heyyy!!!! ^o^ howie u all??? :3
I'm just a regular not so extraordinary girl, who loves art and just likes to hav fun ^_^
Im a Swiftie, a Glambert, a YouTube addict and also a HUUUUUGE Danosaur, so dontcha dare say anythin bad bout em :P
I luvv horror stuff n im a HUGE anime/manga fan.
Like, literally, ANIME AND MANGAS ARE MY LIFE!!! T^T Otaku forever :')
P.S. I hate JB n 1D, so please, do not expect me to talk bout dem. -_-
Also, Im a huuge music addict... i listen to most genres of music: Rock, Pop, Jazz, R&B etc..... ^_^
I'm pretty nice to almost everyone.
I dont care what you are, where you're from, what you did. As long as you're nice to me, I'll b