i'm NOT a simple girl!!!
Nice to know u friends..
My name is anindya titis prasetyani
U can call me Tya / Titis / Anin.. its up to you baby.. :*
I'm 16 years old.. I love japan and france, n ofc english..
Hi,i hate stupid question..
Such as:
*hey, is that ur name like "tits", hellow, wtf! Ofc not idiotic, my name titis. Thats very different with tist.
*where do u live? Hell (ofc, not, lol)
*do i know u?
(ha,i know u in the hell, lmao)
ofc, not, if u know me why u ask me like that!
*can u speak with indonesian language?? Omg,ofc yea.. Hellow im from indonesia..
*owh, ur sexy baby! (wtf! Am not, am just a cute girl) but thanks if u think, am sexy.. Lol
*wanna kiss me? (