as a CHILD I've oweis cried 4 i cnt express myself.
wen i was YOUNG I've expected 2 get oL i wanted;
Im an ADULT now, I can still cry but those tears r not of frustration but of strength.I cant get everything i want but i rather have 2 work 4 it.Now, I often luk at myself and begin 2 wonder wat life is trying 2 find the real me and wanting 2 experience life has to offer.
Turning 19,I feel ready 2 face the real me and wanting 2 face the blows of life 2 make despite the trials that come my way. Simply bcoz da sweet young girl is now a "LADY"
2 da pipol hu hav been wit me and spent part of 19years of living, THANKYUUSOMUCH. U hav helped me be the person that i am 2day :DD