared to higher temperatures.
Kinetics of X-ray conductivity for an ideal wide-gap semiconductor irradiated...Andrii SofiienkoThis document discusses the development of a kinetic theory to describe the X-ray conductivity (XRC) of semiconductors and dielectrics when irradiated by X-rays. It begins by outlining the need for such a theory and which characteristics it should describe. It then presents the initial stages of developing the theory, including modeling an ideal semiconductor at low excitation levels and deriving expressions for the spatial distribution of free electrons and holes and their lifetimes. The document also examines how the electric field of free charge carriers affects the distributions as excitation increases and considers incorporating the Coulomb interaction between carriers.
Andrii Sofiienko - Electron range evaluation and X-ray conversion optimizatio...Andrii SofiienkoElectron range evaluation and X-ray conversion optimization in tungsten transmission-type targets with the aid of wide electron beam Monte Carlo simulations
Fire detection automated system (Andrii Sofiienko)Andrii SofiienkoThe development of the optimal structure and design of the automated video monitoring system of fires
Discovery of Helium (Andrii Sofiienko)Andrii SofiienkoThe document provides an overview of the discovery and properties of helium. It discusses how helium was first observed in the sun's spectrum in 1868 and isolated on Earth in 1895. Key facts include that helium is the second most abundant element in the universe, it was produced shortly after the Big Bang, and nuclear fusion reactions in the sun convert hydrogen to helium. The document also summarizes helium's chemical and physical properties, phases including liquid helium, isotopes, spectroscopy, astronomy connections, and practical applications such as cryogenics.
Сучасні технічні засоби контролю для АЕС (Andrii Sofiienko)Andrii SofiienkoСучасні технічні засоби контролю та вимірювань радіаційних забруднень персоналу АЕС та інших радіаційно-небезпечних об'єктів
ZnSe detectors - experimental methods and results 2011Andrii SofiienkoStudy of X-ray induced conductivity of ZnSe and the development of high-temperature detectors of ionizing radiation
Technology of ZnSe detectors 2011Andrii SofiienkoThis document outlines the basic process for manufacturing ZnSe detectors for thickness gauges in 7 steps:
1) The purchase and precleaning of ZnSe powder and growth of single crystals.
2) Cutting, grinding, and polishing of ZnSe samples.
3) Optical control of crystals to check for impurities and surface quality.
4) Deposition of multilayer electrical contacts using resistive deposition of copper and silver layers.
5) Control of conductivity through current-voltage characteristics and temperature dependence.
6) Assembly of the detector and measuring unit.
7) Control of detectors at different temperatures and
ZnSe spectrumAndrii SofiienkoZnSe is a sensor that was used to measure X-rays. Recent measurements from a ZnSe sensor produced by R&PC ARVINA in Ukraine found it had dark conductivity of less than 200 pA when heated to 150 0C, showing modern ZnSe samples have low dark conductivity at elevated temperatures.
Alpha decay - physical background and practical applicationsAndrii SofiienkoThis document provides background information on alpha decay, including its discovery, experimental observations, and theoretical explanations. It discusses how alpha decay was first observed in uranium salts and describes the four main types of radioactivity. The document outlines experiments showing that alpha particles have a charge of +2 and consist of two protons and two neutrons. It also summarizes George Gamow's 1928 quantum tunneling theory of alpha decay, which explained how alpha particles can escape the nucleus despite facing a Coulomb barrier. The theory predicts the relationship between half-life and emission energy that had previously been observed empirically.
Influence of the photo- and X-ray excitation intensity on the conductivity an...Andrii SofiienkoThis document reports on an experimental investigation of the photoconductivity and luminescence of ZnSe under different levels of X-ray excitation. It found that the intensities of photo-induced and X-ray induced luminescence in ZnSe polycrystals and monocrystals have a linear dependence on excitation levels at high intensities, with some non-linearity at low intensities. It also found that the charge carrier recombination kinetics processes are similar for photo-excitation and X-ray excitation. Additionally, it observed less non-linearity in the relationship between conductivity current and excitation level for ZnSe polycrystals at 90K compared to higher temperatures.
Kinetics of X-ray conductivity for an ideal wide-gap semiconductor irradiated...Andrii SofiienkoThis document discusses the development of a kinetic theory to describe the X-ray conductivity (XRC) of semiconductors and dielectrics when irradiated by X-rays. It begins by outlining the need for such a theory and which characteristics it should describe. It then presents the initial stages of developing the theory, including modeling an ideal semiconductor at low excitation levels and deriving expressions for the spatial distribution of free electrons and holes and their lifetimes. The document also examines how the electric field of free charge carriers affects the distributions as excitation increases and considers incorporating the Coulomb interaction between carriers.
ZnSe high temperature radiation detectors (Andrii Sofiienko 2012)Andrii Sofiienko
Экспресс-контроль слабых радиоактивных источников в грузовых контейнерах на стадии их разгрузки в порту (Andrii Sofiienko)
1. Экспресс-контроль слабых
радиоактивных источников в грузовых
контейнерах на стадии их разгрузки в
Технический директор
Курьянов Виктор Иванович
Главный физик-начальник НИЛ, к.ф.-м.н.
Софиенко Андрей Алексеевич
2. Контроль грузовых контейнеров в портах Украины
При разгрузке грузовых контейнеров в порту с судна актуальной
задачей является радиологический контроль груза. Современные
методы контроля, используемые на территории Украины, не
подразумевают автоматизации этого процесса и выполняются
сотрудниками экологических служб в ручном режиме, или же на
стадии провоза уже разгруженных контейнеров через
стационарные радиационные мониторы.
Влияние человеческого фактора негативно сказывается на
качестве обнаружения в грузовых контейнерах слабых
радиоактивных веществ. Поэтому на сегодняшний день
актуальной задачей является разработка новых
автоматизированных методов экспресс - контроля грузов.
3. Время выгрузки контейнера: 30-60 с;
Средний вес контейнера: 40-60 тонн;
Скорость движения: 40-200 м/мин;
Объем контейнеров: 38–85 м3.
Захват и перенос контейнера осуществляется специальным
подъемным устройством – спредером. Методика проведения
измерений и система детектирования, размещённая над крышкой
контейнера в спредере, должны обеспечивать измерение 30%
превышения мощности дозы над фоновым значением за время
измерения не более 30 с – до того момента, когда контейнер будет
Условия контроля и требования к измерительной системе
4. Структурная схема измерительной системы
Структурная схема измерительной системы для контроля радиоактивности
грузов в транспортных морских контейнерах представлена на рис. 1.
Рис. 1. Структурная схема измерительной системы
5. 5
Оптимальный выбор детектора
Учитывая размеры контейнера и наихудший вариант расположения источника
излучения в контейнере, была разработана система радиационного контроля на
основе панелей пластикового сцинтиллятора большой площади (2500 см2).
Таблица 1. Минимальная детектируемая активность 60Co (L = 6 м), t = 30 с:
положение источника №1: 75 кБк; положение источника №2: 115 кБк;
положение источника №3: 3 кБк; положение источника №4: 35 кБк;
При контроле 12-ти
метровых контейнеров
необходимо установить 2
измерительные панели
6. 6
Оптимальный выбор детектора
За счет длительного времени измерений стационарной панелью детекторов
чувствительность предлагаемой системы выше, чем у портальных транспортных
мониторов в 4 - 5 раз (соответствие требованиям МАГАТЭ «Technical and Functional
specifications for Border Monitoring Equipment »).
Таблица 2. Минимальная детектируемая активность 137Cs (L = 6 м), t = 30 с:
положение источника №1: 145 кБк; положение источника №2: 225 кБк;
положение источника №3: 5 кБк; положение источника №4: 65 кБк;
При контроле 12-ти
метровых контейнеров
необходимо установить 2
измерительные панели
7. 7
Сравнение с классической методикой обследования
При обследовании контейнера по классической методике – обход по
периметру с использованием ручного блока детектирования получим, что
минимальная детектируемая активность источника, который находится в
центре контейнера:
Amin ( 60Co) 140 кБк - при контроле на спредере 115 кБк;
Аmin (137Cs) 290 кБк - при контроле на спредере 225 кБк;
8. 8
Значение температуры окружающего воздуха от - 30 0С
до +50 0С;
Значение относительной влажности окружающего
воздуха 95 % при температуре 35 0С и более низких
температурах, без конденсации влаги;
Степень защиты: IP54;
Атмосферное давление от 84 кПа до 107 кПа;
Стойкость к вибрациям.
Блок детектирования в
защитном корпусе
к радиомодулю Wi-Fi
Технические средства измерения гамма-излучения
9. 9
Использование блоков детектирования на основе панелей
пластикового сцинтиллятора большой площади (2500 см2) позволяет
разработать систему радиационного экспресс-контроля грузовых
Для надежного выявления низкоактивных источников цезия (5-225
кБк) и кобальта (3-115 кБк) в контейнерах длиной 6 м необходима
одна измерительная панель, а в контейнерах длиной 12 м – 2 панели;
Технические характеристики предложенной системы экспресс-
контроля радиоактивности грузов в контейнерах на стадии их
разгрузки позволяют обнаружить источники гамма-излучения на
ранней стадии до их провоза через транспортные портальные